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Coalition Members
Organizations and individuals interested in joining should contact us.
See also, the list of organizations supporting prosecution of Bush, Cheney, et alia.
1% A Peace Army
A Bigger Tent
Action Center for Justice
Agir contre la guerre (France)
Alliance Marxist-Leninist (Marxist-Leninist Review)
America In Solidarity
American Voices Abroad (Berlin, Germany)
American Voices Abroad Military Project (Europe)
American Worker
Americans Against the War (France)
Arizona Christian Peacemakers
Armbands for Peace
Arms Against War
Artists Against the War
AZ Vote
Backbone Campaign
Bake Sales for Body Armor
Be the Change
Become Active
Bike for Peace
Bike for Peace (Germany)
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Bird Dogger
Bloomington Peace Action Coalition (IN)
Blue State News Only
Boston Mobilization
Boston Tea Party
Bring Democracy Back
Bring ‘Em Home
Bring Them Home
Bush Free Zone
Butterfly Gardeners Association
California for Democracy
Camp Casey Blog
Camp U.S. Strike for Peace Campaign
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
Carolina Peace Resource Center (SC)
Catalysts of Hope
Central Colorado Coalition on the Iraq War
Chester County Peace Movement (PA)
Children of Iraq Association (UK)
Cities for Peace
Citizens for Accountability on Iraq
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Citizens for Peace & Justice (Medford, OR)
Clothing of the American Mind
Clothing of the American Mind Blog
Coalition Against Election Fraud
Coalition for Impeachment Now (COIN)
Code Pink
Consumers for Peace
Dhafir Trial
DC Anti-War Network (District of Columbia)
Democracy Action
Democracy for America Meetup (Birmingham, AL)
The Democratic Activist
Democracy Rising
Democratic Underground
Democratic Renewal
Do Not Concede
Downtown Magazine
Earth Day
Earth Island Institute
East Cobb Democratic Alliance (Cobb County, GA)
Eastern Long Island Democracy for America (NY)
ECU Peace and Justice (East Carolina University, Greenville, NC)
Election Solar Bus
Environmentalists Against War
Envision a New America
Foundation for the Development of Human Resources (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice (IL)
Gap Sucks
Global Exchange
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Global Resistance Network
Gold Star Families for Peace
Grandmothers Against the War
Grandmothers for Peace
Grass Roots Impeachment
Grass Roots Impeachment Movement
Grassroots Northshore (Milwaukee, WI)
Green Delaware
Green Party of Clallam County (WA)
Green Party Skagit County (WA)
Hawaii CD-01 Impeachment Action Coalition
Hip Hop Caucus
Historians Against the War
Honk to Impeach
Idriss Stelley Foundation
Impeach Bush Cheney
Impeach Bush Cheney Net
Impeach Bush Coalition
Impeach Bush Meetup
Impeach Bush TV
Impeach Central
Impeach for Peace
Impeach for Peace - Marshall, TX
Impeachable Treason
Impeachment Sunday
Independent Progressive Politics Network
Inform Progressive Virginia
International Socialist Organization
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War - Kansas City
Justice for Bush
Justice Through Music
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace (Oakland, CA)
Latinos for America
Leader of the Free Word - a great screen saver
Liberal Democracy Alliance
Liberal Kids
LIBERTY TREE Foundation for the Democratic Revolution
Los Angeles National Impeachment Center
Louisiana Activist Network
Marijuana Policy Project
Massachusetts Impeachment Coalition
Men's Project for Peace
Michael Moore Online
Michigan Peace Works
Military Families Against the War (UK)
Military Free Zone
Million Musicians March
Mission Not Accomplished
Montgomery County Progressive Alliance (MD)
Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace
Muslims for Peace (Australia)
MWC News
National Lawyers Guild - Chicago chapter
National Lawyers Guild - Detroit & Michigan chapter
Night's Lantern
No Mandate
Northeast Impeachment Coalition
North Jersey Impeach Group (NJ)
Northeast Georgia Peace Corner Group (Helen, GA)
Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
Northwest Progressive Institute (Pacific Northwest US)
Not in Our Name
Not in Our Name (Aotearoa, New Zealand)
Nyack Impeachment Initiative (NJ)
OB Rag
Ohio Progressive Action Coalition
One Global Community
Olympia Citizens' Movement to Impeach Bush/Cheney (WA)
One Million Reasons
Operation Cease Fire
Operation Impeachment
Orange County Grassroots (CA)
Out of Iraq
Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
Patrick Henry Democratic Club
Patriotic Pulse
Patriots for Gore
Peace Action
Peace Action Wisconsin
Peace and Accountability
Peace Surge
Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane (WA)
Peace Drum
Peace Majority
Peace Movement Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Peace Resource
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (Palo Alto, CA)
People's Campaign for the Constitution
People Powered Impeachment
People's Email Network
People's Glorious Five Year Plan
Picnic to Impeach
Playing in Traffic
Political Cooperative
Politics and Art
Progressive Action Alliance
Progressive Action Center
Progressive Avenues
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Democrats of America (VA)
Progressive Democrats of Hawaii
Project Filibuster
Project for the OLD American Century
Radical Sages
RealTime Speaking!
