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More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt

By Stephen Lendman - Posted on 05 October 2010

More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt - by Stephen Lendman

For nearly two centuries, America dismissively called Latin America its "backyard," the 1823 Monroe Doctrine asserting a declaration of regional dominance, stating:

" a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any
European powers....we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.... (impossible to) behold....with indifference."

Thereafter, it was all downhill against Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, Grenada, Venezuela, and at one time or another, practically all other parts of the Americas, directly or indirectly.

In 1905, in fact, President Theodore Roosevelt declared Washington to be "the policeman" of the Caribbean and Central America, and by implication, the entire hemisphere. To date, nothing has changed, Ecuador just the latest targeted nation, an earlier article explaining the failed coup attempt, accessed through the following link:

On September 30, Ecuador's President Raphael Correa was targeted. First elected in November 2006 with a 58% majority, he was easily reelected in April 2009 with a 55% majority against seven challengers. His current term runs until August 10, 2013, and will extend until 2017 with another electoral victory.

Yet, Ecuador's volatile history is now in focus. The country's eighth president in 14 years, Correa's easily the most popular, though less so after earlier imposing austerity measures. Pro-business ones also, including policies favoring oil, mining, and agribusiness interests at the expense of local communities and environmental considerations.

They're practiced despite Ecuador's new 2008 Constitution, recognizing and guaranteeing indigenous peoples' rights, and a mandate to "preserve and promote their management of biodiversity and their natural environment," among other populist provisions, including the "rights of nature."

As a result, indigenous groups like the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) and Confederation of Peoples of Kichwa Nationality (ECUARUNARI) criticized him, including recently saying:

"While the government has dedicated itself exclusively to attacking and delegitimizing organized sectors like the indigenous movement, workers' unions, etc., it hasn't weakened in the least the structures of power of the right, or those within the state apparatus."

After the failed September 30 coup, Quito's Regional Advisory Group on Human Rights urged Correa to renew support for his base, saying:

"(W)e call upon the national government to set aside its arrogant attitude that is isolating it from the social bases. Together we can build a country with dignity, peace and sovereignty, in which dialogue with social sectors in a daily activity that guides our path toward a country distanced from extractive polices and dependence on a development model based on the destruction of nature."

Given his close call, it remains to be seen if he's listening, though Washington and internal hard liners will try again if he goes too far. James Petras explains that they don't oppose his domestic policies, mainly his "ties with US arch enemy Chavez and ALBA," the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas WTO/NAFTA alternative endorsing pro-South trade principles, ones Washington strongly opposes as well as Correa's decision to close the US Manta airbase.

As a result, Pentagon and CIA operatives, in league with Ecuadorean hard-liners, want Correa ousted, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and USAID financing opposition groups and political parties to topple him. Correa knows it, saying on September 30 that the:

"attempt at destabilization is the result of a strategy that has been brewing for quite some time. A barrage of messages and misinformation have been given to the National Police, which today has been realized through violent actions from a conspiracy attempt."

He accused former right wing president, Lucio Gutierrez, of inciting violence and supporting rogue police and military plotters. A former army colonel, Gutierrez co-led a 2000 coup, then was ousted by a 2005 popular uprising.

Himself victimized by an aborted two-day 2002 coup and fearing another attempt, Hugo Chavez condemned US imperialism, saying: "The Yankee extreme right is trying now, through arms and violence, to retake control of the continent," having ousted Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in June 2009 and Jean-Bertrand Aristide in February 2004.

In addition, Washington tipped its hand earlier, the State Department calling Ecuador "difficult to do business in," a Investment Climate Statement stating:

"Ecuador can be a difficult place in which to do business....There are restrictions or limitations on private investment in many sectors that apply equally to domestic and foreign investors....A 2006 hydrocarbons law imposed new conditions in the petroleum sector that have been problematic for many companies, complicated by a 2007 decree that imposed additional restrictions. A 2008 mining mandate stalled mining activity, and a new Mining Law is expected in early 2009. Negotiations for a free trade agreement between the United States and Ecuador, which would have included investment decisions, stopped in 2006. The current Government of Ecuador has not expressed interest in restarting negotiations."

