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The Constitution in Crisis




The following are links to the Investigative Status Report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff

The Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War (This Report is 273 pages.)
Full Report

Word Version

Chapter 1 - Executive Summary

Chapter 2 - Chronology: Last Throes of Credibility

Chapter 3 - Detailed Factual Findings; Determination to go to War Before Congressional Authorization

Chapter 3 - Detailed Factual Findings; Misstating and Manipulating the Intelligence to Justify Pre-emptive War

Chapter 3 - Detailed Factual Findings; Encouraging and Countenancing Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment

Chapter 3 - Detailed Factual Findings; Cover-ups and Retribution

Chapter 3 - Detailed Factual Findings; Thwarting Congress and the American Public: The Death of Accountability under the Bush Administration and the Republican-Controlled Congress

Chapter 4 - Legal Analysis

Chapter 5 - Recommendations

Exhibit A -- Relevant Law and Standards

Exhibit B -- Analysis of Powell Statements to UN

Exhibit C -- House Government Reform Committee Democratic Staff Report Iraq on the Record

Exhibit D -- Key Documents



At this site, we are especially proud of the new Conyers Report, "The Constitution in Crisis." We were also pleasantly surprised that the Academy Chicago Publishers, the same people who published "What Went Wrong in Ohio?" decided to publish the report, with a foreward by Ambassador Joe Wilson.

While the book will not be published until early Spring 2006, we wanted to offer Conyersblog readers the opportunity to pre-order an autographed copy of the book in exchange for a $60 contribution to the Congressman's campaign. By purchasing this book, you have the opportunity to own a part of history and help the Congressman hold the Bush Administration accountable. Your assistance in helping Congressman Conyers become the next Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will bring us one step closer to getting the American people the answers from this Administration that they deserve.


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Click on the link provided, which takes you the Project for the New American Century. Click on the "Publications/Reports" window in the left-hand column. Then choose, under "Project Reports", "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Stretegy,Forces and Resources for a New Century". This is quite a lengthy document that outlines a plan to take over the world, including space and cyberspace.

Read it while you can - I worry that this document will be removed from public scrutiny when its authors, including Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Wolfowitz start receiving feedback about how completely crazy it sounds.

Now that there is substantial evidence that the President, the Vice president, and other high-ranking members of the Bush administration misled Congress and the American people regarding the decision to go to war with Iraq and misstated and manipulated intelligence information regarding the justification for said war...

...that there were no WMD' poison ties to Al Queda and to 9-11...

....the burning question ... that everybody, including you, seems to be deliberately avoiding... remains: Why?!


Why did the Bush Administration lie to us?!

Why did the Bush Administration invade Iraq?!

Here is WHY ! !

Back in 1997, a political action group was formed by Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Chaney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, John Bolton, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, et al ... with publicly stated plans to "Democratize" the Middle East!

( Translation: to get rid of the Sheiks and the Dictators and "privatize" their oil fields, which the Sheiks and Dictators had "nationalized" in the '70's, throwing out "Big Oil" {The American Oil Companies} and their ownership of those fields, and forming OPEC ).

The political action group's goal was to change those Middle East regimes under the pretext of "democratizing" their countries so that "Big Oil" could once again attain ownership of their oil fields and their oil. The group was a "front" for America's "Big Oil" Companies!

The group was called:

"Project For A New American Century"

Many of its founders are currently high-placed influential members of the Bush Administration!

Go to:

...see who were its original founders...and read their "Statement of Principles"!

Then peruse their site...

And learn about their veiled plans to destroy OPEC for "Big Oil."

Unfortunately, Saddam Hussein had other plans:

( See "The Cheney Energy Task Force Papers" of March 5th, 2001... made public by the work of Judicial Watch...deliniating the "Suitors For Iraqi Oil" and their lucrative "Post-Gulf War Sanctions" contracts, signed with Saddam Hussein )!

Go to:

And learn why we invaded Iraq and why over 2000 American G.I.'s have been killed and over 15,000 have been maimed and wounded...not to mention over 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed or wounded:

Because those NeoilCons active in the Bush Administration had to stop Saddam Hussein, once his Gulf War Sanctions were lifted, from developing his oil fields with the help of the French, the Germans, the Chinese and the Russians...while completely shunning the American "Big Oil" Companies that the NeoilCons were beholden to!

It was imperative that those NeoilCons keep Iraq's oil OFF the market for "Big Oil's" sake!

It was imperative to maintain "Big Oil's" ( and OPEC's ) artificial price structure and obscene profits without any competition from Saddam Hussein!

Destroying OPEC for "Big Oil" would have to wait for another day.

When, Dear God, is somebody going to wake up the American People and expose these murderers and their abominable crimes?!

And demand that they be PUNISHED?!

MAD-ly yours,
Al Feldstein
Retired Editor ; MAD Magazine (1956-1884)

3882 U. S. Hwy 89 So.
Livingston, MT 59047
406 222 0601

It is about time someone shed a little light into the PNAC corner. PNAC should have been a major issue in both of the last presidential campaigns, particularly the last one. The existence of that document with all those neo con signatures should have been plastered all over every major media outlet for all to see. Wolfowitz, the Cheneys, Rumsfeld, actually signed that damning document and then proceeded to fulfill their own self proclaimed destiny with total impunity! I'll say this much for them. They get credit for being focussed. They do keep their "eyes on the prize!"
Thanks for a little hope and keep up the good work.

Poor Daddy

uh, 1956-1884? going back in time?

otherwise, i am in complete agreement.

Thanks Al for posting about PNAC. Now I want you to take another step in your journey for the TRUTH. Somewhere in the PNAC documents is the statement..."we need a new Pearl Harbor"....This means a catastrophic event to convince people that they need to rally
around a leader to fight a real or perceived threat to our National Security. This statement was made prior to 9/11/2001. Basically that is what happened after 9/11. The so called "War on Terror" which led to the War in Iraq which has led to suspension of civil rights, secret torture and now illegal spying as so on. Now I ask you if 9/11 fit right into these peoples plans it was indeed a fortunate accident. Or was it? I maintain along with a small band of 9/11 theorists that it was not an accident but a carefully conceived plan that had exactly the results that the planners envisioned. Don't believe me? You don't have too. I will let you be your own judge. Go to any or all of the following web sites and find out the Truth.

We have abundant proof that our government had prior knowledge to 9-11. Study all the info available and one has to draw the conclusion that this tragedy could have been prevented. All the government had to do was: NOT kill all these innocent people on 9-11! THEY either allowed or committed these acts, not the 19 "hi-jackers", several of them have been found to quite alive. This was the "Pearl Harbor" type event the authors of the PNAC document described as being needed. Everyone in or out of the government who took part in this crime against the American people should be tried in a court and dealt with as required by law. No person, including the President of the United States, is exempt from the law.
These same people also led us into a war illegaly. They should be tried for the murders of every Armed Forces person from not only America, but the allies they forced into taking part of this criminal interprise. The lives of 100,000 Iraqi civilians were snuffed out due to the greed of these power-mad political thugs. They should be held accountable for these people's lives also.
I've wondered why, with so much evidence, no action has been taken against this administration led by a so-called "Christian" President who has acted more like the enemy of true Christians around the globe. I pray that every single person of the "Religious Right" who voted for Bush has had a revelation about who he truly is and that they now will stand as strongly against this imposter as they did while installing him as our leader. Our nation can go a long way towards healing the wounds caused by 9-11 and the criminal actions taken against Iraq, resulting in even more deaths of the kind of men and women who served honorably while in uniform. He didn't serve with honor while HE was in uniform, nor now as the Commander-In-Chief. We need to rid the nation of any person who has planned or knowingly carried out illegal acts against our citizens, and against Iraq, all due to greed and the desire to control the oil there which made many of these people even more wealthy than before 2000. May God have mercy on us and allow us to free ourselves of this group of greedy, heartless men and women.

