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FASCISM Came To America - Do You Agree?

FASCISM Came To America-Do You Agree? By Gene Cappa |

Ten Steps to fascism

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

After we were hit on September 11 2001, we were in a state of national shock. Less than six weeks later, on October 26 2001, the USA Patriot Act was passed by a Congress that had little chance to debate it; many said that they scarcely had time to read it. We were told we were now on a "war footing"; we were in a "global war" against a "global caliphate" intending to "wipe out civilisation".

2. Create a gulag

Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is to create a prison system outside the rule of law (as Bush put it, he wanted the American detention centre at Guantánamo Bay to be situated in legal "outer space") - where torture takes place.

3. Develop a thug caste

The years following 9/11 have proved a bonanza for America's security contractors, with the Bush administration outsourcing areas of work that traditionally fell to the US military. In the process, contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars have been issued for security work by mercenaries at home and abroad.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

In closed societies, this surveillance is cast as being about "national security"; the true function is to keep citizens docile and inhibit their activism and dissent.

5. Harass citizens' groups

The fifth thing you do is related to step four - you infiltrate and harass citizens' groups. It can be trivial: a church in Pasadena, whose minister preached that Jesus was in favour of peace, found itself being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service, while churches that got Republicans out to vote, which is equally illegal under US tax law, have been left alone.

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

Professor Walter F Murphy is emeritus of Princeton University; he is one of the foremost constitutional scholars in the nation and author of the classic Constitutional Democracy. Murphy is also a decorated former marine, and he is not even especially politically liberal. But on March 1 this year, he was denied a boarding pass at Newark, "because I was on the Terrorist Watch list".

7. Target key individuals

A CIA contract worker who said in a closed blog that "waterboarding is torture" was stripped of the security clearance she needed in order to do her job

8. Control the press

Josh Wolf (no relation), a blogger in San Francisco, has been put in jail for a year for refusing to turn over video of an anti-war demonstration; Homeland Security brought a criminal complaint against reporter Greg Palast, claiming he threatened "critical infrastructure" when he and a TV producer were filming victims of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. Palast had written a bestseller critical of the Bush administration.

9. Dissent equals treason

"Spy" and "traitor"

10. Suspend the rule of law

The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 Read the whole story (steps). Very interesting page. New book: Naomi Wolf Give Me Liberty A Handbook for American Revolutionaries

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Would be for THE NEO-FASCIST REGIME in case they have to give up Power to the DEMS and BEFORE JANUARY, Another "TERRORIST ATTACK".

That will be the END OF AMERICA.

It may sound UGLY and Extreme but the reality is that the WHOLE JUDICIAL-MILITARY-ECONOMIC-POLITICAL apparatus have ALREADY been SET UP for that SCENARIO.


We can not be taken by surprise' Again!

So. I am not a religious Person and my favor lider is Dennis Kucinich but I've started praying every night for OBAMA.


"I've started praying every night for OBAMA"

You better stop looking to the other side of the same coin for relief from this growing threat. Obama is PART OF THIS! Both major political parties are responsible, not just the stinking Republicans. Ask yourself what the Democrats are doing about this. The answer is NOTHING! We must stop supporting BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans!

You have four choices: Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, Bob Bar and Chuck Baldwin. For the sake of America, pick one of these on election day and stop supporting the monsters that are raping all of us to fatten the bottom lines of the richest people in the world! These 3rd party candidates are not "spoilers", they are our ONLY HOPE! We, the people, must force the change. The Democrats will NOT do it!

Al K.

I've finally reached the point where I am weary of your ranting on about third party for President THIS ELECTION. YOU have one vote; I have one vote: everyone else has ONE VOTE...that's it! Your raving about trying to correct decades of unscrupulousness in the government THIS YEAR is misplaced, nonsensical, and dangerous--in THIS time period. You are preaching a wonderful message in the wrong time era.

Do I support Obama? No. Will I vote for him? Probably. Why? Because this is not the year to try and pull a "Third Party" out of the closet and expect my ONE VOTE to make a statement. Nobody in the mainstream will be watching the election results for "statements"!

Al, I appreciate your intensity, passion, and drive BUT, as I've read from other writers here and on other sites, you can't make a statement in THIS Presidential year. Make your statements at local and state levels first and grow from there. Maybe we'll never see a "Third Party" (Or more) in our lifetime but you have to plant seeds, water, fertilize and give TIME before you can harvest. You are expecting to toss a seed on a rock and expect to reap the harvest NOW. It just doesn't work that way. Especially this year....