Refusing to Kill
Republicans for Humility
Rescue Our Democracy
Sacramento for Democracy (CA)
St Pete for Peace (FL)
Sampsonia Way
San Diego for Democracy
School of the Americas Watch
Sheehan for Congress
Six Three Five
South Florida Impeachment Coaliton
South Mountain Peace Action (Maplewood & South Orange, NJ)
Southern California District of the Communist Party
Springs Action Alliance (CO)
Stop the War (UK)
Stop the War Coalition (UK)
Stop the War Coalition (Bedford, UK)
Students for Impeachment
Students Towards a New Direction (STAND)
Strike 08
Summit County Progressive Democrats (OH)
Taking the Fight to Karl
Team Bio
The File
The Known UnKnowns
The Left Wing
The Paragraph
The Politically Incorrect Cabaret
The Rational Response Squad
Think Blue Dems
Time for Accountability
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War (Canada)
Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International
True Blue Liberal
Trumansburg Impeachment (NY)
Truth Empowered
Truthtelling Project
TV News Lies
UC Nuclear Free (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA)
Underground Action Alliance
Unitarian Universalist Peace and Justice Group (Nantucket, MA)
United Blue USA
United for Veterans (Wayne, MI)
United Progressives
Upbeat Defiance
US Peace Memorial
U.S. Peace Council
US Tour of Duty: Iraq Veterans and Military Families Demand the Truth
Velvet Revolution
Vet Gulf March
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Veterans for Peace
Veterans for Peace, Chapter 27
Virginia Grassroots Coalition
Voice International
Voters Evolt
Voters for Peace
We the People for Peace
We the People Network
We the People Now
We The People United Bangladesh
Why Are We Back in Iraq?
Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute
World Can't Wait
World Prout Assembly
Stop Fascism Action Network
Your Declaration of Independence
Partial List of Individual Members (institutions appear for identification purposes only)
Larisa Alexandrovna, poet and journalist
The Armchair Activist
Thomas Floyd Band
Madeleine Begun Kane
Cindy Bogard, professor, Hofstra University
Dana Briggs, national board director, Veterans for Peace, Kirkland, WA
Bernard Chazelle, professor of computer science, Princeton University
Cobalt 6
Marjorie Cohn
Downing Street Action NC
Mark Drolette, political satirist
Roger Drowne, artist
Daniel Ellsberg, director, Truth Telling Project
Empires Fall
Al Feldstein, artist, former editor, MAD Magazine
Barry Finnerty
Aaron Fogl, former Marine
George W. Bush Impeachment Handbook
John Gideon, voting activist and writer
David Michael Green, professor of political science, Hofstra University
He Has No Mandate
Joaquin Ramon Herrera, author
Hip Hop Politics
Chris Jeffries
Larry Johnson
Carol Korreck, member, Military Families Speak Out
Walt Kosty
Pamela Kraemer
Tom Krebsbach, Vietnam veteran, Brier, WA
W. Terry Leichner, RN, Marine combat veteran of Vietnam, Vietnam Veterans Against the War activist since 1971 in Denver, CO
Liberal Girl Nextdoor
Dave Lindorff, author
Lynn's Lair
David MacMichael, member, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) steering committee
Rahul Mahajan, author and activist
Dennis Mansker, author
Linda McCarthy, Chair of the Democratic Committee in Derry, NH
John McConnell, Founder of Earth Day
David Morrison, author (UK)
Alan A. Nakamura, veteran
Brad Newsham, Oakland, Calif.
