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But, perhaps they are...

Not Fascists  

4A March - Rochester, NY

Rochester 4A March  

Chapter 23 of the Veterans for Peace participating in the 4th Anniversar of the Invasion of Iraq march. SUV with 9/11 Truth messages heading down East St. in Rochester, NY on 18 March 2007. Contact Jim Barlow at

On your conscience be it

Cost of Calculation  

Real Politik is deadly even when its played by peace supporters.

Who's running...and for what

Who's Running  

Without an impeachment, Barack Obama won't be the first black President of the United States and Hilary Rodham Clinton won't be the first woman President of the United States. There will never again be another President of the United States of any sort or ilk.



Candidate Kucinich,

Former President of the United States, John Quincy Adams, was returned to the U.S. Congress by his neighbors. While a Representative of the People he conducted a lonely parliamentary campaign against those who would defy the U.S. Constitution. Adams didn't break the law in his effort to overturn the gag rules enacted prevent the exercise of the right to petition guaranteed by the First Amendment. No, Adams used the Law and his wits to mock the slavocracy every chance he had. Eventually, he won his battle in the House of Representatives. Our Constitution functions to this day thanks to Adams' perseverance and the power of the aspirations that form the foundation of our country's founding documents.

Only a pawn in their game

Date: 2007-03-19 10:55:30

Like many who joined the all-volunteer military, I was an economic conscript. Though I wouldn't have admitted it when I enlisted, it's clear that that was the case. In my hometown of 700, there was no real opportunity for someone to "make it" without going to college. And that wasn't an option for me at the time.

20 March: DIY Impeachment Wave

DIY Impeachment
Download the petition for memorial and send it to Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.

Read article. / Download DIY Impeachment petition of memorial.

The 'Support our Troops' Myths

Published on Thursday, March 15, 2007 by
by Ira Chernus

Are you hoping those spineless Democrats in Congress will cut off the money for the war? Well don’t hold your breath. Even a stalwart liberal like Barney Frank demurs, explaining that “it’s a high-risk thing” -- a high risk to the Dems’ chances of winning next year’s election, because most voters clearly do not want war funds cut now. That includes a surprisingly big chunk of voters who oppose the war. They say openly that it’s a disastrous mistake, but they don’t want Congress to best thing it can do to end the war.

God's Dupes

Published on Friday, March 16, 2007 by the Los Angeles Times
by Sam Harris

Moderate believers give cover to religious fanatics -- and are every bit as delusional.

PETE STARK, a California Democrat, appears to be the first congressman in U.S. history to acknowledge that he doesn't believe in God. In a country in which 83% of the population thinks that the Bible is the literal or "inspired" word of the creator of the universe, this took political courage.

When you march for peace - walk the walk...

Peace When  


Republicans: NEVER
Democrats: Not while in office
Greens: NOW!

There will be not peace without justice.
Without impeachment there will be no justice.
Therefore, we must IMPEACH FOR PEACE.

Living in a Monty Python world

Why haven’t the Democrats impeached Bush yet? Why haven’t the Republicans? Why are our troops still in Iraq? And, why are they getting ready to go into Iran? I don’t have the answers. But, I do have a suggestion. Are you tired of politicians with too little backbone and less brain?

Then, blow off some steam. Have a good laugh. It’s supposed to lower your blood pressure. Watch Monty Python’s Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I did and it worked wonders.

I thoroughly enjoyed the comic virtuosity of the Python japesters. But, I was also astonished by their prescient jocosity. Monty Python seems to have predicted the entire misrule of the Bush administration.

Watch these clips and see if you don’t agree.

DIY Bumper sticker 3-pak

No Impeachment  

IMPEACHMENT - still the People's work


Impeachment is still the People's work. That is as true under the Democrats as it was under the Republicans. George Bush is not amenable to the kinds of pressure we can bring to bear; but, other politicians are. The more politicians rely on big money to win office the less they care about what their constituents want. The more politicians have to rely on voters alone, that's most local politicians; the more they are vulnerable. The realities of popular organizing and sentiment still operate regardless of which party controls the executive or legislative branches.

Therefore, all pressure is good pressure. Write to your "public servants" and ask them what they are doing to safeguard your rights. Faced with Unitary Executive Bush, they should be doing something.

Blind Liberty  

Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 4

War Crimes/Geneva Violations

To article.

Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 3

The illegal leaking of 'cherry picked' info from a classified NIE

To article.

Get to work, Congress!

IfP Magna  

Congress could be using the mining shovel called impeachment to get us out. Instead, they are using a tablespoon from "off the table".


And three if already occupying the White House

Paul Revere  


This country is seriously in need of another "midnight ride" to wake up to the facts of the Bush administration. Help sound the alarm. Join IFP-Boston, today.

die Weiße Rose

White Rose  

"You know as well as we do that the war is lost. Why are you so cowardly that you won't admit it?" - Sophie Scholl to Roland Freislar, the head judge of the Volksgerichtshof or People’s Court.

Sophie Scholl, her brother Hans, and fellow combat veteran, Christophe Probst were tried and guillotined the same day (22 February 1943) for their activities as part of the White Rose. The White Rose was an indigenous, nonviolent resistance movement active in leafleting fellow Germans in late 1942 and early 1943 despite tremendous and obvious risk.

Please spend a moment or two today and ponder the reasons (or unreasons) why so few Americans seem to have the courage to admit the truth of Iraq and the Bush administrations. And why, so few, despite the obviously miniscule by comparison risks today; are pursuing anything like resistance.

The Real American Entrepreneurial Spirit

One Minnesotan small business person takes a stand against Bush & Co.

Auntie Em Sign  

Auntie Em Facade  

Nancy Locken, owner of Auntie Em's bookstore for young readers in Minneapolis, believes we need to drive Bush out of office. "I just couldn't take it anymore, so I put up the sign." She hasn't just put a sign in her store front, she offers her customers a free sign with any purchase.

Speaking Events



August 2-6: Peace and Democracy Conference at Democracy Convention in Minneapolis, Minn.


September 22-24: No War 2017 at American University in Washington, D.C.


October 28: Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference

Find more events here.


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