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Pledge to Protect Social Security, and Ask Your Congress Member and Candidates to Do the Same
Social Security is one of the greatest programs in our country’s history. Today, I am launching a campaign, with other supporters, to defend Social Security.
Please take the pledge here—and pass it along to your family, friends and colleagues
These days, not a day goes by when some politician, Democratic or Republican, or pundit demands that we cut Social Security. Well, my view is this: we have a moral bond to defend Social Security and our seniors should never be forced to give up a life of dignity and respect—and certainly not to address the phony crisis of the “deficit” or to give Wall Street access to money that irresponsible bankers can gamble away in risky investments.
If I am elected to the House to represent the 15th Congressional District, I will never—never—vote to cut benefits or increase the retirement age for people. Never.
Please stand with me. Take the pledge now.
Thanks for all you are doing for a better world.
Jonathan Tasini
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Mr. Tasini,
I agree that my social security needs to be protected, but, the
way I understand what the politicians are trying to do is, change
the policy for the generation coming up. They want to not only extend the retirement age, they want to invest the social security monies in the stock market. I firmly believe that the way our social security was first set is the way it needs to stay. I believe that the politicians need to stop coveting that which belongs to the people that worked hard.
If they want to cut the deficit, cut military spending and waste. They need to keep their hands off MY social security, and EVERYONE ELSES!!