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Un-plug from the ObaMatrix and Tune-in to Reality!

By Cindy Sheehan

You call it hope- that fire of fire!
It is but agony of desire.
Tamerlane: Edgar Allan Poe, 1827

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. …..You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
Morpheus, The Matrix

In the brilliant movie, The Matrix, reality is not as it seems. The reality that people think they are living is only an illusion, a dream. Keanu Reeves plays the main protagonist and when he becomes unplugged from the Matrix (humans are used as organic energy to perpetuate the Matrix), he becomes the super-hero, Matrix-resister, Neo.

The American matrix is the fantasy that claims that war criminals like Colin Powell and John McCain are "war heroes." You know the matrix I am talking about---the one where leaders of the USA can literally get away with murder and live comfortable lives of peace, instead of being held accountable. Yes, this is the same matrix that is telling you that a tax evader like Timothy Geithner can effectively lead our Treasury and robber barons that contributed to the current economic collapse, like Lawrence Summers, Paul Volcker, Ben Bernanke and Robert Rubin, can cure the crisis. Where war supporters like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Rahm Emanuel can be trusted with the delicate balance of foreign relations. Where we "hope" that lobbyists (turned federal employees) for war and robbery are going to serve our interests and not the interests of the matrix. This American matrix relies on the sad fact that info-tainment passes for unbiased-hard news these days.

While I am at it: it's the same matrix that says killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people from the poor brown communities here in America to the poorer brown communities in Gaza, Baghdad and Kabul is "self defense," or justified by another big matrix con-game: GOD. The US has a matrix where millions of people live (barely) on the streets when millions of housing units stand vacant. This is a matrix where health care and quality education are not rights, but only readily and easily available to the robber-class. The matrix tells us: "Thou shalt not kill," then hypocritically goes about the business of committing "State Sanctioned" murder.

Since Barack Obama emerged as the candidate for the Democratic ½ of the USA's matrix of the grand delusion of democracy and choice, I have been feeling so frustrated because some of my friends and colleagues have plugged back into this matrix. Barack Obama is only the product of millions of dollars of research and slick mass marketing and he was hawked to us as a "New and Improved" version of the same crappy product. The same old soap was just put into a new box and when our clothes come out of the washing machine looking the same, we will be convinced they are brighter and have a fresh new fragrance because our TVs told us that's what we should believe. Could we have been set up, yet again?

Some of our fellow Americans are fortunate enough to be born into aware families and were never plugged into the matrix. Some people unplug themselves due to many factors, like being misused in a war for the matrix, economic hardship, or other social oppression. Some people voluntarily plug themselves in because it is easier than having to think.I think more people are rejecting the audacity of hype, though.

I cannot, as much as I would like to, take the easy way out with mass hypnosis and plug back in. On April 4th, 2004, my umbilical-like connection to the matrix was irrevocably smashed to smithereens when I fell on the floor screaming in agony over the murder, by the matrix, of my oldest child, Casey. My connection to the matrix cannot be spliced back together because there is no cord left. Casey is dead because we were plugged-in. So many others are dead, or in danger of dying, for the same reason.

I am not saying that Barack Obama is not a more articulate and intelligent matrix functionary than George Bush was, but that's exactly what the matrix desires. It wants us to foolishly plug-in and tune out.

I am confident that the Bush error has left a bad taste in almost everyone's mouth for this disordered matrix and the people who have once unplugged themselves, will find it easier to do so again when Obama finally demonstrates to them that he is also a servant of the matrix.

To those of us who are permanently detached from the matrix, there is no "giving Obama a chance" because he is "better" than George Bush. We know delay means more people will die, be impoverished or violently suppressed/oppressed.

To blindly trust any system is inherently dangerous. It is healthy to step back from the matrix and always level a critical eye and if necessary rise up in rebellion.

Thank goodness, the US matrix has always had true humanists who refused to conform and plug-in: Thomas Paine, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, Sequoyah, William Lloyd Garrison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Eugene V. Debs, Jeannette Rankin, Dorothy Day, Emma Goldman, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Nader, and many, many other sung and unsung heroes who have stood up to the matrix not only for their own rights, but for your rights, too!

Un-plug, un-plug, un-plug!

Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Casey Sheehan who was KIA in Iraq on April 04, 2004. She has published three books, been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was an independent Candidate for Congress in San Francisco, is currently the host of Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and Grandma to Jonah.