I swore I'd never hold my nose in another November but I have learned and I have finally seen the wisdom of what I just hoped to share with you in my garden example above.

Nader, McKinney, Barr, Baldwin, et. al. are NOT spoilers by definition. I agree with you on this and you should cast your vote for Nader if that is what your heart tells you to do. Hell, I've thought about writing in Kucinich ever since he was "dismissed" from the primaries but can't, in good conscience, do that now. For ME, that would be a waste of MY vote in a VERY critical time period for this country. I MUST add my one tiny vote for the candidate, albeit corporate, who is at least SANE.

Al, I don't intend to argue with you as you seem to like to do on here. As I said, we all have the one vote ONLY and it's not like your arguing on ADS is going to turn the election to Nader. In a perfect country, in a true Democratic election where the choices are not narrowed to two of the same, I would be casting a vote for a "Third Party"--and WILL for local and state options--but not for President, in this climate, under these circumstances, and at THIS TIME IN HISTORY. (Did you watch the Fascist YOU TUBE above?) My tiny vote MUST go for sanity.

"A country without a Soul is a country lingering near the precipice of Hell."

but, you should listen to your own advice.

"Your raving about trying to correct decades of unscrupulousness in the government THIS YEAR is misplaced, nonsensical, and dangerous--in THIS time period."

In "THIS" time period, after the last two presidential elections were stolen and the people's will has not been fulfilled in the primaries this go round...

...pretending that everything depends on voting for the 'viable" candidates is VERY dangerous.


Because when they steal this election, and they will, it's talk like this that is going to distract from fixing the real problem.

People will be argueing about Nader or mcKinney costing Obama the election, and not looking at voter caging or the voter registration rolls or electronic vote tabulations.

This are the REAL issues OF OUR TIME... and pretending that we still have a democracy, after all the evidence that we have seen to the contrary, is not being very realistic.

People voting their concious will not cost us this election...not that these two are really very different... what WILL cost us this election has been well documented and YOU should try living in THIS time for a while.

We could certainly use your help.


You could be a politician, willy, dancing around a direct answer.

You and alkeng have convinced me: I WILL NOT VOTE THIS YEAR! Thank you for making very clear the confusion I have been having....

Clipped Eagle,

Come on, say "spoiler"! I know you mean it!

YES, this MUST be the year. We MUST start now! If not now, when do we start to take our democracy back from the corporations? Every election year their death grip gets tighter. WE MUST START NOW! Right NOW, we have no chance to change anything by sticking with the two big party corporate stooges. Look at what BOTH stand for. You will see that we have NOTHING to loose by starting now and everything to loose by allowing four more years of the same crap! You are very tragically WRONG! We must move as soon as we can, it may already be too late to change this stupid "lesser of two evils" voting mentality. We can NOT afford four more years of the same people who put us in the mess! Don't elect another fox to guard our hen house.

Al K.

Once again, you put words to someone else's if you don't like what you hear. I do not believe in "spoiler" and believe I said so. I also don't believe an "outsider" has a snowball's chance in hell THIS TIME.

You and willy have convinced me: IWILL NOT VOTE THIS YEAR! Thank you for making very clear the confusion I have been having....

By all means, vote. Hell, I will probably vote for Obama when it's all said and done, even though I would rather have Kucinich or Nader or McKinney.

I just would rather you put those brain cells of yours working toward something more productive than "get out the vote".

That's all I am saying.

I am NOT on a "Get Out The Vote" trip; you have me confused. I'm the guy who has a solution to the Fascist Problem--workable or not, which is reclaiming the soon-to-be-goose stepping American police and military.

YOU still haven't answered the question: What is YOUR "solution" to the hell this country is in?

what other solution is there?

How do you propose a peaceful revolution where the masses will coalesce and make it happen? Boycotts? Tax resistance? Media strikes? All these would have fangs but uniting people to follow through is like herding parakeets.

An armed revolution would not only be impossible but suicidal given the facts I've mentioned previously regarding WHO is armed and insane and dangerous. This ain't the 1700's anymore, willy.

The British Empire was vast and immensely strong. Had it not been for the French (and quite frankly, the Native American Indians) we WOULD have lost.

Look, I am not advocating armed revolution here.

