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I Don't Know What His Beef Is

By Cindy Sheehan

"I'm not insulted. I don't hold it against the government. The guy wanted to get on TV and he did. I don't know what his beef is, but whatever it is, I'm sure someone will hear it."
George Bush to ABC News after Iraqi Journalist, Muntazar al-Zaidi threw two shoes at him

I have vacillated over the past 8 years on whether George Bush is the stupidest man in the world, or the evilest. I think that the above statement may prove that he is both. He seriously does not know what al-Zaidi's "beef" is? Does George really believe that his cause was "Noble" and that the Iraqis should be grateful to that "dog" for destroying their country and killing over a million people?

Since the US currently is being governed in the highest office of the land, if not the world (for now), by the stupidest/evilest man on the planet, what does that say about Americans? We elected him, not once, but twice! "But, Cindy" you may protest, "he stole both elections." Yes, that is true and well-documented, but what did you do after Bush stole the elections? Did you storm the White House demanding his resignation? Did you work for election reform? Did you even go to a protest to demonstrate your dissatisfaction? I shamefully did not the first time he (with Al Gore's help) stole an election in 2000, but you can bet I have protested my heart out since 2004. If we lived in almost every other country in the world, the protests against such theft of democracy and lies would have been militantly protested. Calderon stole the election in Mexico in 2006-- from Obrador and the supporters of Obrador shut down Mexico City for five months after! Many Mexicans today claim fealty to the "legitimate" government of Obrador. Here in America, we are lucky to shut down an intersection in DC for two hours.

It is also being reported that al-Zaidi detests "America and Americans." If true, he does not make the distinction between Americans and our government, and he should not. Our government is supposed to be a reflection of us. That means that we are a nation of greedy, self-serving, corrupt and callous people. For years, the majority of Americans have been theoretically against the occupation of Iraq and today it hovers up towards three-quarters of us. We see less than a fraction of a percent of the 225,000,000 US citizens who oppose the wars out protesting them and we saw a popular mandate for a President-elect who NEVER promised to end the occupation and, in fact, promises to increase the forgotten occupation of Afghanistan which will soon vault to the forefront.

I have been publicly advocating for the impeachment and imprisonment of George Bush since November 3rd, 2004, one day after Bush stole his last election. The arguments against impeachment or any kind of accountability have been that it would be: divisive, time consuming, political suicide for the Democrats, or too late now. The shoe incident and the fact that tens of millions of people, perhaps, "detest" America and Americans is enough reason for me to impeach that stupid, evil man and demonstrate to the rest of the world that we are not as stupid and evil as our government is.

Mr. al-Zaida's "beef" does not even need to be explained to most 5 years old children who understand that having a family member(s) killed, or your home destroyed makes most people angry/sad. Most people in the world who are not in the Robber classes also understand the frustration of a population that has absolutely no recourse against humiliation by the world's biggest bully.

We should take this incident as a clarion call for impeachment. George can be impeached after he leaves office. According to many Constitutional experts, he cannot be criminally prosecuted for any crime he has committed in office here in the States. I already know of plans for at least one international war tribunal, though.

Let's hold our government to our high morals.

Let's quit allowing it to drag us down to its filthy gutter.

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Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.......

All 50 State Attorney Generals received a copy of "The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder" by renowned prosecutor and best selling true crime author Vincent Bugliosi. He mailed them himself. All 2,900 District Attorneys across the nation will receive a copy of this book being sent by

Bugliosi believes there must be at least one brave prosecutor out there, maybe more, brave enough to indict and prosecute Bush on conspiracy murder charges in an American courtroom, Click Here, Relatives who lost loved ones in Iraq for Bush's big lies can file a Civil Case for damages, pain, and suffering.

An Impeachment Ad, Click Here is running in Rep Jerry Nadler's district (D-NY 8th District) Click Here Rep Nadler has 39 Articles of Impeachment pending in his Sub Committee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, presented to Congress by a determined Rep Dennis Kucinich, and Nadler could commence immediate impeachment proceedings even today if only he, Chairman John Conyers, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were so inclined.

