You are herecontent / Bernie Sanders on Ed Show: "Dems Have Super-Majority To Demand Single-Payer Universal Health Care" --
You are herecontent / Bernie Sanders on Ed Show: "Dems Have Super-Majority To Demand Single-Payer Universal Health Care"
on our elected officals will be on display for the people of the United States to plainly see, thru the elected officals who will come out AGAINST any plan to help the America People deal with healthcare, and its cost. These elected officials will not support any plans that DO NOT add financial gains to Corporate America vs what the people need. "We the People" will loss everytime when a choice between the People or Corp. Amr. has to be made.
These people need to be voted out of any decision making plans or votes by their constituents.
Any person can find out if their elected officials took campaign contributions from Corporate America's mass network of Lobbist, to see if they support their constitutents or Corp. Amr.
Until the people decide that we elect these people to support the people, as well as the Constitution, and we simply let Corporate America buy our officials votes, and in return, we watch Corp. Amr.'s growth continue, while the people suffer thru our own government's decisions, guided by Corp. Ammr., these things and needs will never change for the betterment of the people.