There was more to the crime of 9/11 than previous knowledge. Our government 'enhanced' the results. Those building were brought down by controlled demolition. Ask yourself , have any buildings , ever in the history of the world fallen like that without controlled demolition. The answer is no. It isn't even close to something that could have happened from a plane crash and a fire. Buildings don't fall like that. It is impossible.

YES - the truth still hasn't come out about 9/11 and I guess that commission and our congress won't admit that we knew about and helped plan 9/11 !
Nobody mentions building #7 and why it imploded without any airplane hitting it ?
Reports that those planes were controlled from the ground, as that would be the ONLY way they could have hit their targets in the twin towers on the floors where the records of the CIA and FBI were kept.
Please read Michael C. Ruppert's book "Crossing the Rubicon" and why don't you see him being interviewed in the media ?
If ALL the TRUTH was released BUSH and his NEOCON Facists would be be TOAST in the POLLS and HEADS would ROLL down the HALLS of CONGRESS !!!
DON'T be BLIND to what happened in Nazi Germany and other states or WE will be LED to the OVENS again !!!

A Professor of physics in Utah has recently released a paper, which does not call into question the almost endless list of irregularities with the official story of 9/11, but focuses on his area of expertise, the physics of 9/11. After careful review of the video footage of the WTC collapse, he came to the conclusion that these buildings fell at Free-Fall velocity.

What this means is, the pancake theory that has been attributed to the sudden implosion of the building, and its falling into its own footprint (both common traits of controlled demolition), must be false. In order to attain freefall velocity, the supports underneath the floor that is 'pancaking' down on top of the floors beneath must be removed /before/ the floor above reaches them.

This professor obviously has found the most simple explanation to disprove the 9/11 story.

But here's a rundown of everything:

2 flights were never officially registered with the FAA on 9/11

Flight training of the 'hijackers' was on single engine sesna propeller planes, NOT multi-engined jet airliners.

WTC was designed to withstand impact of fully loaded 707 style airliner

WTC 7 was admitted by the owner on PBS documentry as being 'pulled' industry term for controlled demolition

Front for Mossad cell operating within NYC on 9/11 was arrested and later deported w/o invesigation, even though the van they were arrested in contained traces of explosives, and their moving company was found to be a front, and not real company.

Firefighter and WTC workers reporting explosions both BEFORE and AFTER the plane struck the WTC.

Physical evidence was removed and pulverised before any forensic investigation could take place. (If your house burns down, there is a forensic investigation done to find the cause)

Put options on American and United Airlines

WTC Insurance policy doubled in months prior to 9/11

Osama Bin Laden meets with CIA handlers in Dubai Military Hospital prior to 9/11

FBI, CIA, and foreign intellegence relating to 9/11 style attacks were ignored, and forcebly silenced.


Lack of any video evidence of airplane hitting the Pentagon, as well as no physical evidence of an airliner striking the Pentagon.

Numerous changes and inconsistancies in passenger registries for the 9/11 flights.

All flights turning off transponders over or near USAF bases.

Aircraft carriers in position off of Chesepeak and NYC to scramble fighters to take down the hijacked airliners.

CIA operation on the same day running scenarios designed to deal with 9/11 style hijackings w/ planes being flown into both the Pentagon WTC and Capitol building used as excuse for confusion at NORAD.

And on and on and on and on and on...

No true American can believe that their government would perpetrate such an act, and they are correct. The Government of the United States is no longer intact. We are in an Itallian style Facist government, which Musoulini described as "Corporatism" or "The merger of State and Corporate Power." These corporations do not have any allegiance to this country, its people, or its constitution, and for the past 100 years has been doing its best to erode rewrite and destroy provisions that are not condusive to higher profits.

It is the duty of ALL Americans to take back their government from these goons. Elections are no longer a viable option, as they have been outsourced and sold to those who would be regulated by the government. Only ACTIVISM and PROTEST en mass will bring about any real change. Take to the streets, either they will conceed defeat, or turn on us. Either way, it will wake the rest of the sheep up to the slaughter.

Just some thoughts

BRAVO!! What an excellent summary of the information that has been gleaned by so many regarding the "bogus" WTC disaster! The evidence is preponderous for a controlled demolition and for a conspiracy by the Evil Cabal who have taken over America! You pretty much stated the entire volume of information that I have amassed...yet I have one thing to say:
When you get ready to take to the streets, and can build enough solidarity within the ranks of the Sheeple, LET ME KNOW!!! I want to run right alongside you and the rest of the gang!
FYI by "bogus" I do not mean to infer that it was NOT a disaster, just not the disaster we were led to believe, during our collective PSTD'd state!!

This is just crazy!

Bush and Chaney should be in a New York City jail for mass murder. What is very clear to me is that they master minded 911 and ordered its execution all from the White House. Buildings do no fall the way the WTC did unless they are control demo. They came down at the speed of gravity, absolutley no resistance. Cavemen from Afganistan did not do this. It is also very clear that none of the planes that were supposedly hijacked ever even hit the Pentagon or the WTC. There is absolutely no wreckage in Pennsylvania either. They were all military planes of some kind. So where did the real planes go? Where did the flight crew go and the passengers? Where are the flight recorders and black boxes from the real planes of American and United? I think we might want to start sending diving teams off the Atlantic Coast sometime. No question about it, Bush / Chaney should already be behind bars. Why hasn't New York City done it. They have enough right now for criminal negligence. Someone please wake up the chief of police and get a grand jury going. These guys belong behind bars.

Thanks you for putting this in logical order. It does seem that there's more to it than meets the "eye". After the last eight years of total lawlessness, nothing you could say would surprise me about Junior or Dick. Absolutely nothing at all. They're out of power now, so now we can get to WORK!

Please tell me more!!

Go to and get verification of your suspicions.

Thanks keyman12!

I couldn't have put it better myself.

It's long past time everyone started using their own brains instead of allowing the utterly corrupt 'Fourth Estate' to do all the thinking for them.

Once you understand the REAL PLOT (PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION)... everything else that happens in the world (and has happened in the past), falls into place.

Orwell's "1984" was a warning ... not a textbook.

In your posting you say: Somewhere in the PNAC documents is the statement..."we need a new Pearl Harbor." In fact it says something more to the effect that, in order for the ideas put forward in the PNAC to be accellerated, it would take something along the lines of a New Pearl Harbor to trigger the right to react and engage the schemes for world domination outlined in the PNAC. David Ray Griffin used the phrase in his book, "The New Pearl Harbor" based upon the statement I paraphrased. Just to keep the record straight. And it is very important that we do use correct language in our statements, and dutifully quote the ones that the right has made.

I totally agree that 9/11 was no accident, but they couldn't call for a new Pearl Harbor outright, therefore they insinuated it by pretending to speculate about "what if." Truly a malevolent force.

The actual quote is as follows from the PNAC document - Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century (Sept. 2000)


Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor.
Domestic politics and
industrial policy will shape the pace and
content of transformation as much as the
requirements of current missions. A
decision to suspend or terminate aircraft
carrier production, as recommended by this
report and as justified by the clear direction
of military technology, will cause great
upheaval. Likewise, systems entering
production today – the F-22 fighter, for
example – will be in service inventories for
decades to come. Wise management of this
process will consist in large measure of
figuring out the right moments to halt
production of current-paradigm weapons
and shift to radically new designs. The
expense associated with some programs can
make them roadblocks to the larger process
of transformation – the Joint Strike Fighter
program, at a total of approximately $200
billion, seems an unwise investment. Thus,
this report advocates a two-stage process of
change – transition and transformation –
over the coming decades.


