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Tell 'em again

It's been eighty-one (81) days since H. Res. 333 was introduced. Where is the justice in the Judiciary Committee?

Contact the House Judiciary Committe:

House Judiciary Committee


It's been eighty (80) days since H. Res. 333 was introduced. Where is the justice in the Judiciary Committee?

Contact the House Judiciary Committe:

House Judiciary Committee

Kick Cheney out of the Senate & right out of the government

None of the Senators have to wait for the House to send a bill of impeachment on Cheney to the Senate. Cheney claims he is the President of the Senate. Article I, section 3 of the Constitution confirms that he is. And, Article I, section 5 allows a two-thirds concurrence of Senators to expel any member - in this case the Vice President - from office. That's only 66 votes, not the 218 needed in the House.

Get rid of those old 2004 bumper stickers

Our Constitution  

George Bush took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" (Art. II, Sect. 1, Clause 8). TWICE. Dick Cheney and every other elected official took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic" (United States Code, Title 5, Part III, Subpart B, Chapter 33, Subchapter II , ß 3331). Everyone serving in the Armed Forces of the United States took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States..." If they aren't doing that, if they are obeying the illegal orders and signing statements of George Bush and Dick Cheney (the 4th branch of the government) they need to be fired, recalled or impeached. And, if they escape their fate; certainly not reelected. Emphasis added throughout.

And that means officials like Senators Biden, Brownback, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Hagel and Obama and Representatives Kucinich, Paul, and Thompson; all of whom are running for the office of President of the United States - supposedly (but, not certainly) the office described in Article II.

Pigstock 2007: De la Vega, Miles, Rowley, Wright...

Come to Pigstock 2007, the Upper Midwest Veterans for Peace Regional Retreat 8 am - midnight on 14 July 2007
Pigstock 2007  

5th Annual PIGSTOCK (July 14, 2007)

On July 14 we will hold our annual peace gathering, Pigstock, at Schaefers’ Pig Wisdom Farm* in Hager City, Wisconsin. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Chapter 115, everyone welcome. This year’s Pigstock includes:

If only it were 1782 again

10 July 1956 - In God We Trust wins on a technicality - usurps E Pluribus Unum as national motto

"In God We Trust" is the current national motto of the United States and also the motto for the state of Florida. It was declared as such by an act of Congress in 1956. Though some believe that this Act displaced an already existing national motto, E Pluribus Unum meaning "out of many, (is) one" , the Congressional Record version of the legislation stated: "At the present time the United States has no national motto. The committee deems it most appropriate that 'In God we trust' be so designated as our national motto." E Pluribus Unum was, in fact, a motto that was one of three voted and approved for the national seal in 1782, but it was never voted, by any legislative act, as "the national motto."

and they say they're are too busy to impeach...
Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:15:20

The most “do-nothing” of them all

Does it seem like Congress is getting less done than usual this year? Well, it’s true. Congress has enacted fewer bills in the last six months than in any first-six-months period after an election going back at least to 1993. I don’t have bill data going further back than that, so I don’t know just how “do-nothing” our Congress is. We’ve had 42 enacted bills so far this year, compared to the average of 94 for the similar time periods in the previous seven Congresses — so about half as much.

Sacrifice is for suckers

New York Times
4 July 2007

On this Fourth of July, President Bush compared the Iraq war to the Revolutionary War, and called for “more patience, more courage and more sacrifice.” Unfortunately, it seems that nobody asked the obvious question: “What sacrifices have you and your friends made, Mr. President?”

On second thought, there would be no point in asking that question. In Mr. Bush’s world, only the little people make sacrifices.

Take just a few moments

333 Count Up  
It's been seventy seven (77) days since H. Res. 333 was introduced. Where is the justice in the Judiciary Committee?

House Judiciary Committee

Find your U.S. Representative

Daily Kos article: Forget the Leadership. Convince the Judiciary Committee.

30 seconds on peace

The big obstacle the peace movement faces is that peace was not articulated as one of the founding principles of our constitutional system. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is the identified goal. “To form a more perfect union” is the identified goal. Peace is, unfortunately, the unspoken prerequisite of our system. So how are we going to get Americans off their couches and away from their infotainments for peace, for justice, for anything other than selfish ego?

Impeachment Wisconsin: update

Selected Letters to the Editor from local Wisconsin papers.


From The Capital Times, Wed Jul 4 2007
Dear Editor: On Monday, George W. Bush blew us all off. In commuting the sentence of his vice president's fall guy, Scooter Libby, Bush put on his frat boy smirk and raised his middle finger to all of us. Happy Fourth of July, America. Bush would have his few remaining supporters believe that he knows better than the prosecutor he appointed, the judge who tried Libby's case, the jury who heard it, and the appeals court that upheld their verdict.

Who's guilty? Atticus Finch on justice and lies

Who is Tom Robinson here? Who is Mayella Violet here? Who is Atticus Finch here? To Kill a Mockingbird is a parable of right and wrong set against the backdrop of racism in the new Old South. The questions it poses and the lessons it teaches are as applicable today as they were in 1962. Who is George Bush here? Who is the American people here? What the hell is going on now, at this moment, here in America? Jim Crow or some other bloody foolishness?

