Government forces and rebel factions send hundreds of reinforcements to Aleppo as both sides brace for a crucial battle - AFP
SouthFront: Syrian Army deploys 100 tanks, 400 BMP's to Aleppo -
Rebels face onslaught by regime forces after breaking siege of Aleppo, intense air strikes continue unabated - Irish Times
Aleppo: Narrow corridor bombed heavily by Russian jets, blocking rebels from opening a path to go through and bring supplies - Farsnews
VIDEO: Russian airstrikes on rebel positions in southern Aleppo - YouTube
VIDEO: Syrian Army’s warplanes conduct a series of sorties targeting jihadi fighters inside the Artillery School in south Aleppo -
Syrian Arab Air Force destroys a rebel convoy heading from Idlib province to southwestern Aleppo -
Media: dismissed the commander of the Syrian troops in Aleppo - News Israel today
Syrian government delivers supplies to Aleppo via alternative route: monitors - Reuters
Syrian Army makes advances in Latakia, Jaish Al-Fateh jihadist conglomeration on southwest Aleppo has weakened the rebel defense lines on other fronts (VIDEO, MAP) -
Iraqi, Lebanese militias deploy to Syria's Aleppo to shore up Syrian President Assad's forces - The New York Times
Eight Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria's Aleppo - THE DAILY STAR
Iran says ready to assist Russian humanitarian operation in Syria's Aleppo - Sputnik
Russia, US tensions grow over Aleppo -
UN envoy Samantha Power says no swift victory in Aleppo, despite overwhelming force of Assad, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah - Daily Mail
Foreign help behind rebel advances in Aleppo, opposition replenished with new weapons and cash across Turkey’s border -
Aleppo offensive is being heavily backed by Turkey whose role seemingly minimally affected by failed coup - Charles Lister on Twitter
Russia (in Aleppo) believes (I quote) "Jihadists received MANPADs with the knowledge of the USA, through countries of the region” - Elijah J. Magnier on Twitter
Iranian source: US warships in Mediterranean sending intelligence to terrorists in Aleppo - Farsnews
Heroes? Jihadists with Al Qaeda links break Assad siege of Aleppo, seize the initiative in northern Syria - The Daily Beast
English translation of the Army of Conquest's (Jaysh al-Fateh's) announcement on plans to take control of the whole of Aleppo City -
Hard 2 believe Jaish alFateh [Army of Conquest] wont commit crimes when operation named after officer who killed Alawis based on sect - Jenan Moussa on Twitter
VIDEO (Arabic): New statement by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham [former Nusra] declaring intent to separate Sunnis fr Nusairis (Alawis) & kill them - YouTube
VIDEO: US-backed rebels who beheaded a Palestinian child show up in Aleppo battlefield - YouTube
There are no good terrorists in Syria, Iraq: Russia’s Putin - en.alalam
Russia: US-backed Syrian rebels used poison gas on civilians - Veterans Today
Obama questions Russian commitment to peace in Syria -
To contact Bartolo email peaceloverblog[at]yahoo[dot]com (replacing [at] with @, [dot] with .)