No, they don't outright call for a new Pearl Harbor, but it's clear that their plans otherwise would require decades of Republican administrations sympathetic to their cause, and that they clearly saw a way around it. Whether 9/11 was a happy accident for them or something more sinister, well, check some of links provided by others and decide for yourself.

I have read all of these articles and more! I have seen video tape of the demolition of building #7 gracefully sliding to the ground. I have watched, frame by frame, the controlled demolition of the WTC Towers! I have seen the 18' entry hole in the Pentagon, read about the confiscated video tapes from many persons and businesses at the site of the Pentagon "disaster" and the WTC disasters! I have heard of the numerous reports of eye-witnesses and fire-fighters and NYPD personel who heard and SAW the explosions in the basement of the Towers and also heard numerous explosions during and after they had entered the buildings! I, as I stated in another reply, have done my homework!
I have also read the quote you mention regarding the need for a "New Pearl Harbor." I have read that JFK was killed for wanting to inform the American People of another plan such as this involving each president is sworn to uphold the secrets of the Illuminati and a breach of this "contract" will result in that President's demise! Which appears to have happened. Why does the President fear the "Conspiracy Theorists?" Because he fears our knowledge. Our endless search for truth and answers to questions for which no logical answers are being provided!I fear that the Impeachment of Bush and his ilk will only deter the forces at work behind the scenes for a brief time. Until they can once again lull the American People into complacency and apathy. And then, continue their Machaveillian and Orwellian schemes behind the scenes! Just as they have for decades. May God help us All.

spell check this page

When a congessman fails to write correct and proper English, it looks very bad. People will think that your ideas are weak when they read poorly-edited text. Please, please, please re-read and re-edit everything here, especially the report, which has the word "there" where it should have the word "their", for example. This issue is far too important to dress it sloppily.

Who cares about proper English? Most people know what the message is and are not that shallow.

Are we going backwards instead of forward in citizenship? What are we doing as citizens to maintain an awareness of our citizenship not only of this country but of the world? Are we only sensitive to the needs of our individual residences and not to the neighborhood, the state, the nation and the world? Until we understand by virtue of continually educating ourselves to the needs of others, we will maintain political party line bumper sticker mentalities. Our despicable behavior is akin to two adolescent sport fans hurling personal insults to support an argument. We are at a critical juncture. Can we grow up in time to steward the responsibilities of a nation vital to the survival of the planet? Can we give up our aggressions and get on with the work at hand?

This president (Bush) has flagrantly violated the law by spying on our citizens without a court order. He also misled us into Iraq with disasterous consequences.
I heard his droning speeches days and weeks before the invasion in 2003 "Saddam Hussein posesses weapons of mass destruction" and that we are going into Iraq to "disarm Saddam". He is a liar of the worst order. He needs to be impeached and held accountable for his criminal actions!

Lets see! Clinton was impeached for a blow job and bush is screwing america with impunity and the republican congress just says, oh well, he is the prez. and he has the power??


What about the President's recent admission of illegal wire tapping? He admitted it and said he would do it again, even though it is clearly illegal. Again he claims that the "war on terror" gives the executive branch basicaly unchecked power to do as it sees fit to "protect american" citizens. This clearly illegal action is certainly an impeachable offence, he needs to be held accountable.

Absolutely correct. Bush's admission of illegal, warrantless wiretapping plunges the nation into an intense constitutional crisis, and Congress must either impeach him or acquiesce in the death of the republic. Some relevant commentaries:

Secret law-breaking has been supplanted by brazen law-breaking. The difference is critical. If abuses of power are kept secret, there is still the possibility that, when exposed, they will be stopped. But if they are exposed and still permitted to continue, then every remedy has failed, and the abuse is permanently ratified. In this case, what will be ratified is a presidency that has risen above the law. The danger is not abstract or merely symbolic. Bush's abuses of presidential power are the most extensive in American history. He has launched an aggressive war ("war of choice," in today's euphemism) on false grounds. He has presided over a system of torture and sought to legitimize it by specious definitions of the word. He has asserted a wholesale right to lock up American citizens and others indefinitely without any legal showing or the right to see a lawyer or anyone else. He has kidnapped people in foreign countries and sent them to other countries, where they were tortured. In rationalizing these and other acts, his officials have laid claim to the unlimited, uncheckable and unreviewable powers he has asserted in the wiretapping case. He has tried to drop a thick shroud of secrecy over these and other actions. - Jonathan Schell in The Nation

Lawrence R. Velvel is the Dean of Massachusetts School of Law. He can be reached at *This essay represents the personal views of Lawrence R. Velvel.
"... it is now no longer the fates of our enemies that is involved, but rather the rights and freedom of Americans themselves. For we are faced with an Executive, whose charge is led by the dumb Bush and the truly evil Cheney, that says it can do whatever it wants in the name of allegedly safeguarding America, and that whatever it does for this claimed purpose is therefore ipso facto legal regardless of whether it is in violation of statutory law, in violation of longstanding custom and precedent, or in violation of any reasonable conception of humanity. If the President says it's necessary to torture people to safeguard America, and even to murder some of them as part of the interrogation process in order to safeguard the country, then this is legal. If he says it's necessary to secretly kidnap people, apparently by the thousands, and secretly fly them off to other countries where they will be tortured, all as part of a process that is sanitized by calling it "rendition," then this is legal. If he says, it is necessary to engage in permanently warrantless wiretaps, then this is legal. And so on. Why, then, would it not be legal, if the President says it must be done to safeguard America, to pick up Americans off the street and beat the crap out of them (or worse) in prison in order to obtain information? Why wouldn't it be legal, if the President says it must be done to safeguard our country, to wiretap two or three million people, or to break into their homes in order to steal their papers, computers, etc. in order to obtain information... it is democracy and freedom that have become at stake. ... views held by Bush, Cheney, et. al., are really pretty rotten, as made plain by the roster of once inconceivable things we have now done. We did all these things because those guys claimed them essential and ordered them done. People who variously are and collectively include, a former drunk, a serial failure in business, a drunken flunk-out from Yale when less than two percent of Yalies flunked out, a draft dodger, a combat avoider, guys who have spent their lives getting ahead by pull, connections and family influence rather than brains and talent (which they don't have), and guys who are just plain mean, nasty bastards are at the helm, and ardently believe in doing the terrible things we have done. Are we supposed to not fear the possibility that there could already be more horrible stuff which we don't even know about yet, or that in future more such stuff could be done? Are we supposed to not worry about this?"

Every time the Bush administration is caught in one of its repugnant purposes... the White House declares its intention to stay the course. Torture? Wiretapping? Kidnapping? Deceit? The president's eyes widen: Trust me, he says with a twisted smile. Then he leans closer to display a snarling defiance. The combination reduces his critics to sputters. Perhaps Bush's savviest achievement has been to make the public think that Rumsfeld and Cheney are the dark geniuses behind the administration's malevolence. If Bush is taken as too shallow to have a fascist ideology; as too weak to stick with hard policies that undermine democracy; as a religious nutcase whose apocalyptic fantasies don't matter; as a man, in sum, the average citizen can regard as slightly less than average - then what he is pulling off will not be called by its proper name until it is too late. 2005? Oh yes, that was the year of the coup." - James Caroll in the Boston Globe

Published on Thursday, December 22, 2005 by The Nation
The Hidden State Steps Forward
by Jonathan Schell

When the New York Times revealed that George W. Bush had ordered the National Security Agency to wiretap the foreign calls of American citizens without seeking court permission, as is indisputably required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), passed by Congress in 1978, he faced a decision. Would he deny the practice, or would he admit it? He admitted it. But instead of expressing regret, he took full ownership of the deed, stating that his order had been entirely justified, that he had in fact renewed it thirty times, that he would continue to renew it and--going even more boldly on the offensive--that those who had made his law-breaking known had committed a "shameful act." As justification, he offered two arguments, one derisory, the other deeply alarming. The derisory one was that Congress, by authorizing him to use force after September 11, had authorized him to suspend FISA, although that law is unmentioned in the resolution. Thus has Bush informed the members of a supposedly co-equal branch of government of what, unbeknownst to themselves, they were thinking when they cast their vote. The alarming argument is that as Commander in Chief he possesses "inherent" authority to suspend laws in wartime. But if he can suspend FISA at his whim and in secret, then what law can he not suspend? What need is there, for example, to pass or not pass the Patriot Act if any or all of its provisions can be secretly exceeded by the President?

