Hillary Clinton has biggest fundraising month yet in July, raising $90 million - Chicago Tribune
Obama holding first fundraiser for Clinton, $33,400 for a seat at the Atlanta home of former CEO Andy Prozes - wsaw.com
Clinton heads back to Hamptons for $33K-a-ticket fundraiser, Loews Hotels CEO and New York Giants co-owner will host the event - Page Six
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook hosts $50,000-per-ticket Hillary fundraiser - breitbart.com
Susie Buffett's private event raises more than $1.5 million for Clinton, 15 supporters paid $100,000 to attend the two-hour dinner - omaha.com
Leonardo DiCaprio to host $33,400-a-ticket Hillary Clinton fundraiser - The Guardian
Billionaires for Hillary: Clinton campaign lining up moguls to say 'I'm with her' but appearing too buddy-buddy with them holds risks - POLITICO
VIDEO: Here are some of the billionaires who support Hillary Clinton, They’ve also made it a point to attack Donald Trump - Fortune
Lobbyists have raised $7 million for Hillary Clinton. For Trump? Zero - The Washington Post
Lobbysts contributions to the 2016 presidential race - OpenSecrets
Hedge-fund money: $48.5 million for Hillary Clinton, $19,000 for Donald Trump - WSJ
Contrary to a story published by the Wall Street Journal, Clinton is not completely annihilating Trump among hedge fund donors - Fortune
Hedge fund managers purchase Hillary Clinton - Donald J Trump for President
Guy Cecil of Pro-Clinton PAC Priorities USA will not be outspent, A Q&A about how he intends to spend his $200 million - Bloomberg Politics
Democrats say want reform — but court big money in the meantime - Center for Public Integrity
Leaks show DNC asked White House to reward donors with slots on boards and commissions - OpenSecrets Blog
After lying low, deep-pocketed Clinton donors return to the fore - The New York Times
DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal - POLITICO
Julian Assange says he has 'quite a lot of material' from Hillary Clinton's campaign - Daily Mail Online
Donald Trump: ‘I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged’ - WSJ
Donald Trump says Bernie Sanders 'made a deal with the devil' meaning Hillary Clinton - ABC News
Donald Trump: Hillary will never reform financial markets, she ‘is owned by Wall Street' - newsmax.com
VIDEO: Trump releases powerful new ad: Hillary’s Wall Street donations - Tea Party News
Selected Industry Totals: Contribution of the security and investment sector to the 2016 presidential race - OpenSecrets
The billionaire Koch brothers are rejecting calls from big donors to back Donald Trump - Business Insider
The Kochs freeze Donald Trump out denying him access to their state-of-the-art data and refusing to let him speak to their gatherings - POLITICO
"I turned down a meeting with Charles and David Koch. Much better for them to meet with the puppets of politics, they will do much better!” - Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump promises more federal infrastructure spending than Clinton, skeptical of full employment figures says ‘people have given up looking for jobs' - WSJ
In dueling campaign swings, Clinton, Trump make very different plays for Pa. voters: Analysis - PennLive.com
In Youngstown, Ohio pro-Trump protesters recall another candidate Clinton's unfulfilled promises - BillMoyers.com
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