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Ah, "The Matrix." Though seen by many as a simple sci-fi flick, it is perhaps the "Odyssey" of our times.

"As long as the Matrix exists, the world will never be free." - Morpheus, from The Matrix

~ Neo knew, it wasn't The Matrix which needed to be stopped, it was the disease within it .... even The Machine understood that ~

The irony is that the most immoral or amoral people in the world put on their Sunday or Saturday clothes and go to some place of worship. Then they have no problem with killing the "other." As for Obama -- time will tell. The peace movement certainly cannot let up with him and Hillary at the helm.

Doesn't it seem kind of funny that Hillary played the people of New York for fools and they never even noticed.

We won't let up on them, Cindy, we are not drop-outs from the Peace Movement, and we are tuned-in to activism until there is positive activity from our government.

ARREST BUSHCO & RICO PNAC/FARA AIPAC...PNAC is Bush/Cheney's "Helter Skelter" !


We are not fooled the same folks are still in charge. Meet the new boss same as the old boss or welcome your new president dick cheney's cousin. Chris Dorsey, RVA4Peace

... because he is just a product; an ad campaign repackaging of the same status quo objectives from the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush regime.

I called out the Obamaites this morning in an article that started off just talking about the fact that the new 350 billion dollar giveaway banker-handjob will be even less regulated than the last one...

It seems I just get madder and madder at people like Michael Moore who have plugged themselves back into the dream factory (I think in his case, it's for profit motives more than anything else).

People are popping their Zoloft left and right in their middle class communities while their friends are being evicted by banks that Obama™ is consulting with on the parameters of the bailout package. And they are still dreaming of "Change"...

It's called "Cognitive dissonance" and that shit, if tweaked correctly, can really help boost the profit margin of the pharmacological matrix industry.

Well, here is your "viable candidate" boys and girls. Just a side note, if McSame had won, we would have revolted by now... just a thought.

The past few times I clicked on your link the page shows up for 5 to 10 seconds then freezes up. I wish i could read the info Chris Dorsey, RVA4Peace

There are a lot of images on my main page, like video pre-loads and JPEGs... I wonder if that is what causes it. Wordpress is very careful about keeping mal-ware off their sites, so I doubt it's that. Maybe it's just slow loading because of the images.

I will try to check it out on another computer. Thanks Chris Dorsey, RVA4Peace

Be real,whether Earthling or not* Thankyou Cindy,Awesome!The Ill-usion,The matrix....the False reality.

Red Cloud, American Horse, Joseph, Geronimo, Black Elk, Blue Jacket, Touch the Clouds, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse are the human beings that were never plugged in. Damned proud of it.

...someone said, is to not think. Or, to pretend to think by thinking inside the parameters of a box, and not stepping outside that box.

I believe it, even though it makes that guy uncomfortable to hear so many people saying "I believe"--says he'd be breathing a whole lot better if more people were saying "I think" instead. I think he's right.

Anyway, looks like some of us are thinking--Cindy, those she mentioned who are still with us, and some of us, who posted here.

By the way, that guy is an Indian, too, Robin--name of John Trudell. What I've put down here, you can hear a whole lot better on his Descendant Now Ancestors CD, if you can find it.

If more of us would just think--just look at things, and think...
R Ap

what life would be like if that black fluid wasn't noticed oozing out of the ground. That fluid that's going to kill us all in our quest.

Now Robin it might not have been "Old Betsy" ... I seen that movie back in 1955? I hated the Indians (except for my beloved Cleveland Indians and Jimmy Piersall). My grandfather about six generations ago actually shot Simon Girty in an Indian war. I have the bad feeling that my ancestors treated the Indian like Israel treats Palestine. I just wanted to post this because of what you write.

thanks Robin,


I wrote about this on Sept. 3 at:


O'bummer has apparently already been anointed by the Powers That Be as the next POTUS. They spotted his potential as a state legislator in Illinois (1997-2004), scooped him up and virtually deposited him in the US Senate in 2005.

How was this accomplished? His Republican opponent was destroyed by an unprecedented action engineered by the Chicago media and the Obama campaign.