Bush's choice marks a watershed in the evolution of his Administration. Previously when it was caught engaging in disgraceful, illegal or merely mistaken or incompetent behavior, he would simply deny it. "We have found the weapons of mass destruction!" "We do not torture!" However, further developments in the torture matter revealed a shift. Even as he denied the existence of torture, he and his officials began to defend his right to order it. His Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, refused at his confirmation hearings to state that the torture called waterboarding, in which someone is brought to the edge of drowning, was prohibited. Then when Senator John McCain sponsored a bill prohibiting cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners, Bush threatened to veto the legislation to which it was attached. It was only in the face of majority votes in both houses against such treatment that he retreated from his claim.

But in the wiretapping matter, he has so far exhibited no such vacillation. Secret law-breaking has been supplanted by brazen law-breaking. The difference is critical. If abuses of power are kept secret, there is still the possibility that, when exposed, they will be stopped. But if they are exposed and still permitted to continue, then every remedy has failed, and the abuse is permanently ratified. In this case, what will be ratified is a presidency that has risen above the law.

The danger is not abstract or merely symbolic. Bush's abuses of presidential power are the most extensive in American history. He has launched an aggressive war ("war of choice," in today's euphemism) on false grounds. He has presided over a system of torture and sought to legitimize it by specious definitions of the word. He has asserted a wholesale right to lock up American citizens and others indefinitely without any legal showing or the right to see a lawyer or anyone else. He has kidnapped people in foreign countries and sent them to other countries, where they were tortured. In rationalizing these and other acts, his officials have laid claim to the unlimited, uncheckable and unreviewable powers he has asserted in the wiretapping case. He has tried to drop a thick shroud of secrecy over these and other actions.

There is a name for a system of government that wages aggressive war, deceives its citizens, violates their rights, abuses power and breaks the law, rejects judicial and legislative checks on itself, claims power without limit, tortures prisoners and acts in secret. It is dictatorship.

The Administration of George W. Bush is not a dictatorship, but it does manifest the characteristics of one in embryonic form. Until recently, these were developing and growing in the twilight world of secrecy. Even within the executive branch itself, Bush seemed to govern outside the normally constituted channels of the Cabinet and to rely on what Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff has called a "cabal." Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill reported the same thing. Cabinet meetings were for show. Real decisions were made elsewhere, out of sight. Another White House official, John DiIulio, has commented that there was "a complete lack of a policy apparatus" in the White House. "What you've got is everything, and I mean everything, being run by the political arm." As in many Communist states, a highly centralized party, in this case the Republican Party, was beginning to forge a parallel apparatus at the heart of government, a semi-hidden state-within-a-state, by which the real decisions were made.

With Bush's defense of his wiretapping, the hidden state has stepped into the open. The deeper challenge Bush has thrown down, therefore, is whether the country wants to embrace the new form of government he is creating by executive fiat or to continue with the old constitutional form. He is now in effect saying, "Yes, I am above the law--I am the law, which is nothing more than what I and my hired lawyers say it is--and if you don't like it, I dare you to do something about it."

Members of Congress have no choice but to accept the challenge. They did so once before, when Richard Nixon, who said, "When the President does it, that means it's not illegal," posed a similar threat to the Constitution. The only possible answer is to inform Bush forthwith that if he continues in his defiance, he will be impeached.

If Congress accepts his usurpation of its legislative power, they will be no Congress and might as well stop meeting. Either the President must uphold the laws of the United States, which are Congress's laws, or he must leave office.

Jonathan Schell, The Nation's peace and disarmament correspondent, is the Harold Willens Peace Fellow at the Nation Institute and the author of The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People (Metropolitan) and A Hole in the World, a compilation of his "Letter From Ground Zero" columns, which has just been published by Nation Books.

© 2005 The Nation

Weekend Edition
December 24 / 25, 2005

Executive Uber Alles
The Usurpers of Our Freedoms

At stake in the so-called war on terror is longer just treatment of detainees, but the freedom of Americans.

Bush and company have very wrongly used the commander-in-chief power as a lever to make the President far, far too powerful, powerful far beyond anything intended by the framers, who created a government in which the legislature was to be the more powerful branch.

John Yoo has despicably abetted this process by writing intellectually corrupt legal opinions, which were to be used to shield officials high and low against the possibility of criminal prosecutions even though their acts plainly are criminal. The legal opinions, moreover, were classified, were all kept secret, in major part because Congress and the public would never stand for what is being done if they were to learn about it by reading the opinions

Congress has been ineffective and cowardly.

Bush has committed the impeachable felony of conspiracy to commit torture, but the media and the politicians refuse to discuss this. He should, however, be impeached for this felony.

The New York Times has apparently withheld information about various important subjects, and one wonders what those subjects might be.

Samuel Alito should be asked very specific, pointed questions about the extent of Presidential power.

In accordance with first amendment values, there should be reporters' privilege when confidential sources alert them to evildoing by government, but not when confidential sources try to use reporters to further evildoing by government.

Bush's claims of power all come down to a single overarching principle, articulated for him in legal terms by John Yoo, and articulated in political speech by Bush himself. That overarching principle is that the President is all powerful whenever he asserts a claim that what he authorizes or does is for the purpose of fighting a war.

John Yoo said that such all-surpassing power comes from the commander-in-chief clause and cannot be limited by Congress. Of course, Yoo shamelessly distorts the commander-in-chief power, which was intended simply to put a civilian in charge of the military lest a general seek to take over the country and become dictator, and was not intended to make the President a dictator, was not intended to give him the dictatorial power that the framers were guarding against in a general.

Never has this been put more eloquently than in a passage in a concurring opinion written in the Korean War's Steel Seizure Case by that most eloquent of all Supreme Court Justices, Robert Jackson:

His command power is not such an absolute as might be implied from that office in a militaristic system but is subject to limitations consistent with a constitutional Republic whose law and policy-making branch is a representative Congress. The purpose of lodging dual titles in one man was to insure that the civilian would control the military, not to enable the military to subordinate the presidential office. No penance would ever expiate the sin against free government of holding that a President can escape control of executive powers by law through assuming his military role.

Bush, of course, doesn't write, and most likely doesn't even read, legal opinions, whether from Supreme Court Justices or Department of Justice lawyers. (Opinions are more than one page long.) Bush merely says, echoing Yoo, that because he is commander-in-chief he can do whatever he claims is necessary to protect Americans. He also says that Congress' authorization of the use of force allows him to engage in warrantless electronic surveillance.

Of no concern to Push is the fact that legislators say they never even thought about warrantless electronic eavesdropping when considering an authorization of force (they were, after all, focused on military action, not surveillance); that people who apparently have read the Congressional history find no mention of surveillance, that there is a specific law against what he is doing. Ich bin der Staat, after all.

