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It CAN happen here

25 April 1974

Portugal - Nonviolent supporters of the Revolução dos Cravos or the Carnation Revolution changed the Portuguese authoritarian rule in favor of a democracy.

Citizens brandishing Carnations offered to trade their flowers for the government’s soldiers’ bullets. The soldiers accepted. The oldest fascist regime in Western Europe was put to rest. The only casualties were four citizens killed by the fascists.

Read more.

And here.

25 April 2008

United States - 34th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. It can happen here. IF YOU WANT IT.


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Thank you Daniel for sharing these true accounts of what happened in Portugal. I've only read a portion so far, fascinating, but I have downloaded all of it and I am planning to assimilate it Borg-style as soon as I can. I can already tell this is going to be imminently useful to us all.

Have you signed the Peoples Warrant for the Arrest of Bush, Cheney, etc. yet? Please do. And that goes for everybody reading this. We have to take extraordinary measures. Not violence! I am flat against that being a minister and person of conscience, as I'm sure many of you are.

But if We the People, that's you and me folks, if We the People can just realize this very powerful truth, it CAN happen here. That if we come together on a united front, I mean if all of us can put our other issues aside temporarily, as much as we can without compromising anyone, we can do this.

If we can come together on the issue of the support and defense of the Constitution, the governments crimes in violation of the Constitution, in violation of international treaty obligations, as well as the laws that the government itself created, AND we frame our position on the premise that We the People have the ultimate authority over our government that goes way beyond elections and the courts, we can do this.

The Preamble of our country's founding document, the Declaration of Independence, is very clear in this matter.

"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate & equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness: that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, & to institute new government, laying it's foundation on such principles, & organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety & happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light & transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses & usurpations pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government, & to provide new guards for their future security."

And most state Constitutions bear out the same fact. The California state Constitution, Article II Section 1, states

"All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."

This reflects the California people's perception of what the Preamble in the Declaration of Independence stated. Not much ambiguity here.

Article I Section 3 for California goes further when it states

"The people have the right to instruct (not advise, but instruct) their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good." (emphasis added).

Again, this reflects what the people understood to be the truth about their sovereignty when these provisions were written.

Folks, we have rights here yet unclaimed that are more powerful than any other in our toolbox of solutions. We the People must now exercise these rights, for the public good does require it.

The way that was left for us to peacefully accomplish this is the Convention process. We the People organize a new Peoples Constitutional Convention under our authority in the Declaration of Independence. We have local elections to provide delegates from every region and demographic.

These delegates take the results of numerous town hall meetings that will have been held, to provide a list of Peoples Amendments to state and then national Conventions. Assuming that all states participate, we then have a comprehensive Amendment package that the three branches of our Democratic Constitutional Republic will be required to adopt.

I have several suggestions for Amendments that I would fight for in a Convention, such as an enforcement mechanism for the Sworn Oath of Office, mandatory free and equal media time for all candidates in all elections, an outright ban on all political contributions (bye, bye paid lobbyists), the repeal of the prohibitions of the Cannabis plant and it's planet-saving properties, and most important, the rewriting of the Preamble to reflect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

Many naysayers argue that the Constitution does not allow for this, that Article V hands over that process to Congress, where it would certainly be co-opted for their own nefarious ends. Not necessarily true when you consider it in the context of a legitimate Constitutional crisis, which we definitely have, and the peoples rights as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. Read the signing statement at the bottom of the Constitution just under the signatures. It states

THAT the preceding Constitution be laid before the United States in Congress assembled, and that it is the opinion of this Convention, that it should afterwards be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the People thereof, under the recommendation of its Legislature, for their assent and ratification; and that each Convention assenting to and ratifying the same, should give notice thereof to the United States in Congress assembled.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Convention, That as soon as the Conventions of Nine States shall have ratified this Constitution, the United States in Congress assembled should fix a day on which Electors should be appointed by the States which shall have ratified the same, and a day on which the Electors should assemble to vote for the President, and the time and place for commencing proceedings under this Constitution: That after such publication the Electors should be appointed, and the Senators and Representatives elected: That the Electors should meet on the day fixed for the election of the President, and should transmit their votes, certified, signed, sealed and directed, as the Constitution requires, to the Secretary of the United States in congress assembled: That the Senators and Representatives should convene at the time and place assigned: That the Senators should appoint a President of the Senate, for the sole purpose of receiving, opening and counting the votes for President; and that, after he shall be chose, the Congress, together with the President, should without delay proceed to execute this Constitution.

By the unanimous order of the Convention,
..........WILLIAM JACKSON, Sec'ry.

In Convention, Sept 17, 1787.


WE have now the honour to submit to the consideration of the United States in Congress in Congress assembled, that Constitution which has appeared to us the most adviseable.

The friends of our country have long seen and desired, that the power of making war, peace and treaties, that of levying money and regulating commerce, and the correspondent executive and judicial authorities, should be fully and effectually vested in the general government of the Union; but the impropriety of delegating such extensive trust to one body of men is evident.--Hence results the necessity of a different organization.

It is obviously impracticable, in the federal government of these States, to secure all rights of independent sovereignty to each, and yet provide for the interest and safety of all. Individuals entering into society must give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest. The magnitude of the sacrifice must depend as well on situation and circumstance, as on the object to be obtained. It is at all times difficult to draw with precision the line between those rights which must be surrendered, and those which may be reserved, and on the present occasion this difficulty was increased by a difference among the several states as to their situation, extent, habits and particular interests.

In all our deliberations on this subject, we kept steadily in our view that which appears to us the greatest interest of every true American, the consolidation of our Union, in which are involved our prosperity, felicity, safety, perhaps our national existence. This important consideration, seriously and deeply impressed on our minds, led each State in the Convention to be less rigid on points of inferior magnitude, than might have been otherwise expected; and thus the constitution, which we now present, is the result of a spirit of amity, and of that mutual deference and concession which the peculiarity of our political situation rendered indispensible.

That it will meet the full and entire approbation of every State is not perhaps to be expected, but each will doubtless consider, that had her interests been alone consulted, the consequences might have been particularly disagreeable or injurious to others; that it is liable to as few exceptions as could reasonably have been expected, we hope and believe; that it may promote the lasting welfare of that country so dear to us all, and secure her freedom and happiness, is our most ardent wish.

With great respect, we have the honour to be, Sir, your Excellency's most obedient and humble Servants,

By unanimous Order of the Convention.

His Excellency the President of Congress.

UNITED STATES in Congress Assembled.
Friday, September 28, 1787.

Present, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina and Georgia, and from Maryland Mr. Ross. Congress having received the report of the Convention lately assembled in Philadelphia,

Resolved, unanimously, That the said report, with the resolutions and letter accompanying the same, be transmitted to the several Legislatures, in order to be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in each State by the People thereof, in conformity to the resolves of the Convention made and provided in that case.

State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations.

In GENERAL ASSEMBLY, October Session, 1787

The other point to remember is, despite what Article V may or may not say, the Constitution was created by We the People for the purpose of providing a framework for government, not to control or take away the political authority of the people. If you doubt me, reread the Declaration of Independence at the online library of We the People Network

Now is the time for all us to act. Are we going to wait for George Bush to finish off our country and our Constitution? Are we going to be sheep in the face of an illegal, illegitimate, unConstitutional, immoral, unethical, and war crime committing government?

Or will we do what is our absolute right under our unanimous Declaration of Independence? Will we come to the defense of our country and Constitution that so many millions have died to preserve and protect?


Paul Fisher
We the People Network
Support the Peoples Constitutional Convention!
Sign the Peoples Warrant to Arrest Bush, Cheney, et al.!

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