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Kucinich: Congress Votes Overwhelmingly Against Authorizing the War
Attention Now Turns to Kucinich-Amash Amendment for Total Cutoff of Funds
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 24, 2011) -- Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement after the House of Representatives rejected a measure offered by Representative Rooney that would have limited the U.S. involvement in the war in Libya. The Rooney bill was defeated after a bill authorizing the war in Libya was soundly defeated by 295 to 123.
“Congress today voted overwhelmingly against authorizing the war. The Rooney resolution was defeated because many Members felt that it did not go far enough in that it wasn’t a total cutoff of funding. But that condition is soon to be resolved.
“The most powerful opportunity to end the war in Libya now becomes the bipartisan Kucinich-Amash amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill that would fully cut off all funds for the war," said Kucinich.
“The American people do not support this war. Congress does not support this war.”
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They don't authorize the war, yet they fund it. That's telling them! :roll: