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larryeverest's blog
A Frenzy of War Talk—Israel’s Outrageous Threats to Attack Iran
"Decision by Netanyahu, Barak to strike Iran is almost final-Israel TV"
"Israeli speculation over Iran strike reaches fever pitch"
Over the past several weeks there has been an eruption of alarming reports, high-level meetings, and public debate over whether Israel is close to deciding—or has already decided—to launch a military assault on Iran before the November U.S. presidential election.
"American Lives Are Not More Important Than Other People's Lives"
July 26: Speak Out For the World....and Against Ugly America No. 1 Chauvinism
by Larry Everest
Don't get me wrong, I love most sports. But I'm going to have my TV remote (with mute!) at the ready for the upcoming summer Olympics. You know the drill—soaring, beautiful feats of heart, talent and skill by athletes from around the world will be twisted into training people in flag-waving "USA, USA, USA" jingoism and rooting for "our" country—with the occasional "human interest" bit on non-U.S. athletes thrown in to help the chauvinist poison go down. No matter where the U.S. ends up in the ever-present medal count, all this will prove—once again—that this imperialist system works to turn everything it touches—no matter its human potential—into something oppressive and ugly.