You are hereBlogs / bartolo's blog / Focus: United States and Russia - Sept 7, 2016
Focus: United States and Russia - Sept 7, 2016
TRANSCRIPT: Secretary of Defense Speech at the University of Oxford - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
Trump campaign slams Defense Secretary Ash Carter's attack on Russia -
Tim Kaine: Hillary Clinton plans to strengthen European Allies against Russia - Sputnik
Clapper: Russians hack U.S. computer networks 'all the time' - POLITICO
Guccifer 2.0 denies Russian involvement in hack of Democratic Party - WSJ
U.S., Russia divided on way forward in Syria: State Department - Reuters
Turkey ready to join US in capturing Raqqa from ISIS: Erdogan - Business Insider
Turkey seeks to establish ‘safe zone’ along Syrian border -
White House dismisses Turkey's suggestion for Syria no-fly zone - Daily Sabah
UK Foreign Office spent £1m on US lobbying on behalf of Syrian opposition - The Independent
Text of the Syrian opposition transitional plan -
VIDEO: Saudi Arabia FM's thoughts on fresh attempt to end Syria conflict - BBC News
Poroshenko: Loss of Russian market has cost Ukraine $15 billion -
Ukraine's alleged pro-Russian Inter TV burned, picketed -
Pentagon head Ashton Carter to meet with Ukrainian partners in London -
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