Attorney General Gonzalez, in Bush's defense, says that a few Justices of the Supreme Court -- not all -- said in the Guantanamo case that the authorization of force means we can imprison enemy fighters. Therefore, concludes Gonzalez, the authorization also means we can wiretap citizens without a warrant. It does not seem to occur to this mental giant of an Attorney General that in every war one takes and holds prisoners, so that an authorization of force must mean you can do this. But why the authority to take enemy prisoners -- an incident of every war -- means you can also wiretap American citizens without a warrant, and why it means this even in the face of a contrary statute, simply escapes one who is not a hack henchman for Bush. On the other hand, L'Etat, c'est moi, so what a statute of Congress says is irrelevant.

The statements of people like Bush, Gonzalez and Cheney, and the so-called legal opinions of John Yoo, are not to be taken seriously from the intellectual standpoint. Indeed, one wonders if they are even seriously meant, since they are too stupid, too frivolous, to be intellectually serious. The true, underlying intended function of these claims, and particularly of the legal memos, is really something quite different.

The intended function is to provide a shield for Bush and company, down to the lowest CIA operative, NSA operative, or grunt, if someone were ever to think about putting them in the criminal dock for what they have done. The possible defendant, be he Bush on down to a grunt, could point to the legal opinions of John Yoo (and his one time boss, now Federal judge Jay Bybee) and say, "I cannot be fairly accused of a crime. There were legal opinions from high Department of Justice officials -- opinions on torture, on surveillance [and possibly on God knows what else that we don't even know about yet] that said what I was doing was legal." It was, indeed, CIA personnel's desire for protection -- dare one say cover -- that led to the torture opinions. Gonzalez recently pointed out that Bush had documents from lawyers all over Washington (as I believe Gonzalez put the matter) saying that what Bush was doing was lawful. Some NSA officials were very worried about the legality of the warrantless surveillance. Some of the NSA people were -- and still are -- so worried about its legality that they apparently wouldn't participate in it and/or blew the whistle to The New York Times despite John Yoo's classified memos claiming legality.

Once the story about the warrantless surveillance broke, Bush, Gonzalez & Co. came up with some other claims that in effect hold that the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which banned warrantless electronic surveillance, must be considered ­ in Ron Zeigler's deathless word -- inoperative. There has been, it is said, a lot of technology changes since 1978. And a two minute phone call between terrorists can lead to hundreds or thousands of deaths.

But FISA allows the government to engage in immediate warrantless electronic surveillance as long as it thereafter seeks a warrant within 72 hours. All the new technology and two minute phone calls in the world can't be quick enough to escape electronic surveillance once the latter has been applied immediately, without a warrant, with the only requirement being that the government then seek a warrant within 72 hours after starting the surveillance. The claims about the need for speed are just so much smoke. One cannot, after all, be more immediate than immediate, and the government is authorized by FISA to be immediate.

Nor need there be fear of lack of cooperation from the secretly operating Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, from which warrants need be sought. The court can and does act very quickly -- once a judge held a hearing in his living room at 3 a.m. on applications for a warrant -- and last year, it is reported, the court received 1754 applications for warrants and denied not a single one. From 1995-2004 the court received over 10,600 applications for warrants and from 1978 onward it has received nearly 19,000, and in this entire period it has turned down only four of the nearly 19,000 (all four in 2003, apparently). So, if there is to be a fear here, it is not that the court will be uncooperative, it is that the court is usually a rubber stamp. (Indeed, the head of the court is the pro-establishment Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly).

The only administration claim that makes even the slightest intellectual sense is one that amounts to saying that the FISA procedure was ignored because the government wanted to conduct surveillance that could not meet even the obviously minimal standards of a FISA court that rejected none of 1,754 applications for warrants last year and only 4 of nearly 19,000 since 1978. But this claim simply leads to the heart of the problem: it simply leads to the fact that, as has been said here before, it is now no longer the fates of our enemies that is involved, but rather the rights and freedom of Americans themselves.

For we are faced with an Executive, whose charge is led by the dumb Bush and the truly evil Cheney, that says it can do whatever it wants in the name of allegedly safeguarding America, and that whatever it does for this claimed purpose is therefore ipso facto legal regardless of whether it is in violation of statutory law, in violation of longstanding custom and precedent, or in violation of any reasonable conception of humanity.

If the President says it's necessary to torture people to safeguard America, and even to murder some of them as part of the interrogation process in order to safeguard the country, then this is legal.

If he says it's necessary to secretly kidnap people, apparently by the thousands, and secretly fly them off to other countries where they will be tortured, all as part of a process that is sanitized by calling it "rendition," then this is legal.

If he says, it is necessary to engage in permanently warrantless wiretaps, then this is legal. And so on. Why, then, would it not be legal, if the President says it must be done to safeguard America, to pick up Americans off the street and beat the crap out of them (or worse) in prison in order to obtain information? Why wouldn't it be legal, if the President says it must be done to safeguard our country, to wiretap two or three million people, or to break into their homes in order to steal their papers, computers, etc. in order to obtain information (like Nixon's henchmen broke into the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist for this very purpose)?

Thus it is that today we find that our country has been doing things, many of them discussed above, that would have once seemed inconceivable, even in the darkest days of the Civil War or World War II. Because of the orders and opinions of Bush and his henchmen we have tortured and killed prisoners, kidnapped thousands (apparently) of people as part of the process that is sanitized by calling it "rendition," have sent kidnapped people to other countries to be tortured, have run secret prisons in foreign countries, have secretly held various "high value" prisoners in compounds located God knows where, have conducted warrantless electronic surveillance on Americans, on false premises have started a war that has killed over 2,000 Americans and many, many thousands of Iraqis, and have done God knows what else that has not yet been disclosed.

It is little wonder given all this, and given claims that the President can do whatever he wants, that one believes it is democracy and freedom that have become at stake.

It was, I think, Germaine Greer who said a few decades ago that a person's views are a cluster, that if a guy on an airplane told her what he thinks about one thing, she could almost surely tell you what he thinks about a lot of things. She was, of course, dead right. And the cluster of views held by Bush, Cheney, et. al., are really pretty rotten, as made plain by the roster of once inconceivable things we have now done. We did all these things because those guys claimed them essential and ordered them done. People who variously are and collectively include, a former drunk, a serial failure in business, a drunken flunk-out from Yale when less than two percent of Yalies flunked out, a draft dodger, a combat avoider, guys who have spent their lives getting ahead by pull, connections and family influence rather than brains and talent (which they don't have), and guys who are just plain mean, nasty bastards are at the helm, and ardently believe in doing the terrible things we have done.

Are we supposed to not fear the possibility that there could already be more horrible stuff which we don't even know about yet, or that in future more such stuff could be done? Are we supposed to not worry about this?

The New York Times admitted earlier this year that the paper had changed articles in response to concerns expressed in advance by the CIA and other government agencies. Since the paper would not disclose what articles these were, or what changes had been made, I wrote here that "For all we know, the excluded facts or details could be ones of enormous importance for the public to know. The possibilities will not bear mention; the mind reels at some of them."

As indeed the mind should have. For now we know one of the stories that was not only changed, but was killed for a year: the story about the warrantless electronic disclosure authorized by Bush (and, as he himself has said, reauthorized by him 30 times). When it finally broke the story a few weeks ago, The Times said, in its lengthy article, that the government had asked it not to print the story, and it therefore had in fact delayed it for a year to do "additional reporting" (and then had omitted certain unknown details).

Imagine that: The Times, at the behest of the government, sat on this nation-shaking story for over a year without disclosing it. Does this not remind you of The Times' failure, at government request, to print what it knew in the early 1960s about the impending Bay of Pigs invasion, the invasion which therefore went ahead because it had not been publicly disclosed and which proved to be a perfect storm of disaster?