But there comes a time, Mr. Eagle, when citizens have to stand up and say "no more".

You know, I have read your comments, that this corptocracy is never going to yield on it's own. and I imagine that you know their hold is going to get stronger and stronger as time goes on.

There are great ideas out there floating around about pulling money out of certain banks that are behind this, and boycotting media outlets that are working against the best interests of the citizens, many many great ideas.

But unfortunately these ideas only work if we can organized enough to get the word out there and get million to commit to them.

IMO there are really only two options we have.

One is to expose for all to see the level of malace this group bears us, not "the terrorists", us. That is acomplished in a number of ways, but mostly and primarily, what happened on 9/11.

I remember the day, just a few months ago, that Kieth Olbermann and Rachel Maddow both talked about, for the first time I believe on MSM, that new evidence pointed to the Bush Administration allowed 9/11 to occure.

Now, that's LIHOP, and that's kinda a start at least, but notice... not a peep from them since about it. If the truth of 9/11 became evident to the people of this country and the MSM had to cover it, the puppets that run this country would be gone immediately as well as the puppet masters that pull their strings. Treason carries a stiff penalty.

After that, we would have to pick up the pieces and move on.

The second way to do this, is a little more harsh.

If we were to stage another March on Washington, and this time, just don't leave. A full time, peacefull sit-in, on the Mall in DC, where we go, and we stay, until or issues as American citizens are addressed, and legislation is written, not just paid lip service...

Now, why do I say it is harsher than the first?

Because they will not yield this empire to ordinary citizens. We are cock-roaches to them.

Therefore the sit-in will grow, the National Guard will be deployed, the media will cover it, and it will become something else entirely. Not by design, just by human nature and the nature of fascism.

We would have to insure that international media covers it, and get lots of coverage on msm that is as possitive as possible for out side. Not easy to do these days.

Yes, people would have to leave jobs and families and stay for an extended period of time. Yes, that is a lot to ask. Yes, people will be hurt in the end. The question is, how much do we want this to end before BushCo bombs Iran or Syria and kills another million people? How badly do we want to wrestle control of our Republic back from these tyrants? And in the end, what do we want to hand to our children as our legacy?

No, not an armed revolution... but sacrafice? Yes.

And even if our Quiet Revolution is smashed and we all end up in internment camps, we can rest easy knowing we followed our hearts and stood up against the most powerful and cruel imperial regime in our history in an effort to bring democracy back to America.

It may serve only as a rallying cry for some time in the future, but that is something. Sometimes, you just can't overthink the logic of resistance. It will never add-up. Revolution is about passion.

In my humble (ok, I'm not so humble as I should be) opinion, at least.

Don't sit out the election. I think that's better than voting for more of the same, but, why do that? Pick a third party candidate and make SOME small statement for "none of the above"! You can also work for the candidate of you choice. I'm not just on here running my mouth off for Nader and small party candidates. I was one of the army of people who got the 22,000 signatures to establish the "Independent party of Maryland" that put Nader on the ballot. I am also a founding member of that party! I also contribute money to his campaign. Not a lot by any means, but I give him everything I can before it hurts. We have to because Nader gets NOTHING from the fat-cats that run the two big parties! I'm an old codger but I am also the coordinator for the Nader group at the university here in town. Another small thing is the Nader / Gonzalez 08 yard sign I display. It was just a typical yard sign. I figured it would get stolen if I left it out overnight, so I would bring it in every night. So, the fascists stole it in broad daylight! Now I got another one hung on an old shower curtain rod as high up a telephone pole as my ladder would reach! Do as much of this kind of stuff as you can. Voting is just one step in a democracy!

Al K.

I Will never vote for nader/gonzalez, because of nader's support of the globalist united nations and has ties with michael bloomberg cfr globalist member and not to mention he put bush in the white house in 2000 and gonzalez wants amnesty for illegal aliens, for me that's wrong, illegal immigration is the worst thing that could happen to this country and I'm dead sent against amnesty for illegals
Yes get rid of NAFTA/WTO/CAFTA, but secure and close our borders and our ports, it must be stopped immediately.
I'm anti-amnesty, it is wrong for our country to bring MS 13 Street gang here, anybody who hires an illegal alien will be going straight to jail, it is against the law.

Vote for chuck baldwin

No More Two Party dictatorship.

