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This year, give the Holiday Gift that will help to make a difference . . .
...expose the war crimes and the crimes against humanity of the Bush regime.
Order this amazing 2-DVD set on line for only $25 (includes shipping)
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Not In Our Name
305 West Broadway #199
NY, NY 10013.
The testimony on this DVD stands as a compelling moral condemnation of this regime. We know that it is the most demented, lawless, contemptible of human life, and egregiously evil government in the history of the Republic -- Here is the proof. On this DVD set you'll see evidence in the form of stunning testimony from eye-witnesses and experts on wars of aggression, torture, global warming, Katrina, and HIV/AIDS that this regime is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This 2-DVD set includes five 28 minute long videos of the following hearings before the Bush Crimes Commission, including compelling and visceral footage of the issues discussed. Plus the introductory remarks of Harry Belafonte and Michael Ratner, President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and a summary of the Commission's verdict.
Content of the set:
(1) Torture and Illegal Detention: Showing that the Bush administration authorized 1. the use of torture and abuse 2. the transfer ("rendition") of persons held in U.S. custody to foreign countries where torture is known to be practiced 3. indefinite detention of persons from other countries 4. The round-up and detention of thousands of immigrants without charge or trial 5. Committing murder by authorizing the CIA to kill those that the president designates, either US citizens or non-citizens, anywhere in the world.
Testimony by Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski describing the chain of command that authorized the infamous tortures at Abu Graib in Iraq. Ambassador Craig Murray on the tortures being conducted for the U.S. and the U.K. by the government of Uzbekistan. Camilo E. Mejia, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Dr. Stephen Miles describes the homicide of an Iraqi prisoner. Barbara Olshansky from the Center for Constitutional Rights describes the Constitutional issues in this illegal grab for presidential power
(2) Global AIDS and Reproductive Rights: 1. Imposition of Abstinence-Only HIV Prevention Program, 2. imposition of gag-rule on abortion counseling or services on clinics receiving US aid 3. Attempts to suppress medical research studies in HIV prevention when it conflicts with the ideology of the Christian Right. 4. Restriction of Generics--coercing countries into agreements that severely restrict the manufacture and supply of generic drugs, the only affordable option for most HIV positive people in the Third World.
Testimony by Dr. Alan Berkman, Columbia University School of Public Health, Vanessa Brocato, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, Naina Dhingra, Advocates for Youth, Dr. Thomas Fasy, Professor of pathology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Campaign Against Depleted Uranium.
(3) Destruction of the Global Environment: 1. Denial and Distortion of Scientific Consensus and Findings on Global Warming. 2. Obstructionism on International Efforts to curb the emissions of greenhouse gases. It has withdrawn from any international efforts that would impose binding restrictions, however minimal. It has done this with full knowledge of the catastrophic effects of global warming and the disproportionate U.S. share of world greenhouse gas emissions, the leading cause of global warming.
Testimony by Josh Tulkin, Organizing Director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, on the relationship between Hurricane Katrina and global warming. Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network, describes the effects of global warming on indigenous peoples. Daphne Wyham, Institute for Policy Studies, Sustainable Energy & Economy Network, and Ted Glick, Climate Crisis Coalition
(4) The Response of the Bush Administration to Hurricane Katrina: Before, During and After
The record is very clear on this indictment. The Bush administration demonstrated a gross and wanton indifference to human life that caused thousands of Gulf cost residents to die and suffer needlessly. The suffering continues, systemically causing continuous grievous injuries due to displacement and related issues. Featuring Annette Addison, Abigail Bayer, Dr. Robert Bullard, Eric Carter, Prof. John Clark, Carl Dix, King Downing, Dionne Franklin, Arron Guyton, Chokwe Lamumba, Larry McBride, Malik Rahim, Jeremy Scahill, Devon Turner, Emma Lofton Woods, Dr. Beverly Wright, and Tony Zambado.
(5) Wars of Aggression, details the violations of international law, the Geneva Conventions, and the Nuremberg principles. This outstanding video features testimony by: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, on why and how the Bush administration knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Amy Bartholomew, professor of law, Carleton University, on the structure of international law that prohibits wars of aggression. Larry Everest, author of Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda, on the global agenda behind the U.S. war on Iraq. Dahr Jamail, independent journalist who has reported extensively from Iraq, on war crimes being committed by U.S. forces in Iraq. Jeremy Scahill, writer for The Nation and former correspondent for Democracy Now!, on the targeting of journalists in Iraq. Camilo Mejia, Iraq vet and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, on what U.S. soldiers are called on to do to the Iraqi people. David Swanson, organizer of Camp Democracy, on the meaning of the Downing Street memo. Dr. Thomas Fasy, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, on the use of depleted Uranium weapons.
Order this amazing 2-DVD set on line for only $25 (includes shipping)
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