No doubt The Times felt it was acting patriotically in both cases, but we know that its failure to perform its First Amendment duty led to disaster at the Bay of Pigs. And it is not unfair to suspect that bending its knee to the government for one year with regard to illegal surveillance will also prove a horrible mistake, just as its failure to question the government's reasons for going to war in Iraq was a horrible mistake.

The Times did not disclose why it bent the knee for one year on the electronic eavesdropping story, and there has been but little notice or discussion of the matter in the media. When a newspaper, let alone the country's leading newspaper, sits on a story like this for a year, instead of telling the public what it has every right to know and a deep interest in knowing because the nature of our governing system is involved and our freedoms are involved, when the nation's paper of record sits on a story like this for a year, its conduct and the reasons for its conduct demand explanation and analysis.

There is one other matter that has been brought up here before and is vitally related to The Times story. That is the question of the reporter's privilege of confidentiality.

It appears that one of the big reasons that The Times was able to learn about and report on the warrantless eavesdropping is that at least a dozen people in government agencies, including the NSA, were so worried about the legality and propriety of the eavesdropping that they were willing to talk to The Times on condition of being granted anonymity.

King George, however, has ordered an investigation. He wants to find out who these people were and clap them in irons because they revealed his illegal conduct. It is possible that one way he might try to learn their identities is by subpoenaing the reporters in an effort to force them to reveal their sources or to confirm or deny various pieces of information. If this were to happen, The Times should fight him to the death, for freedom of the press to perform its first amendment duty of revealing governmental misconduct to the people -- the very duty mentioned by Justice Black in The Pentagon Papers Case -- would be deeply involved, as derivatively would be the safeguarding of the freedom of citizens themselves.

It has been said before here that, in terms of the purposes of the first amendment, prominent among which is the revelation of governmental misconduct so that it can be stopped, there is a vast difference between governmental insiders revealing such misconduct to the press on an anonymous, confidential basis in the hope that it may thereby be stopped, as occurred in the electronic surveillance case, and government insiders using the press, on an anonymous, confidential basis, in order to further governmental misconduct, as Libby, Rove and Cheney have done on the Valerie Plame case. If we want to carry out the first amendment purpose of stopping governmental misconduct, there should be a privilege of confidentiality in the first case but not the second.

One suspects that the Times, as it should, will fight the government to the death if its reporters are subpoenaed in the warrantless surveillance case. For about a couple of months now, the paper's news columns (like some other media too) have regularly given the reasons why sources who revealed particular matters did so only on condition of anonymity. It is regularly said in news stories that sources required anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about a matter, or because a matter was classified, etc. This likely is being done partly as a result of the heat that has recently been put on the media for its prior vast overuse of anonymous sources without ever mentioning the fact, let alone the reason for it.

But doubtless it is also being done to build a record, a public record, of all the information that the paper (like other media) could bring to the public only by granting anonymity to sources who otherwise would not talk. One builds a record for a reason. Here the reason almost surely is to have a conveniently available public record of the importance of confidentiality in bringing important information to people should there be legal proceedings seeking to force reporters to reveal sources' identities or confidential information or documents, or should it prove necessary to seek state or federal legislation protecting the confidentiality of sources. So, as said, the Times (and other media too) seems to be preparing to fight if necessary, and one say more power to them in the warrantless surveillance matter, where our freedoms are at stake.

This brings me to the subject of Congress.

The institutional and individual rot in Congress has now been put on display in the electronic surveillance area. Here Congress was supposed to exercise oversight over the executive branch. The way this "oversight" was "exercised" was that a small number of legislators at the head of relevant committees would go to the White House, where Cheney and company would rapidly go through subjects that are claimed to be technical and complex. The legislators could bring no staff and were not allowed even to take notes -- how could any self respecting human being accept a condition under which he or she is told, has it imposed on him/her, is ordered , that he/she is not permitted to take notes on a serious and difficult subject but is expected nonetheless to learn and exercise oversight over it.

In addition to being allowed no staff and no notes, legislators say they were unable to discuss what they learned with anybody , lest they violate rules of classification and secrecy. When one of them, Jay Rockefeller, wished to register concerns in writing, he could not even have a secretary type the letter lest the secretary see what he was saying, and instead he had to send a handwritten letter. (And when one NSA official privately mentioned his concerns to a Congressional official, nothing ensued because "'People just looked the other way because they didn't want to know what was going on.'") How can grown men and women act so cravenly.

It has been said here many times that there should be impeachment because Bush and Cheney are plainly committing the felony of conspiracy to commit torture, which is punishable by up to life imprisonment and, being a felony, is an impeachable high crime or misdemeanor. No conservative has ever written or emailed to deny that they are violating the anti-torture statute, but thus far neither Congress nor the media have wanted to discuss this. Now Bush and Cheney are committing the felony of unlawful electronic surveillance in violation of the FISA, which is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and is likewise an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor. (Senator Boxer says that she heard John Dean say that Bush's recent admission about the surveillance is the first time that he, Dean, had ever heard a President admit to an impeachable offense.)

So now we know that Bush is guilty of at least two impeachable crimes. And many people think -- not implausibly -- that the distortions if not outright lies by which Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et. al., took us into war are themselves impeachable as political (albeit not legal) high crimes and misdemeanors.

Investigations are being discussed and censure is being mentioned. These actions may be, almost surely would be, politically easier than impeachment, but nothing can really substitute for it as a vehicle for stopping gross usurpations of power and ungodly distortions of the constitutional plan envisioned by the founders whom Bush and his fellow right wingers love to (falsely) cite.

The confirmation of Samuel Alito should also be affected, although, like impeachment, this probably won't happen even though it should happen. By rights, as it were, Alito's confirmation hearings should be put off until after full hearings are held, perhaps by the Senate Judiciary Committee, into the question of the gross usurpations of power by the Executive. Otherwise, at least if one assumes Congress might impeach and convict Bush/Cheney, or at minimum will issue a formal censure of them, we are likely to get yet another Supreme Court Justice nominated by an unsurper to carry out his views, including views of presidential power. (If memory serves, the Republicans stopped Abe Fortas from gaining a higher judicial position when Lyndon Johnson, who nominated him, had become thoroughly discredited, and one is hard pressed to understand any principled reason why the situation should be different now.)

But, assuming as one does that Alito's nomination hearings will go forward as scheduled, it is more important than ever for Senators on the Judiciary Committee to ask him sharp, short, penetrating questions about his views of Presidential power, questions of the type Senator Specter had submitted to Harriet Miers. It is similarly important that Senators demand full, candid answers to those questions, rather than letting Alito get away with the humbug they let John Roberts get away with, and that Senators reject Alito if his answers indicate that he would or might support, and would not necessarily vigorously oppose, the kind of constitutional distortions, the kind of overweening, freedom-destroying executive supremacy, sought by the usurper of power who nominated him.

We cannot remain a free country with the Bush/Cheney view of the Executive uber alles -- a view at the opposite pole from the framers' desire for a government where, precisely to avoid tyranny, the legislature is supreme as between the two political branches, and the Senate should not confirm to the Supreme Court a man who will not pledge to oppose this usurpation, this destruction of the constitutional plan.