Once again, you put words to someone else's if you don't like what you hear. I do not believe in "spoiler" and believe I said so. I also don't believe an "outsider" has a snowball's chance in hell THIS TIME.

You and willy have convinced me: I WILL NOT VOTE THIS YEAR! Thank you for making very clear the confusion I have been having....


My comment above about working for your guy was intended for you. I stuck it in the wrong place!

You accuse me of putting words in another person mouth, yes, I do that so that I do not directly demean anyone by using direct insults. I twist what they say to illustrate what I consider the silliness of their statements! They have a right to say what they like so I do NOT have a right to insult them for saying what I consider stupid things. I only have the right to counter what it is they say. This is the era of 30 second "sound bites", you know. You need to do it with a minimum number of words. That has got to step on a few toes.

Al K.

And opinions are like assholes; everybody has one. BUT...some people are one. There. That's me new "Silliness Statement"!


Here's my variation that one. "Opinions are like A-holes. Everybody has one and a lot of them stink!".

BTW: My comment earlier about you really wanting to say "spoiler". That wasn't trying to putting words in your mouth, it was just an unwarranted assumption on my part. My mistake. I'm paranoid about that, as if you hadn't noticed!

Al k.

"Your raving about trying to correct decades of unscrupulousness in the government THIS YEAR is misplaced, nonsensical, and dangerous--in THIS time period. You are preaching a wonderful message in the wrong time era."

So when WILL it be the right time? How will we know? And how will someone who knows that we desperately need a viable third party/independent movement and massive governmental reform, but who keeps voting to mainatin the pathetic two party status quo, ever be able to convince others to make the switch without already having done it themselves?

I believe it was Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Obama will not pull us completely out of Iraq anytime soon. Tens of thousands of our troops, dozens of permanent American military bases and the largest American embassy the world has ever seen will stay. He says he wants to take SOME troops out, but he will put them in Afghanistan. Regardless, he'll continue putting billions on the taxpayers' tab every day to continue the Middle East disaster, and we'll still be getting nothing in return except dead soldiers, innocent dead civilians, ever more people around the world who hate America, ever more debt, and the inability to bring about any real domestic reform beacuse of all the money we're wasting over there.

And that's BEFORE we figure in the 850 billion dollar bailout scam.

"Do I support Obama? No. Will I vote for him? Probably."

And how could you possibly say, after voting for someone you admittedly don't support, that your vote was NOT wasted? Doesn't that just make you one of the millions who will compromise their true beliefs, gaming the presidential election like they game the Superbowl, just so they can say they voted for the winner?

Aren't the stakes FAR too high for that kind of mentality?

None of us pushing for a viable third party/independent movement are under the impression that we can make it all better with one vote in one election. Many of us have understood this now for multiple presidential election cycles (five for me). We all have to start somewhere, but we'll get nowhere if we keep making excuses about why "now is not the time."

Waiting for someone like Obama to come in and make things APPEAR to be a LITTLE better will only restore the false sense of security that makes people think one vote in one election CAN solve all our problems.

Unfiltered Video Commentary:

Congress conspires with Wall Street to bring America to its knees

We are facing an impossible conundrum to which there is no right or wrong answer for how to vote; therefore, as I wrote above, thanks to being embroiled in this merry-go-round thread, I have decided NOT to vote at all.

If you had paid attention above, John, I said it was a good time to work for and vote for viable "third parties" at local and state levels for now and grow a movement starting at the beginning and not expecting to start at the end.

"Aren't the stakes FAR too high for that kind of mentality?"
Yes, Sir, they are. And THAT is why an insane old man with a right wing BARBIE DOLL CANNOT BE ALLOWED IN THE W.H.!!! Face of the two Uni-Party candidates WILL WIN! This is no time for illusions or fantasy.

I agree with you on most everything you write on here but I won't go on the defensive on this one. This is NOT a black or white: It is a VERY GRAY AREA.

How about voting for someone you actually believe in, instead of throwing up your hands in disgust and resigning yourself to being part of the problem?

Those of us who are serious about a viable third party/independent movement harbor no illusions or fantasies. As I said, none of us are under the impression that we can get it all done with one election.

Of course we understand that the movement needs to start on a local level, and many of us have been consistently voting and advocating along those lines for years. Of course we understand that we also need to keep working for open debates and clean elections.

And of course we understand that one of the two Republicratic corporate tools will win this election. This just means we have more work to do.

