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The Good War, Alright
Ann Wright, former diplomat who resigned in opposition to the war on Iraq, reminds us of the one promise President Obama has kept; to continue the "good" war.
The war on Afghanistan has been the "good" war, indeed, exceptionally good for those peddling poison and perversion. The decadence and devastation destroying families, clans, towns, cities and entire countries defies words. From Osama to Obama, what has been done to the women and children of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan in the name of the "Holy War", the "War on Terror" or some other nefarious nickname is the beast gnawing on our humanity's skeletal remains.
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You'll "love" this little show of perverse thinking and argumentation from war and imperialism salesman Blair.
"Chilcot Iraq inquiry: Tony Blair on Nazi Germany comparison" (3:06)
Jan. 21, 2011
He knows he's lying through his teeth and why he's doing it, but perhaps he has also brainwashed himself into believing his lies, a little. If he's managed to do the latter, then it's surely not complete enough that he would not know that he's lying and why he's doing it.
He lied very many times and he knew it as well as why he was doing it.
Also recommendable are the videos and articles referred to in my posts in the following page on the Chilcot Inquiry. My posts are #2 and #3. It's not about the war on Afghanistan, but they're both part of the global war OF terrorism, imperialism, et cetera, led by the US.