John J.Coghlan

Cindy, I enjoy reading your articles, and I want to thank you for the wonderful work that you have been doing. It is sometime frustrating that our efforts to stop the war, and return sanity to out nation have not been more successful. Your run against Nancy Pelosi was amazing. Pelosi had big money behind her,and had the backing of the corporate media. The fact that a non politician with little money could run against one of the most powerful politicians in the country, and get 17 or 18% of the vote, gives us all a good feeling of hope.

I think most of our progressive movements are larger and more organized than the media is telling us. The difference between us and the war protests of the 60s is, we are ignored by the corporate media. Our massive marches on Washington, and in other big cities are only witnessed by the people who are there. When television does cover demonstrations, they not only give poor coverage, they tell out and out lies. The lie about the numbers and size, and the pictures they show misrepresent what actually occurred. Our New York papers give front page coverage to fifty thousand people marching in the St Patric's Day parade every year. Our One Million March, in opposition to the war, got a small spot in comparison. I have never seen in my entire life so many people demonstrating in the streets of our city, as I did during the 2004 Republican National Convention. The streets were solid packed with people, From Madison Sq. Garden at 34Th st to 14Th st, and 3 to 4 avenues wide. Some New Yorker's got to see this monumental event. The rest of the rest of the country missed it. I guess our television, and news papers were to busy inside the convention.

The words Television uses to describe Concerned Americans are, Leftists, Small, Fringe Element, Radical, Militant, Anarchist, UN- American, and Traders. The big traders to freedom and democracy are the Corporate Media who have sold out their country, and have allowed themselves to become a propaganda machine. For years they have been selling soda pop, and peanut butter to the American People. Today the new product that they are selling is Fascism.

In case you have any misgivings or curiosity as to why the media has ignored all of the public protest and outrage, I strongly suggest you read the book "The Last Days of Democracy" (in case you haven't already).

Unfortunately, in addition to humuliating the United States on all levels across the world the past eight years, our departing administration has done wonders to our civil rights, and specifically, our first amendment rights. How, you ask? By allowing the media conglomerates to quickly buy and merge and form mega media organizations that are major contributors to individuals like our outgoing administration.

What can we do about it, you ask? Several things - continue to contact our state and federal representatives. Don't quit shouting at the top of your lungs and fighting for the Constitutional rights our forefathers toiled over for our freedom.

It appears we may be marching on the wrong fronts - perhaps we need to start marching and protesting at the media's doorsteps until they RECOGNIZE our efforts and desires as American citizens.

What more does it take other than shoes being thrown at President Bush to get the media's attention? I shudder at the thought.

I feel exactly the same way, Cindy. I got your back in all we do to see justice against these animals. Peace.

It was the most happy day of my life when I saw this journalist throw his shoes at this tyrant.

It does not suprise me that Bush has no remorse for his actions over the years.

I am sure that this has opened up others to speak out on behalf of their human rights.

As I read Cindy's article, she brought up some serious and painful questions in the aftermath of the "Shrub" Bush era, which may officially end on January 20th, 2009, but due to the illegal laws and established government policies which are still on the books, the "Shrub" Bush era will leave behind serious repercussions which will last for two generations or longer (if we manage to survive through 2009, that is).

These are the questions she asked, and, if we're honest with ourselves -- which is a rare feat in itself, considering the fact that we Americans have become masters in the fine art of self-deception -- and with her, she deserves to have them answered. So, what I'm going to do is anwer these questions from the "typical" American's point of view, and in so doing, attempt to hold up a mirror on the way the "typical" American views himself and the world around him.

The first question Cindy asked was ... "What did you do after Bush stole the elections?"

