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The vicious attacks are starting again

By Cindy Sheehan

When I was in Crawford, Tx at Camp Casey in the Summer of '05, I would receive hundreds per day. Of course, I am dishonoring my son's memory and I am un-patriotic and even a "whacko" "nut job" "bat shit crazy" and their favorite: "mama moonbat." I dared to question their President and the lies that led to my son's death. I refused to be an appreciative Gold Star Mother wearing a wilted carnation at the Memorial Day observances and accepting my grief in patriotic silence.

At least when I was in Texas, I had some support from some people who agreed with me on the war and about George Bush. Back then it was not too popular to protest the Emperor, but it made me very popular with the "left" and with the "peace" movement. I knew when the right attacked me with such hateful vigor, I was on the right track. Now, most of the country realizes that the war was/is wrong and that George Bush is a dangerous moron.

Now, the "left" is attacking me with the same hateful vigor and personal attacks as the right did back in 2005 because I dare to hold the Democrats to the same standard as I hold the Republicans. Does this mean that I am now a Republican lover? Hell no! I think when we get to the very top of the political food chain the Democrats and Republicans collaborate to steal our money and our freedoms.

Former SF Mayor, Willie Brown who lionized me before, recently called me a "loonie-tune" in his blog on SF Gate and I have been pronounced "insane and delusional" by Markos Moulitsas the editor of the Democratic apologist blog "The Daily Kos." I am sure that Markos and Willie both have MDs in psychology and are fully qualified to diagnose my mental health without an examination.

Why does Markos think that I am "insane and delusional?" Because my campaign has had a series of coincidences or a run of bad luck that I said might be attributed to the opposition. I never accused Pelosi of anything or said that the attacks were definitely hanky-panky.

Gee, I must be crazy if I could even think that Democrats would tamper with elections like Republicans. It has never happened in the entire history of our country and I am sure that my campaign would be the first. My friends who still work in Democratic politics here in California have been warned not to work on my campaign or they would be "finished" in the party. A former Congressional candidate (D) came to my office and gave me a fund raising list but told me to never say his name because he wants to run for Supervisor as a Democrat here in town. Top Democrats here whisper to me that they will "vote" for me, but they can't publicly endorse me. At least one very top Democrat is lying about me on the record. I can't make this stuff up.

To all of you who attack me personally and question my mental health and my motherhood, or whatever, all I can say is "get some perspective." I buried my son and if you all think that anything you can say or do to me is going to make me stop working for peace and accountability, you are seriously mistaken.

If you (left, right, center or wherever) think that it is okay to support wars, spying, torture, bankster bailouts, environmental degradation and taking away our civil rights; then by all means, live in your world where you think that your political party are the saints and the others are the sinners. It's all about party loyalty, isn't it? Tell that to the people who are being killed, tortured or impoverished in your names.

We are back to hundreds of attacks per day.

We must be on the right track, again.

Thank you.

To all of you who have stuck by me and to the thousands of people who have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of volunteer hours to my campaign, I say a big "THANK YOU." You know that a true representative democracy demands more voices and more choices, not the two-party monopoly that exists today.

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Wish I could be there in SF volunteering for you. Don't let up. You must be doing something correct, both side are pissed at you.


FYI... Markos Moulitsas is not calling you insane and delusional because you made a reference to possible dem-insider sources for attacks on you, though that is fuel for his party-line fire, but because he has been seriously obstructing 9/11 truth, censoring discussion, discovery and investigation all along... "Gate Keeping 9/11". You've opened an ear to the case against the government's narrative of this Mass Murder. If Kos had been doing its progressive-investigatory job, or at least just getting out of the way of its members' efforts, 911truth would not have remained at the margins. What these fake, or half-progressives fail to realize (and there are several others) is that we who've done our homework on the government's case already have an open and shut bus-load of evidence, something that can and will change many of the dynamics the people of the US are suffering from. But like Pelosi, there are many prominent fake-lefties out there who have too much to lose by shaking deep, or shadow government status quo.

Only the ignorance of the American people stands in the way of a new 9/11 investigation and trial now, and Kos is obstructing the prerequisite exposure of that evidence. Anyone who expresses "sympathy" for this cause makes Kos' "black-list"... now he joins the MIC/MSB (Main Stream Blog) chorus against you.

We have the Truth at our back and we will prevail!


Cindy, the current system, as you know, follows a prearranged "line", and this prearranged line has definite margins and boundaries, but the vast majority of politicians know they must abide within certain established parameters. That is why most of them are so useless. They constantly perpetuate a dead system which is worn out. They keep making repeated mistakes because of ancient, prearranged methods and ideologies.