Lawrence R. Velvel is the Dean of Massachusetts School of Law. He can be reached at

*This essay represents the personal views of Lawrence R. Velvel.
> Staying the course
> By James Carroll
> The Boston Globe
> Monday 26 December 2005
> American intelligence was proving itself
> inadequate to the challenge. The president appointed a
> special commission to make recommendations. The year
> was 1954. The commission chairman was James Doolittle,
> the retired bomber general who had led the first air
> raid against Tokyo.
> "It is now clear," he stated in his report to
> President Eisenhower, "that we are facing an
> implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world
> domination by whatever means and whatever cost. There
> are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms
> of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is
> to survive, longstanding concepts of 'fair play' must
> be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage
> and counter-espionage services, and must learn to
> subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemies by more
> clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods
> than those used against us. It may be necessary that
> the American people be made acquainted with,
> understand, and support this fundamentally repugnant
> philosophy."
> Sound familiar? Again and again, in the year now
> ending, the American people have been told by their
> leaders that strategies based on a new "repugnant
> philosophy" are required if the nation is to survive
> the challenge facing it. Forbidden incendiary weapons
> must be used in urban settings. Prisoners of war must
> be deprived of Geneva protections. Aggressive
> interrogations of enemies must approach torture.
> Commitments to provide US combat forces with adequate
> protective gear must be forsworn. Extrajudicial
> kidnapping of bad people must be justified. Allies
> must be pressured into joining secret networks of
> detention camps.
> Human rights standards must be jettisoned.
> Traditional obligations to the United Nations must be
> ignored. Treaties that limit action can be cast aside.
> Distinctions between foreign and domestic espionage
> must be left behind, with US citizens subject to
> unmonitored surveillance by military agencies. Public
> libraries must be regarded as government peepholes.
> The lawyer-client privilege must no longer be regarded
> as sacrosanct. The press must be recruited into the
> project of information management. Dissent must be
> labeled as treason.
> A great American erosion has occurred this year,
> and only now are the contours of what is lost becoming
> apparent. Much more is at stake than the abandonment
> of "longstanding concepts of 'fair-play' " of which
> Doolittle wrote. To "subvert, sabotage, and destroy"
> what threatens us, we have begun to subvert, sabotage,
> and destroy what protects us: the mutuality of solemn
> compacts abroad, fundamental safeguards of the
> Constitution at home. Because the justifying "state of
> emergency" is an open-ended war, the trashing of
> "hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct" will be
> permanent. Get used to it.
> Doolittle proposed a break with American
> traditions and laws for the sake of far more
> aggressive responses to Soviet communism. The year he
> did so saw the initiation of unprecedented American
> covert actions in Iran and Vietnam, with unhappy
> consequences that reverberate to this day. But
> Doolittle's remained a minority report in the annals
> of US government responses. Eisenhower was neither as
> freaked out by what threatened as his commission
> chairman, nor as indifferent to basic decency as a
> standard of national identity. To Doolittle's credit,
> he and those who saw things his way understood
> themselves as occupying the country's shadows. They
> knew enough to be ashamed of what they thought was
> necessary.
> Where is the shame in Washington today? How does
> Donald Rumsfeld not blush in the presence of the
> soldiers he so routinely betrays? How does Dick Cheney
> maintain that straight face, treating core values as a
> joke? The recasting of the nation's moral meaning - a
> blatant embrace of ends-justify-the-means - is
> happening in plain daylight. No shadows here.
> Every time the Bush administration is caught in
> one of its repugnant purposes (Thank God, again this
> year, for Seymour Hersh), the White House declares its
> intention to stay the course. Torture? Wiretapping?
> Kidnapping? Deceit? The president's eyes widen: Trust
> me, he says with a twisted smile. Then he leans closer
> to display a snarling defiance. The combination
> reduces his critics to sputters.
> Perhaps Bush's savviest achievement has been to
> make the public think that Rumsfeld and Cheney are the
> dark geniuses behind the administration's malevolence.
> If Bush is taken as too shallow to have a fascist
> ideology; as too weak to stick with hard policies that
> undermine democracy; as a religious nutcase whose
> apocalyptic fantasies don't matter; as a man, in sum,
> the average citizen can regard as slightly less than
> average - then what he is pulling off will not be
> called by its proper name until it is too late. 2005?
> Oh yes, that was the year of the coup.

The balance of power that protect citizens of our democratic country is systematicly being stripped away by the president and his select pact, and make a mockery of the constitution.

During the Clinton years many of the same Congressman and Senators in particular wasted taxpayers money on an investigation and impreachment proceeding for the nothing more than a consenting relationship between two consenting adults, however,this president thru manipulation of the facts has killed many of our men and women and has made a mockery of our government. He now has resorted to spying on our citizens without the warrants necessary, we are well on our way to a communistic government and Congress and the Senate are sitting idly by. It time for a movement to remove not only President Bush but also Vice President Cheney and if the broke the laws they both should stand trial and in fact I believe they both should be tried in the World Court for War Crimes and Crimes against humanity.

It is time that Bush was held accountable for all the "mistakes" that he has taken "Responsibility" for. The "No Child left behind" bill will close a school if they have not made progress for 3 consecutive years. Bush has taken responsibility for more than 3 "mistakes" and has made many, many more. It is time that, like the schools, he was held responsible and was removed from office, by being impeached.
This, unfortunately, won't be possible unless there is a Democratic congress elected next November. This should be an incentive for Democrats to get out and vote and, in the meanwhile, keep the pressure up.

Not that long ago it seemed like both houses of Congress could not impeach President Clinton fast enough for a non-issue. Show me anyone
of either sex willing to go on national TV and admit to the world, plus their spouse and children, they cheated on their marriage. That was about all they had after that long and costly investigation that turned up zilch!

I have been calling for articles of impeachment since it became very apparent there was nothing in Iraq causing us danger. One thing people forget was that a meglomaniac like Saddam Hussein would never tolerate someone like Osama Bin Laden to outshine him in popularity.
His kind never can, plus Iraq was in quarantine for almost ten years and the country of Iraq had almost nothing, Saddam kept everything for himself. They have found enormous amounts of money he had and probably many secret bank accounts.

This president led us into a war through lies and manipulation. He allowed torture to prisoners by simply stating the Geneva Convention did not cover them in which the courts and congress did nothing which makes them accomplices after the fact. He continues to allow torture and instituted kidnapping of foreign citizens off the streets of their country and secretely sent them to places like Afaganistan and Uzbekistan, who has the delightful practice of placing someones body part in a vat of boiling oil, to obtain information!

If someone stuck my arm in a vat of boiling oil, I'd quickly tell them anything, I would even tell them my mother was Osama Bin Laden's boss, bless her soul.

Now on top of all that it's found out that he ordered spying on the American people and has the nerve to be defiant about it. As one person said, Bush doesn't need the Patriot Act, he makes up his own rules as he goes along!

I believe that it is away past time to bring articles of impeachment
plus brought up on crimes against humanity, the same charges the top Nazis were at the Nuremburg trial. The invasion of Iraq, on orders of George Bush was identical in almost every way as the invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939 on orders of Adolf Hitler!

I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and I have never even made an international phone call, or sent international mail, e mail or otherwise. I refinanced my home, and the loan officer told me to hold the checks because my name came up somewhere, and they have to verify me by my S.S.#. The next day I was told it is ok to cash the checks. However, the loan officer wasn't able to provide me with the entity who had me under survielence. Now my phone dials out repeatedly while in a conversation, and no one is on another extension. Also, my alarm went haywire, and the alarm co. said it was in the phone line. The phone company tested the line and found it to be trouble free. i am not anti goverment, and I love America. Tell someone to please stop.

