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Meanwhile, back in Detroit...

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I just noticed from the floor that there's a second gallery.

We must have 200 people here!

Cong. Conyers is addressing the group and thanking us all for attending. I'd be remiss in not mentioning that the meeting was opened by Robert Sedler from here in the Law School.

I also must mentioned that this BLOG is being hosted by Michigan's Justice Caucus, an affiliate of the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA).

Tony Tripiano (SP?) will be hosting the meeting and calling up the speakers. He is speaking persuasively ; calling upon all of us to act on our feelings and call out those who have lied to us all.

Congresswoman Lee Town Hall: Steve Cobble, a founder of

Steve Cobble, a founder of, took the stage at 11:15 a.m.

Steve read from the Downing Street Memo, highlighting a few key phrases from that document. "The Foreign Secretary said he would discuss this with Colin Powell this week. It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force. The Attorney-General said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action."

PDA Activist Live Audio-Blogs at Conyers event in Detroit...

Downing Street Memo Town Hall Meeting in Detroit:
First post here:

Original audio posts at:

Congresswoman Lee Town Hall: The Action Begins

Flyers literally flew toward the illustrious bloggers when Medea Bengamin of Global Exchange and Code Pink introduced Barbara Lee to a firey crowd (anyone who's ever been to a rally when President Clinton finally showed up after his minimum hour and a half delay knows what I'm talking about).

Lee spoke of beginning a movement to get the administration to come up with a plan to "withdraw [from Iraq] as soon as possible, like now!" After a little more crowd pumping ("We know what's right...internationally and domestically"), Lee cited the recent CBS poll that said only 17% of Americans believe the war in Iraq has actually reduced terrorism.

Congresswoman Lee Town Hall: Full House Chants "Impeach Bush"

As a standing-room only house awaits the beginning of the program, a section of the crowd started chanting "Impeach Bush!" -- and more people are still streaming in.

As Robert mentioned, Lee will be joined by Berkeley's Daniel Ellsberg, a former government worker famed for leaking the "Pentagon Papers" on U.S. decision-making in Vietnam in 1971. Also on the panel in the front of the theater is Steve Cobble, an activist and co-founder of and Bill Mitchell of Atascadero, a Gold Star Families for Peace co-founder whose son, U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Mitchell, 25, was killed in Baghdad.

Congresswoman Lee Town Hall: Welcome

By 10:45, Alan Michaan's movie palace was already half full, with activists of all stripes wide awake despite the early hour for a Saturday morning, destributing flyers, looking for friends, and some even tried to carry out their morning routines (reading the paper, drinking coffee), despite the hubub. The Congresswoman herself welcomed many of the attendees, who poured in with casual/political attire in sharp contrast to Lee's staff and security (who watched over with sharp eyes and suits). In fact, by this time the blue-ribbon panel, including Daniel Ellsberg (who published the Pentagon Papers) was already assembled on stage.

Pre-Event Welcome: Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Town Hall

Good morning. My name is Keith Kamisugi and I'll be covering Congresswoman Barbara Lee's town hall meeting highlighting the Bush administration’s failure to address the questions raised by the Downing Street Memo and other documents. Today, July 23, marks the third anniversary of the Downing Street meeting between U.S and British officials whose minutes have prompted questions that intelligence was "fixed" to justify invasion.

We're here at the historic Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland. Opened in 1926, the theatre was designed by Reid Brothers, the same firm that designed the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco and the Oaks Theater in Berkeley. It was also here that I saw the premiere of Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" in a packed house.

Mad Hatters in the UK

Given the fact that the Mad Hatter's Teaparty planned for Downing Street had to be postponed due to the security situation in London; activists from Bedford Stop the War took the party to Bedford town centre. As well as recreating the Downing Street meeting, we were able to express our view that Bush and Blair are part of the problem, NOT part of the solution, and for the future stability of the world they must both go.

We had some quizzical interest, and were delighted to recruit a new member.

Bedford is 50 miles north of London and at one time was the most culturally diverse town in the country. We are home to over 100 different people groups, and 60 different languages are spoken here.

"America is very alive right now"

Ann is 86 and a veteran of almost 70 years of activism. Stephen is younger, but has white hair and a twinkle in his eye. Sarah is younger still, and has been protesting for only a few years; but she just came back from London, where, she says "Everyone knows about the Downing Street Minutes."

All are in front of Rockefeller Plaza, and the NBC Studios, to remind passersby about the mideia's silence on the reasons we went to war in Iraq.

You can see photos and read more here.

It is a lovely day here in NYC.

Today's Plans in Houston

Former Diplomat speaks on the Downing St. Memo SAT

Sat. July 23 The Downing Street Minutes - Teach in and film with former diplomat Ann Wright

When: 7-9:30 p.m., Saturday, July 23 Where: 5200 Fannin Street at Southmore, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston, TX 77004, 713.526.5200

Background: The Downing Street Minutes (DSM) are the minutes of a meeting between Prime Minister Tony Blair and his advisers, which were leaked to a London newspaper. They show conclusively that Bush deceived the American people and the world by saying he would try to avoid war when he had in fact already decided to invade Iraq.