But not voting in the direction of real change because we haven't achieved it yet does not help. It simply says loud and clear that you have accepted the unacceptable status quo.

Unfiltered Video Commentary:

Congress conspires with Wall Street to bring America to its knees

Your raving about trying to correct decades of unscrupulousness in the government THIS YEAR is misplaced, nonsensical, and dangerous--in THIS time period. You are preaching a wonderful message in the wrong time era."

So when WILL it be the right time? How will we know? And how will someone who knows that we desperately need a viable third party/independent movement and massive governmental reform, but who keeps voting to mainatin the pathetic two party status quo, ever be able to convince others to make the switch without already having done it themselves?

I believe it was Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Obama will not pull us completely out of Iraq anytime soon. Tens of thousands of our troops, dozens of permanent American military bases and the largest American embassy the world has ever seen will stay. He says he wants to take SOME troops out, but he will put them in Afghanistan. Regardless, he'll continue putting billions on the taxpayers' tab every day to continue the Middle East disaster, and we'll still be getting nothing in return except dead soldiers, innocent dead civilians, ever more people around the world who hate America, ever more debt, and the inability to bring about any real domestic reform beacuse of all the money we're wasting over there.

And that's BEFORE we figure in the 850 billion dollar bailout scam.

"Do I support Obama? No. Will I vote for him? Probably."

And how could you possibly say, after voting for someone you admittedly don't support, that your vote was NOT wasted? Doesn't that just make you one of the millions who will compromise their true beliefs, gaming the presidential election like they game the Superbowl, just so they can say they voted for the winner?

Aren't the stakes FAR too high for that kind of mentality?

None of us pushing for a viable third party/independent movement are under the impression that we can make it all better with one vote in one election. Many of us have understood this now for multiple presidential election cycles (five for me). We all have to start somewhere, but we'll get nowhere if we keep making excuses about why "now is not the time."

Waiting for someone like Obama to come in and make things APPEAR to be a LITTLE better will only restore the false sense of security that makes people think one vote in one election CAN solve all our problems.

I Agree with this post, but I Doubt it.

lou dobbs is absolutely right, democrats and republicans are opposite wings of the same bird and they are giving that bird to the american people.

No More Two Party dictatorship.

Her resolution for the problem is ...what?

"Run for office"? In a rigged system? How do you do that?

"Write your congressmen"? You think they give a shit? Are you not paying attention? Didn't we just slam the halls of congress about the FISA Bill and the Paulson Bailout Sweepstakes?

She is writing a book about a current issue that people need answers too in order to make money. But she isn't calling for anything "drastic" that she would be ostracised for by either the MSM or the political establishment.

Remember when McClellan came out with his book saying 'Bush Lied"? Did we know that already? Was there anything really there in that book that we could use? Did he say repeatedly in the book that Bush did all of this for some misguided sense of patriotism? He was just jumping on the bandwagon to make a buck and at the same time, try to spread some misinformation to the "dissenters".

We know this is a fascist coup that has taken place.

Gore Vidal said so a year ago.

Aaron Russo said so 7 years ago.

So what is her claim to fame on this? She is a middle class representative of the "progressive" left wing.

She didn't get out there a year ago and push for impeachment.

She still thinks 9/11 was done by 19 cave-dwellers with box-cutters.

Her book is useless. In fact, in the face of overwhelming evidence, her solutions are ridiculous. She is still trying to reinforce belief in the system that we KNOW is corrupt and failing.

And she is passing it off as "dissent" to make a buck.

She is the "charlatan".

Vote for a Politician that WILL NOT be able to WIN right now?
DID ever occur to you that OBAMA if Pushed by US could make Some Positive Changes, BUT if he doesn't he CAN BE FIRED in four years.

Some TASK in life are so ENORMOUS that you have to do them STEP BY STEP.

Smart People in order to DEFEAT powerfull adversaries create COALITIONS and UNIONS

Never in the US History such POWERFUL EVIL MACHINERY have taken CONTROL of the goverment.


You guys have the RICHT TO CHOOSE FOR WHOM TO VOTE and appears you won't change your mind.

IF McCain WINS or BUSH is named EMPEROR for LIFE. Do you think you will have the right to choose IN FOUR YEARS?

Is this a choice? One neocon vs a neolib? Obama was hand selected by the DNC,DLC, and the MSM and the corporations that support all of them.

This isn't a "choice"... it's a stage play.

And if you can't see that, you see nothing.