Dear Anonymous in Pennsylvania:
This is called E-harrassment, and is another technique employed by the Shadow Government to harrass (go figure) and further terrify the populace! Do a Google search on E-harrassment, Gang-stalking and Revenge! It Will Boggle Your Mind!!!! It is this type of thing-along with numerous other issues pertaining to this same Shadow Government-that got me into trouble! I have been through many of the same things, but, in my case, I would have to say, I have given them a reason! I am stirring the hornet's nest, so to speak!
One wonders how I, along with thousands, and now-thank God-maybe MILLIONS of Americans, first became aware that something was rotten in the State of Washington DC?? It began for me as a "feeling" in my solar plexus know the something is just not right! Or should I say Right? I then began my search for some answers and truth, which, in turn, led me to more and more information regarding the atrocities that are being perpetrated upon the American People! I am currently reading a novel that is fictional, yet based in Nazi Germany in the mid 1930's. The similarities are truly frightening! In fact, I have accessed one website that declared that America, 2005 is very similar to Germany circa 1930!! How did we let this happen?? Too much time spent in front of the "boob tube" watching Friends and Jerry Springer and Seinfield (sp?) and the ridiculous Soaps, that's why! I am not trying to be insulting, really. I have been guilty of complacency as much as the next person...although I must admit, I hate television!!
So, what in the heck do we do now, America? They want to take our guns, but, believe me, they have technology that far outstrips that 12 gauge you have in the closet and the pistol you keep under your bed! Ever heard of Scalar Waves? Extreme Low Frequency? Yup, this sort of info didn't win ME any brownie points with the 'ole spooks!!LOL Seriously. We need to become educated and we need to do it now! How about RFID? Veri-chip? HAARP? I could go on and on, even though I had promised my family I wouldn't for my own safety's sake!
I would like to make the suggestion that every single American undergo a complete paradigm shift in their concept of reality and WAKE UP!! This stuff is real, it's happening now and it is gonna get worse, if we, as a Nation, do not band together and put our collective FOOT DOWN! This is America...the land of the free, and the home of the brave...remember? Sigh...why do I still feel that I am talking to myself? At least the percentage of the "Sheeple" (I think it was Cheney who coined that phrase) is getting lower; while the percentage of enlightenend Americans is getting higher!! YEAH!! Score one for our side!
Not trying to steal anyone's thunder here, but if anyone is interested in knowing more, I would be happy to educate you! I have done this for all of my family and friends. Most of them believe it...but cannot grasp it! I can totally relate to that, also! I underwent my own paradigm shift in reality when I began researching this crap!! Can you say STRESS?


I would second the motion, but I think it would kill the retard! I don't want him dead...I want him SHAMED!!!

I've got news for you; it's already been done. Remember Jeff Gannon, or James Guckert? The only question here is: who's been blowing who?

O, how I laughed and laughed
When you think of the "vas deferens" between what Clinton did and what Bushie has done
How funny and ironical and what perfect justice it would be to take him "down" that way!
O, ha, ha, ha!!

On June 30 2005 Veterans for Peace called for the impeachment of George Bush. Read the press release here .167 Veterans for Peace chapters around the country are doing great work opposing the agenda of the Bush cabal. To find a chapter near you go to

As the bush administration goes forward with a war largely fought by the poor rural and city more of them die because Big Money wanted control in the Middle East...and hired GW Bush to get it for them. We must ask ourselves if we still have the common integrity we have held so high in our past generations... and stand up for what is right. Are we like another wednesday night sitcom that laughs at our horrible mistakes and goes right on hurting people? We have to step back, gather what's left of our will to do what's right; and then step forward - and demand the insanity come to an end. Demand that everyone involved in perpertating this war be stripped of not only thier status - but thier money as well. No matter how much the combined payment could be; it will never be enough to counter the deaths of so many ...Americans, Iraquis, Germans, British , Japanese...the list goes on.

Stand up America. You know in your heart this is wrong. Stand up and put it right.
Most sincerely,
Rod Stoick

Censure is to good for Bush ,and this Administration.To Censure this Corrupt Administration is like giving them a T-Bone Steak, with the Finest Salad,and the World Best Wine.When the word Censure was brought up for President Clinton the Republicans screamed oh no,with the constant repeat of the words Rule Of Law, was their cry.And Clinton was wrong but just had a little pleasure.Now what this Administration has done ,and to Spy on Americans also is just unbelieveable.IMPEACH,IMPEACH,IMPEACH,AND MORE IMPEACH IS THE ONLY JUSTICE THAT SHOULD BE SERVED.

Yes, yes, yes. I have been saying to anyone who will or will not listen that Bush deserves to be impeached because he took this nation to war unnecessarily.

I have written four sets of letters to my congressmen opposing the war, getting the Republican view of support for Bush and the Democratic view of a range of opposition.

To die in war for a just cause is difficult but to die in war for an unjust war initiated by an incompetant president and followed by those motivated by greed will call down the wrath of the people and of God.

OK, OK, Impeach him. But that's not going to solve the problem. Do you REALLY think anyone as dumb and emotionally screwed-up (he's gotta have a massive inferiority complex...kinda like Napoleon)) as Bush could do this all by himself? Obviously not. He's a puppet, a figurehead. Look closely at the proceedings against Bill Clinton. WHO FUNDED THAT MESS??? Millions of dollars came from shadowy Republican Right Wing manipulators to try to break Clinton and discredit the Democratic party. Our problem is that we are trying to get rid of Bush and his cohorts and handlers HONESTLY. If Clinton or any other Dem had pulled HALF of what Bush has, there'd be Special Prosecutors all over the place. Shining the spotlight on the people Bush takes his orders from, and going after THEM, is the key.

you are absolutley right The strings to this puppet go threw Chaney to the pentagon. They want there funding back to cold war days. Chaney says that the power of the president is deminished and he wants to return it to a Nixon level of powerr. That means money and forward bases as it was in the 60's

As much as I hate Rumsfeld he was a break on the generals for walking away with the whole army.

My best bet is that the Military planners want there army on bases world wide so they can wholesale their services to nations with rebel conflicts. Let alone that the military is adept at unstabalizing power where ever they go.

The problem being that they will control whoever is in the white house Dem or Republican.

Armies make Ceasars and we are no different

Stating that Bush is mainly a figurehead is correct. You can get many details of the right-ist onslaught and its historical development from the book: The Republican Noise Machine by David Brock. A good reference with an unfortunate title. We cannot underestimate the force of Rove's grooming W for his role, however. And W is a formidable character, despite his intellectual deficiencies. Beyond his smart alec bullying, is the fact that he is a non-recovering alcoholic. The main agenda for those who stop drinking but don't do the "work" is power. Mix that with religiosity and you can expect chaos and destruction. Which is all we will get from the likes of the Bush-Cheney Cabal. And, we cannot underestimate the corporate power supporting and directing the visible players. This is an ugly and dangerous game that must be stopped. We carry on~

I promised my family that I would no longer refer to these organizations by name after I was banned twice from the AOL message boards and had my visit from the "Black Helicopter" (I'm not kidding) but I just wanted to state that, yes, Virginia, there IS an Evil Cabal in control of our Government and they have been around, in secret, for decades, if not centuries!! Can we stop them? I doubt it.

I'm all for people like ourselves knowing or learning the REAL truth of the matter at hand. The puppetmaster is big daddy George H.W. Bush.
Listed as my homepage on this site is a link that will take you to detailed reports from former members of this clan, and the way that it was all set up by Prescott Bush. These masters of deception are finally getting lost in their misguided world. Nothing but trouble from this point on, I hope. Meanwhile, everybody that you know should know about this website that describes the infinate details. It's called, or just click on my link, or name, and it will bring you an article full of juicy details. Keep on livin'.

PNAC !!!!! Won't someone in Congress, the media, or anywhere else please, please, PLEASE look into this bunch of crazies who are now in control of what was OUR government? I am sure that there is more there than the "conservative think tank" they pretend to be, for them to wield the ammount of influence they do. Most people I talk to are unaware of their existance, let alone the hold they have on our daily lives.

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