In December 2008, Correa (a University of Illinois economics PhD) also alienated international lending agencies and foreign bond holders by halting payments on billions of dollars of debt, calling them "illegal (and) illegitimate," at the time saying:

"I have given the order that interest payments not be made. The country is in default. I couldn't allow the continued payment of a debt that by all measures is immoral and illegitimate. It is now time to bring in justice and dignity."

He also angered Israel by sponsoring an Organization of American States (OAS) resolution last June, condemning the IDF's Gaza Flotilla attack, leaving some analysts to suspect Mossad wanted him ousted and may have been involved in the attempt.

In 2005, quoted Alexis Ponce, Ecuador's Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH) speaker, saying:

"The Mossad trained Ecuadorean police in torture techniques between 1986 and 1994. The Israeli secret services gave technical support to the tyranny that stained Ecuador with blood. The police corps received advanced training by Israeli agents to torture and to force those who opposed the tyranny to speak. The Israeli agents transmitted their knowledge about the numerous techniques used to torture people. They are criminals! Hundreds of people disappeared during those dark years."

Mossad agents have long operated in Ecuador, covertly through Israel's Quito embassy and perhaps throughout in the country, like in so many others.

In addition, Israel maintains business ties with Ecuador, having sold 26 Kfir combat planes and reportedly Python-3 air-to-air missiles in 1997. Afterward, its technicians and trainers provided support and perhaps continues to do so. Further, in 2009, Israel's On Track Innovations contracted with Ecuador's Central Registry Office to provide an electronic biometric-based electronic identification card system.

A Final Comment

America's major media largely downplayed the coup plot, broadcasters and cable channels especially saying little on September 30, then practically nothing by way of follow-up.

On October 4, in her weekly Wall Street Journal America's column, Mary O'Grady headlined, "What Really Happened in Ecuador," saying:

"Eyewitnesses deny police kidnapped the president, and there's no evidence a coup was in the making."

O'Grady, of course, is a notorious liar, her columns a truth-free zone, her extremism and anti-populist vitriol unsurpassed in print media - precisely the "journalistic" attributes Rupert Murdoch values and features daily on Journal op-ed pages, his other publications, and Fox News, straight unabashed disinformation, devoid of truth.

According to O'Grady, Correa's presidential powers were never threatened, nor did tear gas fumes deter him from "walking across the street to the hospital, his notorious macho dignity obviously wounded."

In fact, he was overcome by exploding tear gas, AFP, among other news services, saying "he was taken out by stretcher to the nearby hospital," then "was unable to leave, surrounded by hostile police as clashes broke out in the streets while rebels stormed Congress and seized the main international airport for hours."

Clearly, it was a coup attempt. Outside America, Murdoch publications, and O'Grady's column, it's widely acknowledged. Even New York Times columnist Simon Romero reported the following in his October 3 article, titled, "Debate Over Meaning of Standoff in Ecuador:"

-- Correa "had been holed up on the third floor of the police hospital here for more than 10 hours after being assaulted by....rebellious police officers....This Andean nation was on tenterhooks;"

-- hospital staff "put a helmet on Mr. Correa;" electricity in parts of the hospital went down;

-- "an intense exchange of bullets" took place;

-- "five men were shot dead," dozens more wounded;

-- "the president's armored Nissan sport utility vehicle showed bullet damage, including a shot to the windshield;"

-- police "prevented a helicopter from landing" and blocked escape routes;

-- Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino was wounded leaving the hospital, his head bleeding;

-- "Inside the hospital, doctors, nurses, patients and journalists lay on the floor, hoping to avoid getting shot;"

-- "As Mr. Correa's SUV drove away," it was attacked by a volley of gunfire, a "uniformed member of (his) security team" shot dead "as he trotted alongside the vehicle;" and

-- the bloodbath outside the hospital continued, police shouting "Kill the chuspangos," slang for military men before gunfire subsided.

Nonetheless, O'Grady continued, saying:

"Mr. Correa had little trouble managing the story. In the morning he closed down independent television reporting, limiting Ecuadoreans to his version of the day's events."