You do you fix a bad stage play? Keep giving it bad reviews until people stop showing up.

Sure, coalitions are all well and good, but in the end all they will do is find new ways to do the same old thing; go by their representatives offices with hat in hand and meet with someone's Chief of Staff, and then they pat themselves on the back and tell each other they did something.

It's a joke.

But more importantly, it's a joke that wastes time and energy, and quite frankly, I think Naomi is certainly smart enough to know that, even if you are not.

That you are SMARTER THAN ME, that's why I hope i don't see you NEXT YEAR in a "FEMA CAMP".

Because i don't want to hear you saying:

You were right : CORPORATE CLINTON'S TIMES were like PARADISE compare to this.



Look up Bosnia, Serbia, Somalia... check out what Clinton did to the people of Iraq for 8 years with his "sanctions'...

and just in case you forgot...

...Biden is more directly responsible for the Congress voting FOR the illegal invasion of Iraq than McCain EVER was.

Ever heard of Waco?

That's just laughable. Thinking a democratic White House somehow will stop this iperialist rush toward globalization. That's just downright silly after Obama voted FOR FISA and FOR the Bailout Bill and has YET to come out and even admit that this criminal administration should be impeached.

Check out who was president the last time internment camps were used in this country.

And as far as the word "smart" goes... don't get all thin-skinned on me, you brought it up first.

"Smart People in order to DEFEAT powerfull adversaries create COALITIONS and UNIONS"

Let em ask you this: as much work and money and time and thought that these people have put into their little plans for turning this country into a 3rd World Police state...

Do you honestly think for a minute that they never took into consideration "get out the vote"?

Do you honestly think that all of that can be undone by some fucking simp and his "I Voted" sticker?

Do you honestly think they would allow that?

Next year in a FEMA Camp? What does a middle of the road "progressive" Obama troll know about that? Obama wouldn't stand up to the illegal surveillance of FISA.. you think he is going to stand up for the "HomeGrown terrorists"?

He'll be behind it. Maybe not "completely" behind it, but he will say, like he did about the bailout, "Something must be done. These are dangerous times".

And do you know what? Just as soon as he does, people like YOU will all of a sudden be behind it, just so long as they don't come after you.

And don't worry; the more you write the less likely it is that I will ever say 'You were right".

I know OBAMA is a Corporate Puppet. I had said that here at ADS BEFORE.
I saw the last debate and heard when he said " The Russians are acting Evil"

BUT McCain almost said THEY ARE EVIL. Perhaps you don't know that Randy Sheumman who is the guy who Instigated this provocation is A pioneer PNAC member and IS The Main FORIEGH POLICY ADVISOR for McCain.

That's a HUGE diference for me.

I also heard Obama saying "Israel it is one country with one Capital. Jerusalen"

But i also heard him speaking before in favor of palestinans.

One will still leave the Door of Progress Open.
Ex: He will never VETO a Congress Resolution for Single Payer Health Care.

The other and his PNAC bodies will close that door forever. If BUSH-Cheney don't do it before.

At least for me, the next STEP it's Clear. I wil vote for Obama.

But the Antiwar movement will still be able to Protest and to remind him all his promeses or HE WILL BE FIRED!

WHAT is YOUR solution? Well...?

It seems we are trapped on a runaway train. The weapons are in the hands of our own brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters who have been programmed by a neo-fascist system. How do we "physically" fight that? How do we stop or turn around the programming that made our brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters INSANE?

Look at the "goose-stepping" Nazis in the youtube we just saw. Who were they? How did they become what they became--the scourge of Europe; the murderers of innocents. Anyone who doesn't see that happening now, is in denial or sound asleep.

The problem,Willy, is in the "PAWNS"!!! Without pawns there cannot be a neo-Nazi Amerika! Without pawns we wouldn't have the fear of Fascism getting closer on a day-to-day basis. Without programmed pawns the INSANE-WITH-POWER "Kings" would be HAVE NO POWER!

Just as in medicine, you MUST treat the cause and not focus on the symptom. And the CAUSE, My Friend, are those brothers, sisters, sons and daughters who are willing to threaten, abuse, and kill their own people because it's "THEIR JOB"!

"Run for office"? In a rigged system? How do you do that?"