Remember Flight 655

Then something happened that psychologists call "scenario fulfillment" - you see what you expect. Petty Officers Anderson and Leach both began singing out that the aircraft, now definitively tagged on the big screen as an F-14, was descending and picking up speed. The tapes of the CIC's data later showed no such thing. Anderson's screen showed that the plane was traveling 380 knots at 12,000 feet and climbing. Yet Anderson was shouting out that the speed was 455 knots, the altitude 7,800 feet and descending.” The inside story of how an America naval vessel blundered into an attack on Iran Air 655 at the height of tensions during the Iran-Iraq War, and how the Pentagon tried to cover its tracks after 290 innocent civilians died. Newsweek, July 13, 1992.

Tell Warner, Davis, and Wolf to Take a Stand on Iraq

Who: You, Leslie Byrne, John Bruhns, Bishop Jim Burch, Marty Martinez, Tony Teolis, and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq

What: Demand that Sen. John Warner, Rep. Tom Davis, and Rep. Frank Wolf quit stalling and Take a Stand on Iraq.

When: Friday, 6 July, 11 AM

Where: Ernst Community Cultural Center, Seminar Room A, on the Annandale campus of Northern Virginia Community College 4001 Windchapel Rd, Annandale, VA 22003

Report: 4J - Madison, WI


I attended the Madison Impeachment rally at Capital Square today. There were about 75-100 in the crowd. We had several speakers, and yes, I took the mike. It wasn't bad at all (I tend to shy away from public speaking, but my passion for justice and my desire to start a Madison chapter of was too important). I introduced myself as a member of the Minneapolis Chapter of and now the organizer of, Madison Chapter.

Impeachment at Gay Pride Minneapolis

Impeach for Peace at the Minneapolis Gay Pride Fest 2007. Selling bumper stickers at the incredible low price of 30 cents each (50 for $10 - that's a unit price of 20 cents each). We the People IMPEACH t-shirts went for $10 each. People, you would'a have to 'av been born in 1923 to has seen prices like that! The key to merchandise sales - use local businesses and undercut all corporate prices. It' not the price that matters, it's how much you make per sale.

New - Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream


Ice cream review by Dan Fearn
Impeachment Grunt and special correspondent on cuisine affairs for the After Downing Street Coalition.

Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream Ice Cream by Ben & Jerry’s.
Vanilla Ice Cream with Fudge Covered Waffle Cone Pieces & a Caramel Swirl

South Bend, IN

march of the people  
It was great to host Mario in South Bend while he traveled through our area. Our Wednesday schedule included a vigil with the fabulous peace community in Goshen, a dinner for South Bend peace community, a rally in South Bend with music by local musicians including our own Joe Tashetta on banjo and drummers from the Unitarian Church. Press coverage included Fox 28 news with an interview with Mario and great shots of the rally and p2 picture of Mario in the South Bend Tribune. Five marchers stepped off with Mario the morning as he left South Bend. Great response from the local community to “Honk for Peace”. We love you, Mario.

Kathy, Scott, Wes and Sierra

Don't stop at Obama - tell'em all to impeach Bush & Cheney

I'm not voting for any candidate that doesn't know the meaning of the oath of office he or she will take. If you want my vote, you'd better stand up for OUR Constitution. It' not just "a damn piece of paper."



Web Contact Pages:

Declare your independence fools

From: Daniel I. Fearn, Impeachment Grunt
To: Fellow Citizens

Subj: The Accountability Movement

Date: 27 June 207

1. I’ve been working to impeach Bush and Cheney for two and a half years now. Some of us for longer. Unlike the peace movement, the accountability movement has gained in power and influence. True it’s mostly due to Bush intractability and Cheney’s unpopularity; but, while the peace movement has been largely brushed aside by the administration, nobody can ignore the impeachment movement anymore.


Clinton RICCO  

SVO-6/24/07-The Salmon Valley Observer and The White Rose Press

New Yorkers have stopped begging and have called on the laws of the United States for relief from the wars of corporate

Chesterton, IN

March of the People-Red  
March of the People
March for Peace
Walk to End the War

Fellow Peacelovers,

I joined Mario yesterday as he walked from Gary to Chesterton , IN. We did 19.48 miles according to MapQuest and could have done many more if not for taking a break in the afternoon to join the weekly rally against the war and occupation in Highland , IN. The all day rain didn’t seem to deter anyone’s spirits.

Rewriting the Constitution and...

President of the Senate Richard B. Cheney rewrites the Code of the United States.
New Oath  
And, why should member of the Senate Cheney have Secret Service protection?

Questions people asked me over the weekend

I spent more than 24 hours of the 23-24 June 2007 weekend answering questions about impeachment at the Gay Pride Festival 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

An individual threw my statement that an average of 2.29 soldiers were being killed in Iraq every day back in my face.
A: I’m sorry they are dead. But we can save those that are still alive.
C: Yeh, yeh, yeh.

The unexpurged translation

2002 Nights  

The other Jericho's walls

Damn, this is just too damn much like all the failed ideas coming out of the peace movement. Can’t we justice people do better than honking for impeachment? Set aside my pride of authorship and even my Blackout of National Shame had more merit than this.

Honking, hell, stop your car and get out.

If all the honkers just stopped their cars, refused to participate in our twice daily ritual serving the gods of profit and oil; it might have some impact. But, no. Honking is just too damn much like what our lame Congressional allies do. Make lots of sound with no motion.

Speaking Events



August 2-6: Peace and Democracy Conference at Democracy Convention in Minneapolis, Minn.


September 22-24: No War 2017 at American University in Washington, D.C.


October 28: Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference

Find more events here.


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