In fact, Ecuador's Constitution guarantees press freedom, short of criminally committing defamation, slander, or insurrection advocacy. Nonetheless, the corporate dominated media remains largely combative, Correa calling them "trash talking," "liars," unethical," and "political actors who are trying to oppose the revolutionary government."

The television Teleamazonas network has been especially harsh, regulators ordering it off air for three days last December for "incit(ing) public disorder." Earlier, it violated Article 58 of the Broadcasting Law that prohibits airing "news based on unfounded allegations that could produce social unrest." Several times it was fined nominal amounts, then suspended for repeat violations. After the attempted coup, it again incurred a three-day suspension for inflammatory reporting. However, Correa insists he's committed to press freedom, provided constitutional and broadcast laws are observed, what all democratic states require.

Nonetheless, O'Grady concluded, saying:

"One thing is certain: Mr. Correa is not going to let the crisis go to waste. Since Thursday he has been seizing the airwaves to broadcast his version of the narrative, which implicates his political opponents in what increasingly looks like a coup that never happened."

In fact, it did. Independent reports and many others confirmed it. Ecuador's media are required to give the president (and other government officials) free air time, and he's entitled to denounce dark force attempts to oust him. This time, Washington's fingerprints are again visible, and though unsuccessful, Correa can no means rest, not with actors like O'Grady around, vilifying less than hard right leaders, stopping just short of endorsing their ouster.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

There have been some articles about this posted over the past week or so and the following is one.

"CIA's Unethical Research Ignored
Guatemalan Research Horrors and US Hypocrisy"

by Stephen Soldz,, Oct 4th, 2010

I'll quote his bio., which has hyperlinks that I won't reproduce.

Stephen Soldz is a psychoanalyst, psychologist, public health researcher, and faculty member at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis. He edits the Psyche, Science, and Society blog. He is a founder of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology, one of the organizations working to change American Psychological Association policy on participation in abusive interrogations. He is President of Psychologists for Social Responsibility [PsySR] and a Consultant to Physicians for Human Rights. He was a coauthor of PHR’s Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Experimentation in the "Enhanced" Interrogation Program

His blog is at and there are a few additional articles on the same topic there, in the list of "Most Recent Posts" anyway. (I checked the prior posts, the first page of them, and didn't see any others on this historical crime of the U.S. in Guatemala.)

The following piece presently is the first one listed in the main blog page and the list of titles (linked) for the most recent blog posts show two other related articles that are recent than the above article, which was posted in his blog on October 3rd.

"Gilbert makes Gutemala-CIA link, via US prisoner and other research horrors"

by Stephen Soldz, Oct. 5th, 2010

One of the other articles is entitled, "Hornberger: The government hid the Guatemalan abuses like they hide so many other abuses". It was posted Oct. 5th and isn't by Stephen Soldz, except for a brief introductory paragraph that reads, "Jacob Hornberger, at Media With Conscience, reflects on “state secrets” in light of the new revelations regarding the horrific research the US Public Health Service conducted in Guatemala".

Jacob G. Hornberger's article is entitled, "Syphilis Experiments and the State-Secrets Doctrine".

I've learned a little about syphillis having been sometimes used as a biological weapon against some indigenous populations.

One of the other related articles is an Oct. 4th press release and is entitled, "PHR on Guatemala and CIA research".

Now I'll excerpt some of the article cross-posted at Counterpunch and Uruknet.

Recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius profusely apologized for a study conducted by the US Public Health Service in which nearly 700 incarcerated people and soldiers in Guatemala were, without their knowledge, deliberately infected with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in order to test if penicillin could prevent infection. (snip)

This research violated the basic ethical principles that were supposed to guide research done on people -- "human subjects research" in the professional lingo -- since World War II. These principles were codified in the Nuremberg Code internationally and in the Common Rule guiding most research on people conducted or funded by US government agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services of which the Public Health Service is a part as well as the Defense Department and the CIA. Fundamental to these and all other recent codes of research ethics are two basic principles: informed consent and minimization of harm. Thus, the Nuremberg Code, (snip), begins with the principle of informed consent:


A little later the Nuremberg Code states the obligation of medical researchers to minimize harm resulting from experimental procedures:


The Guatemalan study egregiously violated both these principles and deserves opprobrium. Rather than informed consent, the purpose of the study was deliberately hidden from those infected. These individuals were infected with dangerous, often deadly, illnesses. This research was awful, reprehensible, even horrific, (snip). (snip) I am glad that it only took a short time since historian Susan M. Reverby of Wellesley College revealed the abuses in a soon-to-be-published paper -- available in preprint form on Reverby's website (linked) -- until US government officials vociferously condemned it.


In response to the over 60 year old Guatemalan abuses, the Secretaries of HHS and State announced the creation of a commission that will undertake to assure that all human subjects research conducted by US researchers meets the highest ethical standards. As NBC News reported:


If the purpose of the commission is really "to ensure that human medical research conducted around the globe meets 'rigorous ethical standards,'" there cannot be a double standard. (snip)

Some of the article is also about the torture of detainees in the present so-called "War on Terrorism"; including some of PHR's research into this and a related PHR report (linked), plus some information about a technique that was used by the torturers for waterboarding detainees while having greater assurance that they wouldn't die due to electrolyte imbalance. It's the first time that I've read about the electrolytic balance technique having been used in the torture of anyone. It's extremely simple, but I hadn't heard or read of it being used for waterboarding detainees.

First, her "soon-to-be-published paper -- available in preprint form on Reverby's website (linked)" on the "awful, reprehensible, even horrific," historical CIA "research" secretly conducted against around 700 Guatemalans is mentioned in the third-to-last paragraph excerpted in my above post from an article by Stephen Soldz, who provided a link for Susan Reberby's website where the report is presently available in her home page.


Susan M. Reverby’s research on an immoral government medical study in Guatemala between 1946-48 where men and women were given syphilis has led to a U.S. government response from the Secretaries of the Departments of State and Health and Human Services. A copy of the synopsis and pre-copy edited version of her article,, “'Normal Exposure' and Inoculation Syphilis: A PHS 'Tuskegee' Doctor in Guatemala, 1946-48" in press with the Journal of Policy History, are available here.


There're links for downloading two PDFs, so they're ready for download. One of the two PDFs is for an "Advanced Synopsis" of January 2010. The other PDF is for the full article, which is an "in press pre-copy edited draft" and has the date of January 2011. People can quote from the PDF, but only after obtaining her permission.

Dem. Now! interview

To see if I could find other very recent articles on this topic, I checked and then thought of checking DN!, which happened to have this interview as the first one for today.

"Exposed: US Doctors Secretly Infected Hundreds of Guatemalans with Syphilis in the 1940s"

Oct. 5th, 2010

Recently unearthed documents show around 700 Guatemalan soldiers, prisoners, prostitutes and mental patients were infected as part of a study into the effects of penicillin. It’s unclear if the patients were ever cured of the diseases or even given treatment. Hours after the findings were revealed, President Obama apologized to Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom, who called the experiments a "crime against humanity." We speak to Susan Reverby, the medical historian who discovered the Guatemala study.


Susan Reverby, professor of women’s and gender studies at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Her article on the Guatemala study will be published in the January edition of Journal of Policy History. She is also an expert on the Tuskegee experiments and author of the book Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and its Legacy.

Tuskegee experiments? I never heard or read of that before today, so figured to check Wikipedia, which has two or more pages for this.

"Tuskegee Experiments"

(Change https to http if the former's a problem for you. EFF's add-on that I use with Firefox automatically changes the http for many websites to https.)

Tuskegee Experiments is the first album as leader by jazz clarinettist Don Byron. Its title refers to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment — the notorious medical experiment conducted around Tuskegee, Alabama, lasting from 1932 to 1972, in which 400 subjects, mainly poor, black sharecroppers, were used in an investigation of the effects of syphilis without their knowledge or consent. This album brought Byron almost immediate fame.