The way to beat election rigging is to overwhelm it with millions of votes! You don't do it by sitting home on election day and crying in your beer about how it's all rigged and we can't win. If you do that, we sure as hell can't win! Get off your A$$ and work for the third party candidate you like best. Our democracy may depend on it!

Al K.

In 2004, what should have been a landslide victory by ALL accounts, even the exit polls,

3.2 million votes were "lost".

Tens of thousands were turned away from the polling places because of voter registration rolls...

Polls shut down in every state, especially swing states because of e-voting machines that went "off line" mysteriously...

8 hour waits in urban areas where dems were most likely voting caused thousands to get tired and fed up and leave...

... and THEN, on top of all that... you have "vote switiching" issues where votes cast for Kerry were recorded for Bush.

And after all of that, we now know that in certain states, the actual vote tabulation went first to a republican site where they were "reporting" the results, and THEN to the place where the votes were recorded officially.

Now, your solution to all of this is.... "get out the vote"?

Seems kinda simplistic and naive if you ask me.

And it also seems like you are setting up the meme that "Nader and liberals who weren't smart enough to know about "viable candidates" cost "us" the election".

Nader isn't going to cost Obama the election. This should be such a landslide that even Al Gore running on the Purple Ticket wouldn't effect it.

But, once again, he is who people like you will blame, once again leaving the real criminals free to run this country.

Look up the Help America Vote Act. Give it read.

Here's another way..

Get out and start pushing for election reform. Work to repeal the "Help America vote act" that has crammed computer voting machines down everyones throat! Paper ballots cost pennies each as compared to huge sums of money for touch screen vote manipulators! Just don't sit on you posterior and admit we can't win. That is EXACTLY what they want you to do! Find your local "Cathrin Harris" and give her hell!

After I voted in the 2004 election, I walked right up to the election supervisor in my poling place and voiced my opinion about the touch screen machines! She politely agreed and and then moved on to other things. At least I did SOMETHING!

Al K.

I agree with you on pushing to get rid of these damn machines. That's big. And repealing the HAV Act is also good.

But why do you keep saying I should "get off my A$$" and suggesting I am not doing "SOMETHING"?

I run a website, and from that website I have run several articles about Nader, and McKinney...

...and thousands of people have read those articles and several hundred have linked to their donations sites, from my site, and helped support their respective campaigns.

So yes, i do "something" thank you very much.

"Just don't sit on you posterior and admit we can't win."

and that is where you are wrong.

"They" want us thinking and saying that we CAN fix this country by "voting".

"They" then want us to say that we COULD have won if it wasn't for a. Nader voters B. McKinney voters C. racist democrats D. women voting for Palin E. "the religious right" ... ect. ect. ect.

The LAST thing "THEY" want is people to understand that they don't stand a chance under this manipulated system...

... so, the last thing "THEY" want is people drawing attention to that fact.

Ergo, the Homegrown Terrorist Bill will remove people that do just that. Because they of course are "terrorists".


GOOD DEAL! You ARE doing something! SUPER! That's what I want to hear. Each of use has only one vote but making a lot of noise for change can do a lot more. But why not vote too? What harm can one write-in vote for "Micky Mouse" do. Your protest would be registered in some small way. Better yet, vote for a real live possibility instead? Help the third party movement, at least a little!

Al K.

An American president jokes about being a dictator BUT look at that grin, its no frick'in joke, Click Here

THE PARALLELS between Bush and Hitler are obvious and impossible to deny despite the whining of the right wing lunatic fringe:

* Hitler engaged in INTIMIDATION AND FRAUD to "win" elections

* Hitler's office had an "OPEN DOOR" policy for any corporate criminal who was willing to support him financially

* Hitler used FABRICATED EVIDENCE to justify attacking and occupying other countries

* Hitler LOOTED THE WEALTH OF OTHER COUNTRIES, German government resources and German citizens to finance his operations.


Brasscheck TV: The Nazi roots of the Bush administrations

...and my email inbox is filling up with stuff from people who want me to support Obama. No one is perfect, they're telling me, but at least Obama is workable.

Workable? Like with FISA? The bail out?

They think McCain is crazy--crazy like W, Dick, and their Republican administration. I think Obama is slick--like Slick Willy, like Nancy and her Democrats in congress.

They think there'll be a difference if one is elected over the other. I don't. I think they're both controlled by the same people--the same people who also control the media and the courts.

Yes, I do agree that Fascism came to America, and that no Republican or Democrat will do a thing to change it.

R Ap

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