Sadly, the answer to this question is a shrug of the shoulders, followed by a muttered "I dunno". The "typical" American pleads ignorance when it comes to poilitical matters, and this failure to keep informed about vital political matters effectively cripples this American's ability to become a fully-functioning citizen, and also hampers his ability to become the type of citizen which a Constitutional Republican form of government needs.

Her second question was ..."Did you storm the White House demanding his resignation?"

The answer to this question should be pretty obvious; the old refrain of "I didn't know what to do" or "I didn't know where to go", and of course, those other time-tested responses, which include "Oh, I was too busy", "I didn't have the time to get involved" and "I don't bother with such things."

From these responses to thei first two questions,it should be pretty obvious that the "typical" American is too busy putting personal goals and agendas ahead of the common good of the entire nation, and as we go along, a selfish streak slowly begins to emerge within this "typical" American's character, and it reveals a certain kind of self-centeredness, which disregards the sacrifices of past generations to create this nation, and also exhibits a stubborn refusal to think about the coming two generations.

The third question was ... "Did you work for election reform?"

Again, the answer to this question is a shrug of the shoulders, followed by "I didn't have time" or "I don't know how you even go about reforming elections." When we consider that the vast majority of Americans are either non-voters, or who vote in a election whenever they feel like it, the concept of "election reform" can be foreign to those who've never voted at all, or who are occasional voters, who choose to vote only during "special" occasions, such as a Presidential election, while ignoring state and local elections altogether.

And finally, she asked... "Did you even go to a protest to demonstrate your dissatisfaction?"

The answer to this question is also pretty obvious; dead silence at first, followed by a muttered "It's no big deal."
For the "typical" American who spends most of their time, energy and resources collecting all of the "creature comforts" which they think they're enititled to, they might be somewhat dissatisified with the way things are, but they're not dissatisfied enough to put away the toys and act like adults -- and citizens -- and exercise those few rights they have left.

As long as things go their way, the "typical" American isn't going to publicly express his/her dissatisfaction through means of a public protest, primarily due to another aspect of the "typical" American's character -- that of the "virtuous victim"; the poor, beleagured "victim" who believes that "suffering is the price (and spice) of life", and who also believes that all the suffering which he or she goes through will earn him/her some type of "heavenly reward".

Because we've nurtured this image of ourselves as the paranoid, suspicious, "hated", perpetually "victimized" peopulace who seek to "destroy" those who seek to "destroy" us, and to do so by any means necessary, and to indulge our worst demons of our nature while denying the "better angels of our nature" to rule over us, should it come as any surprise that our government has become "a reflection of us. That means that we are a nation of greedy, self-serving, corrupt and callous people", and the recent scandal involving the Governor of Illinois who boldly dared to put a Senate seat up for sale has only served to emphasize the depth of our greedy, self-serving, corrupt and callous culture, which in turn transforms us into "greedy, self-serving, corrupt and callous people".

What makes this even sadder is that we see nothing wrong with our greed, self-centeredness, corruption and callousness. We cry out that we're "victims", and as "victims", we can do whatever we want, and damn the consequences to those who came before us and those who will come after us (if they're lucky). If we're going to "hold our government to our high morals", then we must take responsibility to change our morals so they are at a high enough level where we can hold government to those moral standards and demand accountability from those who committed evil.

As a wise person once wrote, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing", but for evil to truly triumph is for people who pretend that they are "good", but who don't act "good", to not only do nothing, but to actively cooperate with or to tolerate the "evil" they claim to despise.

"There are two Americas". I believe he meant the comment ideologically and financially. I would like to posit my own version of the "Two Americas":
1.) The CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA. (i.e. The millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires who "have the gold and make the rules".
2.) The "United States of Apathy". Those of us who sit on our rotting, couch potato asses and let the country go to hell without a whimper or groan.

Which do YOU think is the most dangerous? Which is "Cause" and which "Effect'?

Great post, Stephie1776.


Do it !

ARREST BUSHCO & RICO PNAC/FARA AIPAC...PNAC is Bush/Cheney's "Helter Skelter" !


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