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Our Journey to Smile! Join In!
Afghan & international youth peace volunteers say that
“Love is How We'll Ask for Peace.”
With love, we ask the 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama to answer the Afghan youth peace message ‘Reconciliation of Civil Hearts’
We are a group of Afghan youth and college students who, together with international volunteers, wish to recover humanity’s smile.
In the midst of war, we wish for non-violence and ordinary peace and and end to violence.
To live.
As ordinary, dignified human beings.
To recover trust and hope. And smile.
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Well, you made me smile with the NEW ADS website layout!!!
And there I was worrying all day yesterday that you kidz were under a cyber-attack by the MEANIES!!! . . . ;-)
Looks good . . .
. . . like smiling kidz, EVERYWHERE!!! . . . ;-)
"Well you say you got the blues,
You got holes in both of your shoes, yeah-
You're feeling alone and confused,
You got to keep on smilin', just keep on smilin'
Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin' at the pain
Just flowin' with the changes, till the sun comes out again
Keep on smilin' through the rain, laughin at the pain
Just flowin' with the changes, and singin' this refrain"
- "Keep On Smilin'" by Wet Willie
And who wants to talk to some people in Afghanistan and hear what they're thinking?
Dear Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers (AYPVs) and Supporters of Our Journey to Smile:
We are all looking forward to our next conversation together!
If you know of a small group that may be interested in joining this conversation - there is still time. Please have them contact me directly and I will work with them so they can join in. We've had a few cancellations, so there's plenty of room at this time.
For those in Afghanistan, it will be an early Sunday morning (it's 5:00 am on May 9). We here in 'the States' thank you for getting up early so that we can talk together. Your work peace has our full support and we want to spread your message to more people each time we get together.
For those of you in the Americas it will be Saturday Night May 8, 2010. We will start at 8:30 pm for our friends in St. Petersburg, Florida and other east coast locations; it will be 5:30 pm here in Washington and California.
What you'll need at each place:
1) a place for all of your guests to sit to view a screen with videos projected from a (2) computer. 3) a skype account setup and (4) skype software installed on the computer. If you are using a projector for the computer, please test the connections from the computer to the projector and any associated sound system to make sure it all works!
How the evening works
A Setup - Prior to May 8th: Everyone who is participating will receive the list of OJTS videos that will be played during that evening by May 7th. Ten have been selected; we need your suggestions of a few more to complete "Set 2." You may download "Set 2" from the google documents server* anytime @:
(*The remaining, full set, of OurJourneyToSmile videos is always available in "MOV" format for easy use from your computer at:
On May 8
1) About 15 minutes prior to the 12:30 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 5/9/10 start, I will call all participants via Skype and confirm with everyone that they are 'hooked-up."
2) At 12:30 am (GMT) the Skype Call will begin, all will confirm attendance and offer greetings.
3) Hakim, Abdulai, Faiz, ... and the rest of the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, will introduce the event and will give some background about the Our Journey to Smile history. We'll have some brief discussion between the videos in this "second" set as the AYPVs will talk about their efforts to date. We'll, likely, complete the videos within 80 minutes and have time to talk about the wider journey, the "People's Journey.'
4) The evening will end with an open dialogue between all those participating. Please have the youths in your group give thought ahead of time to the questions and comments they would like to share.
We're asking everyone who'd like to participate to invite as many people as possible to join them at home, or a church, or a public space. In addition to raising awareness, this is a "benefit" and donations are being received by the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation explicitly for the US trip being planned for several representatives of the AYPVs for this summer.
Let us all know of any other ideas you have for making this connection meaningful and constructive on the path of peace.
love is how we will ask for peace,
Douglas Mackey
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Olympia
(360) 485-3764 (call anytime)
Love the new site - one minor critique . . .
. . . don't forget the session "Log-Out" option . . . ;-)
My apologies if this is there and I'm just not seeing it.
I guess this ol' fool spent too many years with cyber-security . . .
. . . and "hanging" TCP or UDP sessions cause me great subconscious disharmony . . . ;-)
These are too easy to "hi-jack" . . .
"I go to parties, sometimes until four
It's hard to leave when you can't find the door
It's tough to handle this fortune and fame
Everybody's so different, I haven't changed"
- "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh
Upper right corner.
Hmmmm, Perhaps I'm blind as a bat, daft as a brush . ..
I'm "assuming" upper right hand corner means ABOVE the search engine . . .
. . . symmetrical to the orange-ish "HOME" icon on the Upper Left . . . which I can see.
I've tried this with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari with the same results . . .
I've only tried this with my laptop (resolution 1280 x 800) which is running MS Vista.
I've done a "cursor sweep" and it does not detect any hyper-links in the Purple field above and to the right of the search engine.
Am I the only one not seeing this "LOG OUT" option?
Ah, the joys of modern Next Generation communications . ;-)
"You are the reason
I've been waiting all these years.
Somebody holds the key.
And I ain't done nothing wrong,
But I can't find my way home."
- "Can't Find My Way Home" by Blind Faith
and sees stuff you can't
you're not blind
will add
Sorry to put you on a wild goose chase.