You are herecontent / San Francisco Activists/Code Pinks Welcomed Mortgage Bankers Association: "We've Been Robbed!" --
You are herecontent / San Francisco Activists/Code Pinks Welcomed Mortgage Bankers Association: "We've Been Robbed!"
GIVING to our wealthy elite by robbing from our hard working taxpayers, who are already in debt. Its Robin Hood in reverse! More on the FINANCIAL BAILOUT here Largest giveaway to the wealthy elite since the railroad baron days.
Stop paying income tax on your hard earned money and use it to help yourself and others in your LOCAL circle.
DON'T FEED THE ROBBER BARON'S! And if you do, you have no reason to bitch!
Last sentence NOT meant for you, personally, Lance. All taxpaying pawns in general--including me.
"A country without a Soul is destined for Hell...on Earth."