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War Criminals Appearances Across the US in May 2010
Criminals Karl Rove, Andrew Card, John Yoo, George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice and Dick Cheney may be in appearing in your city soon. Check out their schedule, bring your banners and signs. Send us your commentaries, photos and videos and we will post it on our Facebook
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the orcastraiters of the new world order that would be the bloomberg bunch since they killed kennedy every president has been a member oil prices, money , and news are controlled by them they controll moneys of all countrys, they are responsable for all the troubels of the globe their plan has been expossed in the eu and this is expected to be like an atomic bomb going off in parliment. if they were nationalized and there wealth our dept was spead to all countrys they hold paper on this would save the econnomy gloabaly. this is the change we all need and want we wouldent have to war , the false flag attacks would end their agenda would halt oil spills in the gulf wouldent have happend to conceal their more rappid advancement isreal wouldent be so dareing the whole world wood change