Brad Newsham, author: All the Right Places, Take Me With You; initiator: The Impeachment Pledge
One Veteran's No War
John Perry
William Rivers Pitt, author and journalist
Popular Sovranty
Prisons and Torture in Iraq
Marcus Raskin, co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies
Grace Reid, researcher and writer
Garett L.Reppenhagen, Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, IVAW Member, Former Sniper of the 1st Infantry Division
Paul Rogat Loeb, author
John H. St. John, World War II veteran
Schalow's Headline News
Robert Shetterly, artist and author, Americans Who Tell the Truth
David Sirota, writer and political consultant
Jill Sobule, recording artist
James Starowicz, Vietnam veteran, Kannapolis, NC
Elaine Supkis
Lietta and Arthur Ruger, members, Military Families Speak Out, with two combat Iraq Veteran loved ones facing second deployments in Iraq
Coco Tralla, Tralla Productions
Two-Edged Sword
James Vaughn
Lawrence Velvel, dean, Massachusetts School of Law
Ken Waldman
Dahlia Wasfi
Joel Wendland, managing editor, Political Affairs magazine; member, UAW Local 1981
Mark Whitecage
Ann Wright, career Foreign Service officer; former Deputy Chief of Mission, Mongolia
War Prompts
Sharon Abreu
Andrew First
Adeeb Media
Adeeb Press
Alien Love
Atlanta Progressive News
Big Brass Alliance
Black Commentator
The Brad Show
Bush Is to Blame
Cage Prisoners
Car Magnets
Citizens Advisory
City Sites
COA News - Independent News Portal
Cooperative Research
Counter Punch
Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches
Defend USA
Democratic Party Blog
Distorted Soul
Doug Ireland
Empire Burlesque
Eyes of Babylon
FlyBy News
Gabriele Zamparini
Impeachment ChannelIndex Research
Liberty News TV
Liberty Stickers
Mavarot News
Middlemost Post
MWC News Magazine
Online Journal
OpEd News
Outrage Radio
Page One Q
Patriot Daily
Progressive Talk Stevens Point
The Public Record
Protest News
Radio Left
Radio News America
Radio News America
Ranger Against War
Rapid Response Network
Really News
Regressive Antidote
Stroll Thither
Susan Aker
Talk Left
The New Press
The Urban Journal
The Young Turks
This Can't Be Happening
Thom Hartmann
Tiger Soft
Top Ten Sources
Today in Iraq
War Times / Tiempo de Guerras
Wide Minded Liberal
Sancho Press
Why Not News
War Crimes TV
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I am on board this groups goals.
Joe Wieslander
P O Box 51271
Phoenix, AZ 85076-1271
There must be a consensus of American voters who will sign a petition to kick Bush out of office, impeach, and otherwise try him for war crimes agianst America. Even his Republican cohorts will not side with a president that has the majority of Americans against him.
Bush is after the oil in Iraq and Iran and this is his agenda. He has sacrificed the lives of Americans and Iraquis to satisfy his itch for money, power, and egotistical desire to be a wartime president. He has started a holy war with the Middle East with his references to a "crusade" and "Axis of Evil". He has shown his lack of interest in the middle class and poor Americans and padded the pockets of himself and the rich. He has shown that he doesn't care about the environment or the opinion of the other nations of the world. It is unbelievable that he was elected.
I will sign any petition that gets him out of office and out of our lives.
Tom Englert
I will be happy to sign such a petition. how can I do this?
This is great! I have been stewing in frustration without any idea of how to object to the latest and most hideous administration of this unjust empire. Now I will watch this website closely and follow your progress and help any way I can. Can we get an investigation into the attempted Chavez coup as well?
doesn't a "smoking gun" kick up a little more dust than this?
The Conyers hearings the other day had brought me to tears and even more so because look: today is the 20th, and already it feels like the bush-big-money-media has driven the story out of the headlines and into the casket that is our collective unconscious.- Well, i think our history is our conscience, which is why I have decided that i will be leaving my job in the coming months so I can devote all my time to helping along everyone out there who is aimed at opening up the truth to the public. I only wish i could come and lend a hand to your cause sooner. hang in there!
I watched the Democratic Committee Meeting of 6/17/05 on C-Span. WOW! How historic and electrifying! Through that Meeting, I got your site!
The 2nd American Revolution is starting!
And it's up to US - everyone who came to this site - and more,.... WE have to make it happen -
On Dec. 10, 1773 - we had the "Boston Tea Party" - to rid ourselves of "King George" of England,... Today we'll have an "Impeachment Party" to rid ourselves of this arrogant, malignantly greedy, self-appointed/ elected "King George" of the gilted Enron/Haliburton "Good Ol' Boys Club!"
Thanks for all you are doing!
And let's seriously organize and write our newspapers and representatives - about the "Downing Street Memo" & Impeachment!
And watch that C-Span Democratic Committee Meeting - if you can!
I suggest that the website be made easier to "sign in" and navigate.
My generation was lost to the war in Vietnam; I will not have my grandsons' generation so wasted. Thank you John Conyers, Lynn Woolsey, Rep. Martin a REP
from my state, NC !! and all you brave Reps. Thank God we have 2 branches of the legislature. Most sincerely, C. Jorgensen