"Tuskegee syphilis experiment"

See also: Human experimentation in the United States

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, by the U.S. Public Health Service. Investigators recruited 399 impoverished African-American sharecroppers with syphilis for research related to the natural progression of the untreated disease.[1]

The Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began the study in 1932. Nearly 400 poor black men with syphilis from Macon County, Ala., were enrolled in the study. For participating in the study, the men were given free medical exams, free meals and free burial insurance. They were never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the men were told they were being treated for "bad blood," a local term used to describe several illnesses, including syphilis, anemia and fatigue.


Free burial insurance? What a [sickly] laughable promise! Sure, it probably didn't cost even $5 for a hole in the ground to be dug, the bodies dropped in, and then for the burying; possibly also done for the government to try to cover up its heinous, hellbent crime.

Syphillis or venereal diseases for bio. warfare(?):

In my prior post I said to recall having once read that syphillis had been sometimes used for biological warfare, or genocide, but I'm not really sure of this. Syphillis is deadly and potentially could be used for deceptively causing deadly genocide, but I learned many years ago that a victim of this venereal disease will live or often live for around twenty years before dying from the disease. So if Syphillis was used for genocidal purposes, then the intent of the guilty states that used this disease for genocide evidently would not have planned for immediate deaths. Instead, the leaders of these governments or political administrations would've been "patient"; deciding they could wait for as much as twenty years for the disease to "do its (killer) thing".

When I was in USN bootcamp, however, we had to get a series of around 13 vaccinations, some to protect against Asian venereal diseases and flus, and we were told that Asian or some Asian venereal diseases and flus could kill us very quickly because we had no developed natural immunity against them at all.

So maybe some of those have been used as biological weapons against populations where people would, like us westerners, not have any immunity for fighting against very quick death. And maybe this could be done with Syphillis; where people similarly had no immune system capabilities for fighting off quick death from this disease.

HIV/AIDS and malaria have been purported to have originated, very much, or in terms of spread, anyway, as bio-warfare, and it's possible. And I don't know what the truth of this is; however, anyone whose read up on or learned at least a little about biological warfare R&D can realize that it's [possible] that these diseases were primarily, if not solely, due to imperialist-lead governments wanting to deceptively commit genocide.

The top ruling elites wanting genocide in order to gain free access to natural resources of other people [could] opt for a deceptive and slower genocide program, instead of a quick one, which would or certainly could be more difficult to conceal. It's [possible].

The CIA's or US's secret Syphillis "experiments" make it clear that the "authorities" didn't care to prevent the deaths of the victims, the "guinea pigs", and that's pretty much genocidal intent, imo. The "experiments" or "research" could have been primarily or even solely conducted in order to try to better ascertain how long it would take the disease to kill people who are infected and don't receive appropriate medical treatment, and this knowledge could then be used in "strategic" ways; if this method of elimination, say, proved to be sufficiently "useful".

I'm no expert in this area, among others, but one thing we can be certain of is that our so-called leaders are insane and mass-murderers.

Other biological weapons and genocidal techniques used against indigenous peoples:

There've been a number of biological warfare agents that have been used, by some western imperialist governments anyway; and HIV/AIDS and malaria apparently are or might be two examples, based on a little that I've read about this. But I'll refer to only Small Pox and eugenics used in Canada.

Small Pox was definitely used. We know it was used in the U.S., but many people don't know that it was also used in Canada, including in the last century; against indigenous Canadians, Indian ones anyway. The Canadian case is according to the excellent and important documentary linked a little further below. The film covers brutal, much [more] than awful, truly horrific genocide against what Cdn First Nations, who can surely be called indigenous Cdns; I think. Small Pox was warfaringly used against them in maritime provinces as well as the West coast, but possibly also elsewhere in Ca.

The film also explains that eugenics was or were used; but there were also other brutal murders, like a nun kicking a young Cdn Indian child and the child "flying" out a second or third-story window, f.e. Or maybe the latter story is learned from other documentation at Rev. Annett's website,

"Unrepentant: Kevin Annett And Canada's Genocide" (1:48:56)

Other copies of the documentary film can be found online and Rev. Kevin Annett's website provides a lot more information that's directly related to at least the 100-year genocide that ended around two decades ago; plus more related (enough) information that includes interviews with victims of last century's "Resident School System", really Nazi-like. It definitely was Nazi-like, but Nazis had a lot of British and American history to learn from, as well.