Bob Fertik's Remarks at New York City Town Hall

Here are the prepared remarks of Co-Founder and President Bob Fertik for today's Town Hall Forum with Congressman Maurice Hinchey in New York City.

PowerPoint Previews Discussion at Texas Event

The DSM Day Event in Winnie-Stowell, Texas, today will use this Power Point to lead a discussion:

It's DSM Day!

Today, Saturday, July 23rd, is DSM Day, the three-year anniversary of the Downing Street Meeting. We have over 350 events planned!

If you are participating in an event, we encourage you to do more than participate:


If you would like a password that will allow you to post reports on the website, please send us your name, Email address, and which event you'll be attending or hosting.

Otherwise, simply Email reports as soon as you can to

If you post reports on your own site, we can post a short blurb on ours and link to you.

Mimi Kennedy Joining Oakland Event

Congresswoman Barbara Lee has invited Progressive Democrats of America Board President Mimi Kennedy up from Los Angeles to take part in today's Town Hall Forum in Oakland.

Kennedy commented:"I'm standing with Barbara Lee because she stands for an American foriegn policy, including a response to violence and terror, that is not based on murder and vengeance -- and that is the only response that can make America and the world truly secure."

Kennedy is best known as Abby, Dharma's hippie mom, on TV's "Dharma and Greg," but many remember her late-night appearances on Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect," railing at right-wing pundits. Movies include "Pump Up The Volume," "Erin Brokovich" and "Buddy." Work on Dennis Kucinich's anti-war presidential campaign led to founding support for Progressive Democrats of America, of which she is Honorary Chair. She continues her acting and writing career in Los Angeles while studying Nonviolence with Reverend James Lawson. A charter member of Artists United to Win Without War, she is an active supporter of LA's Office of the Americas, Homeboy Industries, the Garment Workers' Center, and Farm Sanctuary. Her mid-life memoir, "Taken to the Stage; The Education of an Actress" was published by Smith and Kraus in 1996.

Alert from The Nation Magazine

Dear EmailNation Subscriber,

Tomorrow, July 23, is the three-year anniversary of the meeting at Ten Downing Street in London, that was recorded in the now infamous minutes known as the "Downing Street Memo." Suggesting that the Bush Administration was intent on going to war with Iraq with or without intelligence on Saddam's WMD, the memo has given new impetus (and vindication) to antiwar critics of the invasion.

To highlight these disclosures, there are more than 150 events for tomorrow planned coast to coast. In New York City, The Nation and Democrats.Com are teaming up to present a public forum at the New York Society of Ethical Culture.

Iraq veterans and military families demand the truth!

U.S. TOUR OF DUTY proudly presents Gold Star mom NADIA McCAFFREY, the woman who defied President Bush by allowing the media to view the coffin of her son, for three Special Reports on Saturday, July 30 (in Anaheim), Sunday, July 31 (in Venice), and Monday, August 1 (in San Pedro). Nadia will be joined on July 31 by TIM GOODRICH (co-founder of Iraq Veterans Against the War), and on August 1 by independent journalist DAHR JAMAIL, who has gained international acclaim for his "unembedded" dispatches from occupied Iraq. Comedian RICK OVERTON will perform on July 31 and August 1. Come hear first-hand accounts, and see exclusive photographs and video footage of the war being fought in America's name. WARNING: We will present disturbing images that are typically censored by the Bush administration and mainstream media organizations.

Dear London

By David Swanson

(To be read at the Stop the War Coalition Event on July 23, outside the gates to Downing Street)

We write from the After Downing Street Dot Org Coalition in the United States to thank you for your solidarity on this third anniversary of a meeting that we were never meant to know about, a meeting that took place some yards from where you stand. There are over 300 events like yours happening today in the United States.

We write to thank you for your example. You have, through the course of this war and the long sales pitch that preceded it, shamed us by organizing larger protests than we have in this country.

Democratic Club meeting to focus on war memo

South Florida Sun Sentinel

The Palm Beach Democratic Club plans a town hall meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Palm Beach Towers in Palm Beach to mark the anniversary of the meeting that gave birth to "The Downing Street Memo." Critics of President Bush and the war in Iraq contend the memo shows the administration fixed intelligence around its policy in Iraq.

"It is time for us, as citizens, to demand accountability from our government," club officials wrote in an announcement.

The club has invited Florida U.S. senators and several members of the House to the event. Contact Elna Laun at 561-686-2060or David Presnky at 561-832-8511 for more information.

Looking at the leaks

Colorado Daily
By PAULA PANT Colorado Daily Staff

Boulder will be one of 300 cities across the U.S. that will host an event today commemorating the third anniversary of a British government meeting on Downing Street, the leaked minutes of which have been dubbed the "Downing Street Memo."

The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center (RMPJC) is hosting a public press conference at 10 a.m. today in front of the Boulder County Courthouse to draw attention to the memo and encourage Congress pass a Resolution of Inquiry examining whether President Bush committed impeachable offenses in building the case for war with Iraq.

