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Do NOthing Congress Leaves Us Wanting

In 2005, more than 12,000 people trekked to Crawford TX to support Cindy Sheehan and to gain energy and strength from one another. Many of them went back to their own communities and have worked for peace ever since. Here is an essay from one of those original people.

Barbara Cummings

We wouldn't be in this mess if our Congress had once stood up for the people in the past eight years. The only thing Congress is interested in these days is covering their rear-ends, and passing legislation to protect the Government from The People. One has to ask why they are so afraid of their own constituencies. Perhaps it is because they know more than we do about what they are actually up to, and how they have betrayed us?

It did us no good to unseat half of Congress in the last election, and Party doesn't seem to matter much. The Democrats have had enough on this Administration to throw most of them in the Hague for at least six years. The Enron and other scandals, and Cheney's secret meetings with these people were only the beginning, and were completely overshadowed by 911 and subsequent events, such as the Iraq War and the use of our military as human sacrifices for the Energy Industry, not to mention trillions of tax dollars and debts incurred in the process.

Contrary to what this article implies Congress has been very busy seeing to it that Americans are kept in their places. The MCA, FISA, Partial Birth Abortion Ruling, not to mention their refusal to prosecute a President who has broken our laws time after time. Nancy Pelosi's immediate announcement that no Impeachment proceedings would be entertained was the first sign of things to come, or rather NOT to come. They have been very busy turning a blind eye to fixed elections, border control, healthcare and America's plunge into the abyss of economic disaster and ruin. While it is true as your article implies they have busied themselves with many unimportant and even ridiculous tasks, they have also been busy seeing to it that Americans wishes are ignored and freedoms are undermined.

The cages and holding pens that have been constructed in Denver to "contain" America's own unhappy citizenry and see to it that it is easy for the Media to ignore them and film what they want the public to see, not what the public is really up to, is a perfect example of their real attitudes. Imprison and hide all those who disagree. How long will it be before we are executing all those who disagree like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler did? Americans have problems with reality. They have problems with reality because we never see much reality unless you happen to be poor and are living reality. But the time is drawing near, when we as citizens will no longer be able to ignore the facts that we are no longer a free people with a chance at a piece of the pie.

We have a few honest voices in Congress who are minimized, rebuked, and ignored. Soon they will be silenced. I fear America will have to suffer the horrors that other countries have before they understand what has happened to their beloved Democracy. Most of the citizens of this country see absolutely nothing wrong with making it's own citizens enemies of the State if they disagree with the Government. Until they experience the outrage of being locked up, tasered or having a loved one killed by the state they will go on believing that we are a free country, and that all these acts serve to "protect" Americans.

Our only hope is for the injustices to climb the ladder. For now, most injustices are inflicted upon the lower classes. People without much power, and who are perceived not to matter by most of America, for America has developed a class system. Our class system is even worse than those devised in other countries, in the past by bloodlines or even military revolutions. Aristocracy devised by bloodlines usually results in a few poor or at least less well off members. Military revolutions are obvious. Our class system is based purely on wealth. America has no clear bloodlines to aristocracy for we were a nation formed by the outcasts of England and other countries, so we have devised our own path to aristocracy, MONEY. Congress has become a stepping stone for achieving this wealth. Within two years after being elected they are multimillionaires, regardless of their worth before being elected.

There is only one path left to save ourselves, we must make it illegal for any Representative of the People to receive money from Special Interests, and prosecute ALL those who have broken our laws by undermining our Constitution. We no longer have a choice, and anything less than acting on this will not stop the downward spiral we are experiencing. Lobbyists should be allowed to PETITION the Government, not BUY the Government.

I always wondered why no one thought that electing George H. Bush, and George W. Bush was not a conflict of interest. Anytime I brought this up, people laughed at me, and some claimed that the Bush Family had given up it's interests in Oil. Is it any wonder that our country has now adopted oil as our currency, and that our people are being used up in the quest and the battle for possession of the world's oil? When you put Oil Barons in charge what will be the result? Even before George H. Bush was Vice President, then President he was using his power in Government as a Representative and Director of the CIA to reshape America into a country controlled by wealth and oil. Who could ever believe that allowing, even implementing the formation of OPEC would benefit anyone other than those with vast oil interests?

It is so funny to me to hear all these accusations about Obama being a "Muslim." It is the Bush family that have the association with Muslims, and have had these associations for decades. Is it a stretch to think they ARE Muslim? Well, yes it is, because their God is Oil. They have not only fooled Americans, they have fooled the Muslims, and stolen away their wealth by completely restructuring the Mideast, and making a few Muslims extremely rich. Now, they have completely restructured America by implementing unfair trade agreements, negating our Anti Trust legislation, importing cheap labor, outsourcing our jobs, doing away with our powerful labor unions that protected the people, and controlling our election process. They have made a few Americans extremely rich. We are fast approaching being in the same position as most of the people in the Mideast. We are having our wealth stolen from us. Our hard work and our sacrifices will be to no avail, for we are controlled by a few rich men who's goals are only to acquire more power, more wealth and care nothing for any people of any land.

Most Democrats have contributed to this, all the while being demonized by the GOP, until both parties are now mostly comprised of the same kind of people. The Rich or the wannabe Rich. The wannabe Rich are just as dangerous as the Rich, for they are hungry for opulence and status.

Our road back to Democracy is not going to be easy, and it is not going to take place overnight. It is not going to be accomplished by just voting, or contributing money to recognized candidates. Americans are going to have to unite and stop allowing themselves to be divided by Party platforms that are never really followed anyway. These platforms are just propaganda staged to fool the people into thinking these parties actually stand for something. It is hard to realize that our past methods will no longer work for us. I even find myself drifting off into the dreams of change after this next election quite often. I have to kick myself, and remind myself that it is not going to be that easy. A change of Administration will be a relief, no doubt but will it really be a change? I do not believe it will be a change unless the people DEMAND a change. We will have to use methods that we have not taken up since our American Revolution, while incorporating technology and dodging a Government with powerful weapons and who now own the Media.

We will have to go back to talking to one another, instead of "watching" one another. Americans are no longer allowed to view reality. The Internet is one way to do this, but the only real effective way is to do this in person. We are going to have to unplug, get together devise plans, stop arguing about "morals" and "family values." We have to figure out ways to oust those who would undermine us or use us, and become a wave of humanity that will be unstoppable. The truth is, these atrocities and injustices cannot be perpetrated upon humanity without our own cooperation. It is our money, our own citizens, and children they are using against us.

I recently came back from the Crawford Peace House, and Camp Casey, where I reconnected with some very dedicated people, some are noted such as Ann Wright and Bree Walker, but most are ordinary, everyday people, except they are willing to sacrifice their energy, time, and money for the cause of peace, justice and freedom. They came from all over, and they all have different talents and ideas. I find these people amazing and they humble me. People asked me why I went there. I went there to find out what people are doing, and how I could help them do it. I went there to receive their energy, and to infuse them with some of my energy. I went there because George Bush was there, and I did not want him to think we have given up. I know the Bush Family has not given up just because "W" is nearing the end of his occupation of the White House.

Mikal Hutto
Pasadena, Texas


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