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The American Dream

By Rick Burnley

The American Dream is Mother Earth's nightmare
Because the dream is always for more
And to make it come true, what we're willing to do
Leaves her body bloodied and sore

The American Dream can't be sustained
Because we want much more than we need
And we're sacrificing many forms of life
And the reason is just for greed

More is the God that we pray to
And our actions speak quite loud
Like a belly with jaws that keeps stuffing its maw
We're creating a toxic cloud

Mother Nature lies at rest
Feeding all the forms of life
But now she is under the onslaught
Of the two-legged virus's knife

Chop it down, burn it down, then poison the rest
This is what we're good at, what we do best
Now frogs and bees are disappearing
Quickly and world-wide
We've got to quit poisoning our air and our water
Before all life's species have died

Einstein said when the bees are gone
Mankind has just three more years
And if we don't stop trashing our planet
We'll drown in our very own tears

Here we are on a little ball
That's only 8,000 miles thick
And the fruit of this obscene avarice
Is to make the whole planet sick

The rainforests are the lungs of the planet
That give us carbon dioxide
And we're replacing it as fast as we can
With clouds of carbon monoxide
In twenty more years, the cod will be gone
It once teemed by the billions worldwide
We're killing the species that sustain life on the planet
Are we hell-bent on mass suicide?

And now, even sharks are on the verge of extinction
Because the smooth monkey hasn't learned the distinction
Between insatiable desire and just what we need
Our planet's being murdered to satisfy greed

We strip mine the oceans with factory ships
With nets fifty miles long
That's twice as long as Manhattan
Surely we must know this is wrong

Many species are killed that aren't even wanted
Dolphins and sea turtles, too
They gasp their last breath as they suffocate to death
It seems that humans don't have a clue
That all species are interrelated
And we're upsetting the balance of life
If we don't stop this insanity
We're going to face a stark future of strife

Underwater explosions deafen whales
And cause them unbelievable pain
The history of man on the planet so far
Is to leave a bloody stain

If the earth were the size of a basketball
It would be covered with pustules and boils
Where man's laid his hand, he's poisoned the land
Every thing that he touches, he spoils
And this gift to us all, this green treasure
We're drowning in toxic oils

And you Asians out there, you won't be spared
Because on this jewel of a planet that we've all shared
You're killing off the elephants, the tigers, the bears
Hardly any species this hungry monster's spared

You like to make an ashtray from a gorilla's hand
You need an elephant's foot for an umbrella stand
And rhinos are slaughtered and their murders are planned
So that old men in China can have a last stand

Why don't you try Viagra
And leave a few species behind
Wake up from your sleep
The cost is too steep
It's time to quit being blind

We've been pillaging our planet
Like aliens from outer space
What we're willing to do to make a dollar
Should fill us all with disgrace

Congratulations to all of us
What a wonderful impressive deed
To take these gifts from the Great Spirit
And destroy them just for greed

We'd better start living simply
And doing so right now
To begin to end this madness
Quit worshipping the Golden Cow

The American Dream is Mother Earth's nightmare
Like Pac-Man, we want it all
We'd better hear her cries of pain
It's time to heed the call

We could turn this around if we wanted to
If many would get involved
With open hearts and open minds
Many problems could be solved

But we've got to get started right away
We've got no time to lose
We've got to clean up the air and the water
And we can do so, if we choose

This is no time to sit on the sidelines
While the whole world screams in pain
America can stop this madness
And all living creatures will gain


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Maybe there's a small chance that if, and first of all, the U.S. corrected itself and ceased its evil ways, then it would cease to criminally usurp international law and would, instead, defend these laws. Then govts presently aligned with the U.S. would follow suit and international laws would gradually become globally enforceable. That'd be regarding the needs to protect the natural environment and to end wars, lesser or lower scale conflicts, anti-democratic or non-representative politics, et cetera.

But the ruling elites of the U.S. clearly show no signs of relenting at all. Instead, they are again showing us who really control the superpower govt and what they're really after, aiming for.

"Confronting both China and Russia: U.S. Risks Military Clash With China In Yellow Sea"

by Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, July 16, 2010

I just got up from some hours of sleep and then began reading this above article. It's quite a way to start a new day. With a new day comes escalated or increased concerns today.