The genocide included bio. warfare using Small Pox starting very early after the British arrived on the eastern coast of Ca, but this disease was used to kill off many Cdn Indians for a long time; evidently including the 20th century. And disgusting eugenics practices were used in the 20th century, perhaps also earlier. They were certainly used in the 1950s or '60s; if not also more recently.

Rev. Annett is a Christian minister, excomm'd from the United Church after he learned of and promptly exposed these and other horrific crimes against Cdn Indians, and maybe also Inuits. But he then or subsequently became a minister in the indigenous or Indian Squamish Tribe or community in British Columbia in and/or in the vicinity of Vancouver.

Punishment for having a "big mouth":

He's severely and broadly punished for having had and having maintained a "big mouth" about these extreme crimes. He did the necessary and right thing, absolutely; but can't find employment and has also been denied the right to get the PhD he more than seriously wanted to get and surely still would really want to get; and clearly would merit. He often has to eat out of garbage cans and from left-overs left on cafetaria plates when left on tables. Et cetera.

He "squawked" about far greater crimes than what the CIA did in Guatemala. The crime there was clearly bad, but evidently still doesn't measure up to the Tuskagee experimentations, which, in turn, don't match the genocide of Canadian First Nations, indigenous, or Indian people; by Cdn governments, RCMP thugs, churches, and Corporate Ca. And there still is absolutely no justice for surviving victims of this Cdn genocide and we also hear and read nothing about it; except when fortunate enough to come across reliable information or any information at all about it.

They're all hellbent crimes of "empire" sickos, but the genocide against Cdn Indians was even uglier; as ugly and condemnable as the other crimes also were, imo.

And he's not likely to find employment opportunities becoming easier for him anytime soon. What he "blabber-mouthly" did, and has maintained, will not be forgotten by the criminal or rogue so-called elites; the "conservative" religious leaders of the RC, United, Presbytarian, and Anglican churches of Ca., Cdn governments (federal and provincial), et cetera. A lot of what he's excellently and courageously exposed with the help of courageous Cdn Indians is also based on robbing these people of their natural resources; their land and, basically, their right to live as a free people on their ancestral lands. So he has four "principal" churches (the "conservative" so-called leaders thereof, and their church supporters, that is), the federal government, the RCMP, several (or more) provincial governments, and businesses as real foes. Foes they strongly are.

They all continue to protect the criminals who directly committed and were responsible for these very many crimes. The present PM, Stephen Harper, unless he's no longer PM, presented a superficial apology in June of 2009 or 2008, but it's bs. Justice requires that the direct criminals face trials and receive real sentences, prison for many years; at the very least. So PM Harper's very superficial apology really continues these historical crimes.

Rev. Annett has almost every sector of power-authority against him. To "save his own butt", he should have shut up, but he couldn't and didn't; thank goodness! Painful self-sacrifice, but necessary it's been. Yet, it's extremely ignored!

And the genocide continues even if bio. warfare and eugenics practices against the Cdn Indians were stopped over the past 20 years or so. But the crimes against victims of the 100-year Cdn churches, government and business-lead genocide are still denied their inherent or natural, and legal, rights; for trials and sentencings against the perpetrators of the genocidal crimes.

The only Cdn Indians and Inuits who are "safe" are those who've let themselves be co-opted, like those who work for the Cdn federal government's Ministry of Indian Affairs, f.e.


I appreciate learning about the CIA, so U.S. crimes, against Guatemalans in the 1940s. Learning of such factual history is a [value] to me. But we have a lot more to learn about, as well.

Political "condemnations":

And political condemnations are nothing or else little more than empty words, unless they're backed up with real justice and, therefore, trials and prison sentences.