Obama's opponent, Jack Ryan, was forced to withdraw from the Senate race three months after winning the Republican primary, after The Chicago Tribune sued to have sealed custody documents released. Against the wishes of both Ryan and his ex-wife Jeri, the legal files pertaining to Jack and Jeri's custody battle over their young child were made public on June 22, 2004.

In the documents, Jeri alleged that Jack took her to sex clubs in numerous cities so they could have sex in public, and that the marriage ended when she refused to cooperate. These allegations ended his Senate campaign and his political ambitions.

Jack Ryan's campaign ended a week after the custody documents were released, and he formally withdrew from the Senate campaign on July 29, 2004.

With just 86 days to go before the election, Alan Keyes, who had never lived in Illinois, was drafted to replace Ryan in the contest against Obama. Keyes stated that he felt a moral obligation to run after being asked to by the state GOP, saying:
"You are doing what you believe to be required by your respect for God's will, and I think that that's what I'm doing in Illinois."

Obama easily defeated Keyes, winning 70% of the vote vs. Keyes 27%.

After just two years in the U.S. Senate, Obama announced his candidacy for president in early 2007. Given highly favorable treatment by the CIA controlled mainstream media, indeed, hailed as "the Messiah," he triumphed over longtime political insider, NY Senator and former first wife Hillary Clinton and, all obstacles cleared from his path, is on the road to the White House.

Obama is a tool of the Elites, as were all our other presidents for decades before, with the exception of JFK, perhaps.

There are abundant resources on this planet for EVERYONE to have clean water, food, shelter, decent jobs, medical care, etc.! Corrupt governments, corporations, & banks are why people are suffering!

The implosion of the world's economy is being orchestrated by our private Federal Reserve & the other central banks! It's the scheme of the NWO/globalists to destroy U.S. sovereignty & usher in a one-world dictatorship!


I thought I was fully unplugged until I started reading about the Federal Reserve, a PRIVATE central bank, and how our banking system is used to indirectly tax us so the criminals in charge can do whatever they want without the consent of We the People. The Fed is the root cause of this entire economic crisis.

It's an inconvenient truth that The Powers To Be would rather we not know about. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself.

Obama is no different, his money master handlers will make certain of that.

I thought I was fully unplugged until I started reading about the Federal Reserve, a PRIVATE central bank, and how our banking system is used to indirectly tax us so the criminals in charge can do whatever they want without the consent of We the People. The Fed is the root cause of this entire economic crisis.

It's an inconvenient truth that The Powers To Be would rather we not know about. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself.

Obama is no different, his money master handlers will make certain of that.

But he's a KOOK so we shan't have any of that nonsense! (LOL) Dennis Kucinich just introduced a Bill for transparency on their financial dealings (something Dr. Paul's be waaaay out in front of everyone else), but you have a better chance of the Black Hand neatly (in cursive writing :) describing how they cut people up and dispose of them. The Fed is one (of the many) conspiracy of why John Kennedy was assassinated, with his Executive Order 11110 that returned the dollar to Treasury Notes. (it is odd that upon Jack's death, Johnson immediately returned the dollar to Fed Notes). I never put much faith in changing the way these mysterious money magicians operate, but who knows(!), maybe (with high speed information available now) we'll be able to glean some light into their dark ways.
For me, I think I'll file this in the "and the wisdom to know the difference" drawer.

You are so right. It was that eeeeeevil, kook Ron Paul who inspired me to some self-study of the Fed. But, he's an eeeeeeevil republican so we shall summarily throw the baby out with the bathwater, lest we get any of that republican s**t on us. I don't mention our modern-day Paul Revere for that very reason.

The Powers That Be are very happily keeping us divided with the false left/right paradigm as they go about the business of legalized theft to finance their wars and sundry other Big Government Adventures, designed to keep us poor, take away our freedoms and keep us ignorant of the Truth.

What I've learned has blown my mind. I'm filing this in the things I *might* be able to change drawer and making this a life-long mission to at least tell others about it. People can ignore the Truth at their own peril and continue to perpetuate the War Between the Left and the Right. The war is on We the People. And we're losing.

...Obama any more than I did Bush, or Clinton, or any of the rest of their chosen ones--not since I've been trying to educate myself, anyway. I think he's as plastic as they come--black plastic, but still plastic.

Getting unplugged can be a motherfucker, but I'm starting to feel a whole lot better than I have for the past forty years.

I voted for Nader again this election, and I feel just fine about that, too.

R Ap

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