300 Events to Call for Bush's Impeachment over 'Downing Street' Allegations

Abid Aslam
OneWorld US

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jul 22 (OneWorld) - Activists seeking to impeach President George W. Bush have planned 300-plus events nationwide Saturday to mark the third anniversary of a top-level meeting of British officials that they say proves the White House manipulated intelligence and lied to Congress to justify its war against Iraq.

Members of Congress were to headline at least eight of the town hall meetings and rallies organized by the coalition in Detroit, Seattle, New York, Inglewood and Oakland, California, and other cities.

Organizers said they hoped the events would galvanize the public by raising awareness of the so-called Downing Street memo, which summarized a July 23, 2002 meeting between Prime Minister Tony Blair and his inner circle at Blair's official residence, No. 10 Downing Street.

New Flyer for Activism Aimed at U.S. House

Here is a flyer for activists promoting co-sponsorship of Congresswoman Lee's Resolution of Inquiry, H. Res 375.
PDF here!

These are the committee members.

New Flyer for Activism Aimed at U.S. Senate

Here's a new flyer for activists aimed at influencing the U.S. Senate.

PDF here.

Downing Street memo topic of gathering

Village Soup (Maine)
By Staff

BELFAST (July 21): Jane Sanford is hosting a Rep. John Conyers House party at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 23 to bring people together to discuss the Downing Street memo from the Chief of British Intelligence regarding the Iraq war and also Karl Rove and CIA operative Valerie Plame.

There will be a conference call with Rep. Conyers and former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, Valerie Plame's husband. There will be a video about the issues raised, followed by a discussion about questions Conyers can pose in a Parliamentary hearing and discussion about what actions US citizens can take.

PB Dems to discuss Iraq memo Saturday

Palm Beach Daily News

The Palm Beach Democrats will hold a town hall meeting at 2 p.m. on Saturday to discuss the Downing Street Memo.

The meeting is scheduled to be held in the Cypress Lounge of the Palm Beach Towers, 44 Cocoanut Row. The public is invited to attend the meeting; there is no admission charge. Copies of the memo will be distributed.

The Downing Street Memo is one of several leaked British documents that purportedly show the U.S. and British governments knew that evidence of weapons of mass destruction was tenuous before invading Iraq.

For more information , call Elna Laun at 686-2060 or Dr. David Prensky at 832-8511.

US Diplomat Who Resigned over Invasion of Iraq to Speak at Downing Street Minutes Teach-In in Houston

The Progressive Action Alliance (PAA) , Houston members of Code Pink , and other organizations will sponsor the "Downing Street Minutes Teach-In/Movie Night" from 7 to 9:30 pm Saturday, July 23, 2005 at the First Unitarian Universalist Church at 5200 Fannin. This is an event to recognize the 3rd anniversary of the Downing Street Minutes and it coincides with similar events in over 150 cities nationwide. This effort is being coordinated by After Downing Street , a coalition of veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups, which has launched a campaign to urge the U.S. Congress to begin a formal investigation into whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war.

Downing Street Re-enactment of Blair War Cabinet as Mad Hatter's Tea Party

By the Stop the War Coalition

LONDON - July 19 - Downing Street re-enactment of Blair war cabinet as Mad Hatter's Tea Party to mark third anniversary of meeting that took Britain to war.

Documents leaked to the British press earlier this year revealed that Tony Blair's war cabinet met in Downing Street on 23rd July 2002 to discuss US plans for the invasion of Iraq. Sir Richard Dearlove, the head of MI6, who had just returned from talks in Washington, told those present that war was seen as inevitable and that the intelligence was being "fixed" to provide the reason for going to war. The leaks have caused a storm in America where they are fuelling a campaign to have President Bush impeached.

Downing Street Minutes 3rd Anniversary Events

Downing Street Minutes 3rd Anniversary Events
Saturday July 23

Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Covenant Worship Center at Legacy Hall
Meeting Local Start Time: 12:00pm
425 South La Brea Avenue
Inglewood, California 90301

New York City Town Hall Meeting
Sponsored by The Nation and and Progressive Democrats of America
Speakers: Congressman Maurice Hinchey, former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman, Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes, and as moderator President of Bob Fertik.
New York Society for Ethical Culture

July 23 NYC: Torture and Lies - Who Is Accountable?

Torture and Lies: Who Is Accountable?
From Abu Ghraib to the Downing Street Minutes
New York City Town Hall Meeting
Saturday July 23, 2005 2-4 p.m.
New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 W. 64th St.

Free admission, donations suggested

Seating is limited, no reservations

Sponsored by The Nation and

• Rep. Maurice Hinchey
• Hon. Liz Holtzman
• Randi Rhodes
Moderator: Bob Fertik

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), who has represented a conservative district in upstate New York since 1993, has spoken passionately about the significance of the Downing Street Minutes and the need to hold the President accountable for taking the nation to war on the basis of lies.

Speaking Events



August 2-6: Peace and Democracy Conference at Democracy Convention in Minneapolis, Minn.


September 22-24: No War 2017 at American University in Washington, D.C.


October 28: Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference

Find more events here.


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