Which laws apply:

When it comes to the crimes committed by the
U.S., and other countries, in South America, Africa, and so on, then maybe we're "legally" restricted to international laws, treaties and conventions established following WW II; and perhaps some estabished earlier in the 20th century. But when it comes to the crimes and genocidal crimes against Indians or indigenous people of the U.S. and Canada, then we have national treaties that were broken and these treaties were law [before] WW II and remain law today. I believe they were also established treaties before WW I, but maybe that's not true of all treaties with the indigenous people(s) of the U.S. and Ca. (I'm lacking in that sort of precise historical knowledge.)

Westerners bitch about crimes elsewhere, but not those committed here:

Some Westerners b*tch about the Turkish genocide of Albanians, Algerians, or A... people in 1919, or thereabouts; and it was wrong. Sure. But we [always] ignore our genocidal crimes in our countries. It's "funny" how Westerners only or by far mostly like to look at crimes against humanity committed elsewhere, and sometimes against visible minorities in our countries, but [never] against the indigenous people of the countries that are [not] ours, but which we do generationally occupy; backed by our colonialist, etcetera, governments.

But elsewhere also matters:

We do the same with regards to Haiti and the Congo, f.e., and the article a little further below about the Congo (and a little about Rwanda) seems to be somewhat right, while also being evidently wrong in saying that what happened in Rwanda in 1994 was genocide; because not only Hutus were killed. Many Tutsis were also killed. Any Tutsis who were humane and tried to oppose the violence being committed by the U.S.-placed proxy Rwandan government were promptly treated with imprisonment and death. Keith Harmon Snow,, has this history [straight]; it wasn't genocide. It was death for Hutus and Tutsis, both.

Doing a simple Web search using his name, "Rwanda", "1994", and "genocide" (or not even needing to specify 1994) for search terms should bring up links for relevant articles. But the article further below seems to be right about the governments of Rwanda and Uganda that the U.S. uses as proxy forces and has long used in this manner. That's something Keith Snow has definitely and clearly written about in some of his sufficiently extensive or expository articles, which aren't only about the criminality of those governments and the one of the U.S., for there are also Cdn and European govts, as well as Israel, which are [guilty].

The original copy of the article is of October 1st, btw.

"Obama’s Congo moment: Genocide, the U.N. report and Senate Bill 2125"

by Ann Garrison, San Francisco BayView,, Oct 4th, 2010



Author bio. from the Global Research copy of the aritcle:

San Francisco writer Ann Garrison writes for the San Francisco Bay View, Digital Journal,, OpEdNews, Global Research, Colored Opinions and her blog, Plutocracy Now. She can be reached (snipped)

And the Uruknet and original copies have two embedded Youtube videos totalling roughly 17 minutes, and some audio clips.

But when it comes to Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, in relation to each other, and also problems in other African countries, then I definitely recommend looking for and reading articles by Keith Harmon Snow. People who disagree with him or a little of what he's written exist, but that's to be expected and by far most of what he's written and said (like in videos at Youtube, f.e.) is certainly right, "straight scoop". Unlike most people who have written on African issues, he's evidently gone there and performed on-the-ground, in-place investigation before writing; and it's never favorable for the "West", which it should not be.

I learned about "Western" imperialism and predatory capitalism acting in Africa back in the 1980s, which is before he took up this subject. I hadn't learned as much as he's written about, but it was enough to be able to see the connection. And the excellent Congolese MP Patrice Lumumba wasn't sadistically, brutally murdered or assassinated by forces of Ca. and Belgium much earlier for less than "Western" corporatist reasons or motives. A free Congo could not be tolerated by the "West".


What about Indonesia, the genocide against the Timorese people?

We won't end if this continues, so I'll cut off now. We clearly can consider [all] indigenous populations of this planet and will find plenty of genocidal actions against them all. It doesn't end. If there were more indigenous populations than there are, then we'd find more examples of genocide because of imperialist, et cetera, governments; apparently, especially "Western" ones.

George Carlin, "You Are All Diseased!". Good skit, but a little more repetitive than I needed in order to be able to "clue in" to what he meant. All I needed was to see the title. We are socially and politically [diseased]; [no] kidding. But he's a good comedic philosopher and if he isn't Christian, then he still is fitting for Gospels of today. Comedy is a good way to teach.

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