The U.S. Government would have a real breath of fresh air if you were elected, because you are courageous enough to follow your conscience, and they know you have it in for this illegal Pentagon War Racket, so I wouldn't be surprised if those who follow the "line" have been paid extra stipends to oppose you, criticize you, etc.. I cannot understand why anyone on the Daily Kos, where Sibel Edmonds stuff is posted, would speak ill of you. Maybe that's the extent of the payola corruption.

You have to understand and be willing to believe that these so-called Congressmen, Congresswomen, are susceptible to bribery and a great majority of them have given in and accepted the payoffs.

Bushfraud has so much drug money, and apparently, stolen U.S. Treasury money he probably spreads it out everywhere, otherwise they couldn't afford to put filthy Bushfraud microwave teams of filthy neighborhood watch in nearly every neighborhood in Amerika. Bush is going square to hell for being responsible for a death wave upon God's earth.

Whether some folks think your campaign is a joke or not is their problem, so don't give that any thought. They simply know you are the one to beat and your honest approach threatens their thievery ability to rob through phony war, which threatens their control.
So that's the bottom line. They are as afraid of you as the Pharisees were of The Lord Jesus Christ!
Stay the course, if you can, and try to get some real airtime on television and radio panels, and have facts to be objective with to tell the American People. After that, it's up to the people to believe in you or be deceived into following that pathetic "line".

Hi Cindy,

I am in Sydney, Australia and as I watch the world of the 21st Century and it's politics you certainly stand out against the US political landscape.

I've read about you many times. I wont fill the forum with all the standard cliches. Let's just say you are setting a benchmark that I wish many more would follow.

The path that has lead you here has been extremely difficult, I can't begin to try to guess, and I don't wish it upon anyone.

But above all your drive and conviction are driven from qualification, you have become a true celebrity, closer to hero then any of the wanna be sports and entertainment stars.

Reading of the difficulties you had gathering the required startup votes and then you and your team still pulled it together, it truly is fantastic.

What I am trying to say is - ignore the harsh critics, take on a little of constructive critics, and stick to what you've been doing for as long as you have the strength - I value you and your ideals and motives very much.

And I am sure there are many more around the world that feel the same. Thank you for doing what you do :)


The worse part is the propaganda that they use to make it seem possible that sane people who have been consistently betrayed by Nancy Pelosi would vote for her in an election. Of course, some politicians have to stay way from your campaign because Nancy will take their funds if they don't. She probably has the NSA spying on them too. If the NSA spying was not for a purpose, they would not be doing it.

It is obvious that Nancy is just as evil as Bush the frat boy. She is a member of the Pelosi-Bush Crime Syndicate. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of these people.

It is absolutely true that if they cared about the people, they would investigate 9ll and bail out the people, not the banks.

you are right to fight Pelosi and the Democratic status quo,my son came back from Iraq but I have ten pictures on my wall of sons who didn't & their blood is on the hands of ALL the Republicans & Democrats who refuse to do their duty, Nancy Pelosi is not fit to be a US Rep. let alone Speaker. This war has taken us (as parents)on a horrible roller coaster of emotional terror,your strenght is admirable, good luck. Michael Perkins MFSO-MN

Will you take a stand for genuine change at home and encourage the same nationwide?

Will you put country ahead of party, standing unequivocally for the common good and adherence to the United States Constitution?

Or will you grant a gatekeeper of the hopelessly corrupt status quo another two years to violate her oath, betray your trust and condemn untold additional American soldiers and innocent civilians to needless death in illegal wars of aggression, designed solely for corporate profit and political control, while our urgent domestic needs continue to be ignored?

Millions will be watching, hoping you do the right thing for yourselves and your country.

Don't let us down.

Unfiltered Video Commentary:

Economist Michael Hudson says Paulson should be in jail

Our two party political system is hopelessly broken and blind allegiance to the Democratic Party is a symptom of exactly how sick the patient is.

The Republican and Democratic Parties are both delighted to keep the status quo in which no-one else is admitted to the party. This is primarily accomplished by perpetuating a system which allows a candidate to win with a minority of the votes cast. Both Clinton and Bush Jr won this way.

Other real democracies around the world have a run off election if no-one polls more than 50%. What does that do? It allows us to vote for 3rd and 4th party candidates and show our support for their positions without having to worry about "wasting our vote" and letting the "worst" candidate get in. We could vote for McKinney or Nader and then if there was a run off with no-one getting 50%, we could vote for the Democrat if we wanted to.

Instant Run-Off Voting allows this to happen all at once, as voters vote for their candidates in order of preference and the votes go up the line until there is a winner.

The Democratic and Republican Parties are all about continuing their own monopoly and will only give lip service to the welfare of the American People or the law under the US Constitution.

Keep the faith Cindy. You are an American hero and Nancy Pelosi is the perfect example of the bankruptcy of the Democratic Party.
Nick Egnatz
NW Indiana Veterans For Peace

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