Rick Rozoff explains that this clear and very strong military threat that the U.S. is posing towards North Korea, China and Russia, esp. China and Ru., is based on NK allegedly having recently sunk a SK military ship, which he says NK continues to deny. I certainly believe that that denial is not a lie and don't believe that if NK was responsible, then NK's leadership would lie about it. If it had been either an accident or intentional, then the NK leadership would surely admit it, for the leadership there would realize that it could not keep NK's responsibility for the sinking of the SK ship secret. But the NK leadership denies responsibility and as much as some people might despise that leadership, I don't believe that it's dumb enough to think that it could benefit from lying about this.

It's extremely unlikely that NK's denial is a lie.

The U.S. "leadership" knows that NK has denied responsibility, but the constantly lying, deceitful, war-making, plundering, ... US leadership unilaterally decides that they can use [their] superpower status govt to dicate who's to be accused and who's not; one of their modi operandi.

It's very possible and also very likely that the US sunk the SK ship, or that the US and SK, working together, did this in order to use this false flag event like the US has a long history of using (its) false flag events; like 9/11, 2001 among plenty of other examples. False flag attacks do not occur with a high frequency, but they are another MO of the US leadership.

It's very important to know and understand the meaning of NK's denial and the US leadership unilaterally acting as self-appointed accuser, judge and jury. This illustrates yet again that the US leadership really is working on trying to achieve their plans for global dominance and, therefore, empire.

The US is strongly building up on the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, in addition to having recently provided more weapons systems for Taiwan. The latter part of the overall military build-up of the US there must not be forgotten.

And these aren't the only illustrations of US military build-up going on in that region of this planet. I posted some links to articles and videos here over the past month or so illustrating strong US military presence in this region. Those were about Japan, Guam as well as Hawaii, which is further away, but not too far. One or two of the articles were posted at and contained important videos, while other videos were at Dem. Now! for interviews with three people who know about all of this US military presence and increasing presence.

Now we additionally have these serious military naval operations in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, and the increased or increasing militarization of Taiwan.

We know that this has nothing to do with making this world safe, just, peaceful, democratic, et cetera.

When the U.S. accuses others, then the U.S. leadership is [usually], if not always, lying; and always is probably the case. Sometimes the US "leadership" lies through the use of half-truths, but other lies are complete lies. The US leadership is unable to state a whole truth. It's unable to act and think in good terms.

Now they're totally lying about NK supposedly having sunk the SK ship. And they lie to us with their pretentions of being policeman of this world. Worse, they pretend that they're good policemen. They're the most hellbent sob's on this planet. There are other hellbent sob's as national "leaders", but they're in their positions because of the hellest-most-bent US "leadership".

Such people can't be seriously truthful, for lying must strategically be their way of existence in order for them to be able to fool the electorate in the US into voting for rogues the ruling elites of the US want to have serving in the body politic of their superpower govt so that they can continue to work on their plan for global empire.

Gulf of Mexico crisis:

Might the above, global empire, plans be the or the main reason for the Obama administration and US govt being criminally, despotically complicit with respect to the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico; might they be using this serious or very serious environmental event to try to distract and weaken anti-war activism, I wonder. Might they be doing this for the latter reason as well as because of thinking that they can somehow all profit from the catastrophe in the Gulf in other ways than only using the event to try to distract and weaken anti-war activism? I don't see how they could profit in other terms, but maybe there are one or more other ways that the US "leadership" could imagine being able to profit from not properly acting on the Gulf crisis.

Everyone on Earth knows about that event, but how many people are well informed about US military build-up in Eurasia, Taiwan, and so on, and what this really is about? Surely far fewer people are well informed about the latter subject. And some people who are aware of the subject might refuse to believe that the US is doing this. Willful ignorance may or may not be very common in the US, but it certainly is too common. Every instance is one too many.

Maybe there's a small chance that if, and first of all, the U.S. corrected itself and ceased its evil ways, then it would cease to criminally usurp international law and would, instead, defend these laws. Then govts presently aligned with the U.S. would follow suit and international laws would gradually become globally enforceable. That'd be regarding the needs to protect the natural environment and to end wars, lesser or lower scale conflicts, anti-democratic or non-representative politics, et cetera.

