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I mailed a postcard to the Speaker of the House, Madame Nancy Pelosi, on 17 December 2007. Twenty-five (25) days later it was returned to me.
Delivery Refused  
The United States Postal Service indicates that the postcard was "REFUSED". I sent it to the address listed on the contact page of the official web site of the Speaker of the House.

Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Why did the Speaker's office refuse my postcard? Because I dared to remind the Speaker of her oath of office?

"Please remember you took an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. That oath doesn't mean only when convenient or if it get me elected."

Or, has the hubris of the Imperial Presidency rubbed off on the leader of what was once known as the "People's House'? Do we now have to deal with a UNITARY EXECUTIVE in the Congress as well as in the White House?

Long ago, in my innocence, I urged people to vote and to write to their representatives. Somewhere along the line in my political education, I became informed enough to realize my representatives didn't want to see my position papers. They didn't even want to see an envelope from me. I started sending one sentence statements of support or non-support on postcards. When the anthrax scare slowed down all communications with my elected officials; I congratulated myself on my foresight. Postcards, I reasoned, would be less likely to be assumed to be suspicious and more likely to make it to my representatives' offices in a reasonable amount of time.

What a fool I am. "REFUSED". I knew Bush doesn't give a rat's ass about my opinion, but I thought the Democrats..Pelosi would at least go through the motions of representative democracy. I WAS WRONG.

And now I'm wondering if my vote will count. It's seems likely that it won't. It seems likely that no matter who I vote for, my ballot will have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election. Will it be Hillary? Will it be Obama? McCain? Who knows? I don't. But, I believe the corporations and the top 1% do.

If you are interested in what was on the front of the postcard Nancy Pelosi refused, you'll find it here.


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We ain't eatin' cake, Pelosi. We ARE putting impeachment ON THE TABLE.

Pelosi being in charge of the house and Reid being in charge of the senate you would believe they would except email from all citizens , much less democrats which have been supporting them.
But, no they have become arrogant as h..., and do not want any part of the democrats criticism on their lack of performance while in office.
The 100 day BS of Pelosi is about the biggest circus I have ever heard of.
Yes, Pelosi and Reid refuses my emails also and so I think they just trash the email , because I never even receive one of their automatic replies.
The democratic leaders are either republicans or arrogant as h... and believe we should just vote for them and except what ever they do...
Remember to vote against them and support Sheeham. We need to elect citizens without the billions of dollars a year salary and pick people which live in the same environment in which we do...

For some reason, beginning in mid-December, I have been unable to send e-mail messages to Rep. Woolsey through her congressional website. As a result, I have to send snail-mail, stamped letters. I know it's not a problem on my end, because I am able to send messages through the official sites of Boxer and Feinstein.

Really makes ya wonder, no?

Though it has been a month or so since trying, the non-expanatory error message, "Error, try again", kept appearing at my Reps site. Finally had to give up and send by post office. No webmaster was given on his site. Because there was another problem with getting to his web site he sent me his real email address which I assume is the same as what his web site uses. His email is TX20ima @ where TX is state code and 20 is the district. Can't guess what "ima" is. Maybe a similar format would work for you.


If you check most reps. websites you will find a fax number listed. Nancy, is one of the ONLY reps who does not have the fax number listed. BUT, do you think she has no FAX number? Of course not. I have faxed her several times. Don't have it off-hand but all you have to do is call her office and ask for the fax number. You can write as much as you want and the fax machine can't screen. They will have to handle it even if it is to put it in a trash can.

FAX is the way to go, I always FAX rather than Email.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official...
~Theodore Roosevelt~

about the card is fascinating. Is there a way to get an official statement from the post office why it was refused? Where was it refused? In the House mail facility? Do they have a written policy that all post cards are to be refused? Why didn't they just put it in the shredder if they didn't want to read it or consider it? It is like they wanted you to know what they think of you.

Here is a site that claims to have tips on contacting members of Congress:

Mr. Nuremberg is going to walk right up to Ms. Pelosi's office and my congress-critter's office and tell them we want them to uphold their oath of office to defend the Constitution.

Have you noticed that Wexler can't get up to 200,000 people asking for impeachment. I am sure the NSA has nothing to do with that, and I believe in fairies too.


Thanks, 4Peace!

The slowdown at the site has a root cause and it ain't cuz people aren't signing up. Too big a drop-off and the incoming is way too regular.

Well, *giggles*, I guess we're getting our message through "one way or another" .... "we're gonna get you." (Pat Benatar)

The 110th congress led by Pelosi in particular is just as useless as bush and the his puppet master cheney. Unfortunately, the great American experiment will fail within 50 years thanks to this group of incompetent, murderous thieves. They need to replace Pelosi with someone who displays intelligence, courage, and integrity. Then, let Reid and Pelosi retire to play with their grandchildren where they belong: we need reps who are hungry :-(

You should have sent a check with it, then they would pay attention to you.

You better grow a spine Nancy or keep your head on a swivel because Cathy Shehan is gaining mo!!!!!!

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