But the ruling elites of the U.S. clearly show no signs of relenting at all. Instead, they are again showing us who really control the superpower govt and what they're really after, aiming for.

"Confronting both China and Russia: U.S. Risks Military Clash With China In Yellow Sea"

by Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, July 16, 2010

I just got up from some hours of sleep and then began reading this above article. It's quite a way to start a new day. With a new day comes escalated or increased concerns today.

Rick Rozoff explains that this clear and very strong military threat that the U.S. is posing towards North Korea, China and Russia, esp. China and Ru., is based on NK allegedly having recently sunk a SK military ship, which he says NK continues to deny. I certainly believe that that denial is not a lie and don't believe that if NK was responsible, then NK's leadership would lie about it. If it had been either an accident or intentional, then the NK leadership would surely admit it, for the leadership there would realize that it could not keep NK's responsibility for the sinking of the SK ship secret. But the NK leadership denies responsibility and as much as some people might despise that leadership, I don't believe that it's dumb enough to think that it could benefit from lying about this.

It's extremely unlikely that NK's denial is a lie.

The U.S. "leadership" knows that NK has denied responsibility, but the constantly lying, deceitful, war-making, plundering, ... US leadership unilaterally decides that they can use [their] superpower status govt to dicate who's to be accused and who's not; one of their modi operandi.

It's very possible and also very likely that the US sunk the SK ship, or that the US and SK, working together, did this in order to use this false flag event like the US has a long history of using (its) false flag events; like 9/11, 2001 among plenty of other examples. False flag attacks do not occur with a high frequency, but they are another MO of the US leadership.

It's very important to know and understand the meaning of NK's denial and the US leadership unilaterally acting as self-appointed accuser, judge and jury. This illustrates yet again that the US leadership really is working on trying to achieve their plans for global dominance and, therefore, empire.

The US is strongly building up on the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan, in addition to having recently provided more weapons systems for Taiwan. The latter part of the overall military build-up of the US there must not be forgotten.

And these aren't the only illustrations of US military build-up going on in that region of this planet. I posted some links to articles and videos here over the past month or so illustrating strong US military presence in this region. Those were about Japan, Guam as well as Hawaii, which is further away, but not too far. One or two of the articles were posted at and contained important videos, while other videos were at Dem. Now! for interviews with three people who know about all of this US military presence and increasing presence.

Now we additionally have these serious military naval operations in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, and the increased or increasing militarization of Taiwan.

We know that this has nothing to do with making this world safe, just, peaceful, democratic, et cetera.

When the U.S. accuses others, then the U.S. leadership is [usually], if not always, lying; and always is probably the case. Sometimes the US "leadership" lies through the use of half-truths, but other lies are complete lies. The US leadership is unable to state a whole truth. It's unable to act and think in good terms.

Now they're totally lying about NK supposedly having sunk the SK ship. And they lie to us with their pretentions of being policeman of this world. Worse, they pretend that they're good policemen. They're the most hellbent sob's on this planet. There are other hellbent sob's as national "leaders", but they're in their positions because of the hellest-most-bent US "leadership".

Such people can't be seriously truthful, for lying must strategically be their way of existence in order for them to be able to fool the electorate in the US into voting for rogues the ruling elites of the US want to have serving in the body politic of their superpower govt so that they can continue to work on their plan for global empire.

Gulf of Mexico crisis:

Might the above, global empire, plans be the or the main reason for the Obama administration and US govt being criminally, despotically complicit with respect to the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico; might they be using this serious or very serious environmental event to try to distract and weaken anti-war activism, I wonder. Might they be doing this for the latter reason as well as because of thinking that they can somehow all profit from the catastrophe in the Gulf in other ways than only using the event to try to distract and weaken anti-war activism? I don't see how they could profit in other terms, but maybe there are one or more other ways that the US "leadership" could imagine being able to profit from not properly acting on the Gulf crisis.

Everyone on Earth knows about that event, but how many people are well informed about US military build-up in Eurasia, Taiwan, and so on, and what this really is about? Surely far fewer people are well informed about the latter subject. And some people who are aware of the subject might refuse to believe that the US is doing this. Willful ignorance may or may not be very common in the US, but it certainly is too common. Every instance is one too many.

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